gopower2024 -63 points ago +3 / -66

Tell us more about these "global elites" and how an imaginary group holds more power than the CCP and Russia which have actual spies within the American government.

gopower2024 -36 points ago +3 / -39

Please tell us more about your in depth knowledge. Speaking of depths, are you typing this from a tunnel in the dirt?

gopower2024 -47 points ago +5 / -52

Imagine thinking that a small democracy that is surrounded by inbreds on all sides is influencing the world stormfag delusion knows no bounds..

gopower2024 -69 points ago +3 / -72

Nothing like a good old skinhead rant to bring out the anti semites.

gopower2024 -21 points ago +3 / -24

Exactly. There is no such thing as palestine. It is a fake place that never existed. We should be thankful Israel will smoke out that rat hole once and for all.

gopower2024 -25 points ago +3 / -28

How is Israel a racial ethno state when multiple ethnicities reside within its borders?

gopower2024 -20 points ago +3 / -23

Fake drifting inbreds can't figure out how to farm is the problem here. Much like the Africans, they blame the superior race for being smart enough to use the land. Time to go extinct goat lovers.

gopower2024 -3 points ago +1 / -4

Ah, stormfags are back, didn't you take a break from jerking to Japanese cartoons and posting Hitler memes from your mothers basement?

gopower2024 -3 points ago +3 / -6

Because nothing is happening in Gaza. They are bot starving and even have free time to behead jewish babies.

gopower2024 -18 points ago +2 / -20

Civilized people. This forum is also not a place for your sneaky anti semitic comments.

gopower2024 -20 points ago +2 / -22

Anti semitism will never be allowed on a major platform. Stormfags may succeed in getting this bill canned but it will return later under a different name and it will pass. Then you stormfags will have to go back to grooming kids elsewhere.

gopower2024 -32 points ago +1 / -33

It. Wasn't a thing.

gopower2024 -2 points ago +1 / -3

So irrelevant that Jew hatred is at an all time high. Its either stormfags or muzzies, which one are you?

gopower2024 -20 points ago +4 / -24

İll take things that never happened for $5 Mohhamed.

gopower2024 -22 points ago +5 / -27

Exactly. Stormfags trying to protect groomer just because they cant stop hating their fantasy boogeyman.

gopower2024 -19 points ago +4 / -23

Hows the holes in the ground pally? Any 8 year olds in there?

gopower2024 -25 points ago +1 / -26

İf problematic information involves anti semitic content, there is an argument for that. But more often than not it jist ends up shitting down open spaces. Regardless, a modern democracy should be able to restrict public access to dangerous platforms like TikTok.

gopower2024 -33 points ago +5 / -38

İmagine supporting child grooming just to own da jooooz.

by ger111
gopower2024 -1 points ago +1 / -2

Mean while pedophiles are grooming kids on TikTok and This is the best you can come up with? İm noticing a pattern with you stormfags...always supporting child grooming and Aisha lovers...

gopower2024 -20 points ago +1 / -21

Post proof that Israel is killing babies. Oh thats right you can't. Thee is however proof of burned babies that the Gaza bottom feeders are directly responsible for.

gopower2024 -33 points ago +5 / -38

Or maybe you are just scared to tell us how you really feel about the Jews. Go ahead Amirmohamedstaffahitler....say it. Nobody will report you.

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