freedomlogic 6 points ago +6 / -0

Gawd Damn, I was reading an article a few months ago about this guy who was operating a site where it showed videos of this stuff.

He was somehow convincing people to do this shit and record it, like holy fuck thats just insane.

I dont know about you guys but even thinking about getting my penis lopped off freaks me right the fuck out.


I have a incredible sense of self preservation, I cant knowlingly hurt myself. Like with the freon, I had the sense a few people thought I was breathing the freon in intentionally. Either to get high or looking for a free check I dont know.

Had I known what the shit was capable of, I would have never taken the job given my family history. I would have fucking ran when they offered it to me after firing me and the driver so they could hire a moving company temporarily lmao to get the fridges and freezers. I did that shit for a couple years before they poisoned my ass with the refrigerant. Before that I had a job working 70 hours a week, no problem. Now I cant even do 10, not reliably anyway.

freedomlogic 6 points ago +6 / -0

They partly did this in 7 days to die.

Ive been playing that game for like 5 years, and I always played as the premade character Hank. He some grizzled old white dude and because im a old white dude I wanted to play as him.

Go to play 1.0, hank is now a black man with dreads lol.

The caucasion faces consist of forest gump mother fuckers with dumbo ears and a mexican face as the 5th preset.

Of course all the black and asian characters are decently well done, white guys just feel like some pleb pieces of shit.

I have tried three fucking times to make a character and I quit before I can finish every time. Im a white guy and my ears are flat against my head.

I cant hear shit from far away, but I can hear anything sneaking up on me.

freedomlogic 26 points ago +28 / -2

I also dont think your average person realizes how heavy armor and swords are. There cant be many women capable of carrying 100 lbs of metal on them everywhere they go. But thats sexist of course to say that the human species favors bigger males and smaller females for some odd reason.

I know its all divide and conquer. But I cant help but feel bitter sometimes. 99% of the people who fucked me over during my work injury were women, and they seemed to enjoy belittling me. A bit of Napoleon syndrome I guess.

I was a big boy even at a early age, and my momma used to read me stories about king arthur and she would tell me that I should use my strength for protecting others. (Some of that white supremacy the government seems to be terrified of. )

These people have never contemplated true power or what it takes to wield it, and not let it wield you. No wonder they power trip, well like little bitches.

freedomlogic 8 points ago +8 / -0

This was how it was always going to happen. People like buckminster fuller and carl sagan hoped that this would allow all humans to reap the benefits and pursue more mindly things.

But all its going to be is another way for the rich to become god kings, their goal the entire time. I may not believe in god per say, but I definitely believe in something and bits of the bible.

Like the part about greed.

The only thing musk is doing is making it a reality mtv show where they are trying to pit people against each other and buy as much time as possible. Seems to be working rather well.

freedomlogic 5 points ago +5 / -0

I was trying to think of a old movie about ww2 I believe. Its centered around a draftee from appalachia. I remember the opening has a quote something like "The scariest men in a war are the quiet nice ones."

I couldnt figure it out, im sure if I remember the name but searching up the premise gave me nothing.

My point being, how many women in ANY of the wars, including modern ones, have been awarded for taking out a entire platoon of enemies to save their squad? Are there even any?

I dont think I have ever heard of a woman jumping on a grenade either? Maybe that was just war propaganda about men anyway?

I seen a comment in r/canada the other day where someone said something along the lines of "i dont care what you are as long as you can push buttons". Implying that the only thing to modern war is staring at a screen.

You still need boots on the ground and it might be a good idea not to alienate what has been typically the main driving force of that. Young white men.

freedomlogic 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah apparently cincinatti was a huge area for the jewish people to settle.

It was a great location to coordinate their raping and plundering of the appalachian society. Turns out they were the ones that were helping exploit the people for resources like coal and iron. Basically just running banks and selling goods that helped suppressed the appalachian people from actually seeing any wealth from anything they mined or logged.

Instead they helped people like prescott bush (george bush sr's dad), form companys like buckeye steel. Just helping the rich get richer off the broken backs of the poor.

Im not trying to make shit up either, but this does appear to have some truth to it.

Mainstream article talking about how corporations exploited appalachians.


Around the turn of the 1900s, smooth-talking land agents from back east swept through the area, coaxing mountain people into selling the rights to the ground beneath them for cheap. One of Mullins’ ancestors received 12 rifles and 13 hogs—one apiece for each of his children, plus a hog for himself—in exchange for the rights to land that has since produced billions of dollars worth of coal. “I probably ended up mining a lot of that coal,” says Mullins, a broad-shouldered, bearded 38-year-old with an easy smile.

A questionable but valid article about the jews role in that.


The now-destitute White Southern families who wound up losing their family lands after the Second American Revolution had been self-sustaining and they had lived on their bequeathed land for generations, but now they were forced to go to work for the Jewish Rothschilds clan of financial pirates. Once bereft of their ancestral land holdings, these Appalachian Whites wound up working under the most atrocious and dangerous conditions as wage slaves while earning just barely enough to survive. These “Red Shields from Frankfurt” were only interested in the Appalachian Mountains because these parts hold vast deposits of very valuable coal which lie under the ground from one end of the Appalachians in Central Alabama to the other end of this mountain ranges of New Brunswick, Canada.

But this is what they do. A article about how they exploited the ghettos and black people in america. No wonder our government has wrote laws to protect these people, they seemed to be working together for sure.


How widespread has been the Jewish commercial exploitation in the slums and ghettos in America at-large? "Whites" (with the 80+ percent Jewish presence) were found to own about 47% of the stores in Central Harlem. [GANS, p. 5] A U.S. government Kerner Commission study of fifteen other American cities found parallel situations, that "39% of the ghetto storeowners were Jewish." As evidenced in Caplovitz's Harlem study, Black ownership was usually in small scale service establishments like barber and beauty shops; "whites" owned 74% of the food stores, 72% of the apparel stores, 89% of the hardware stores, furniture, and appliance stores, and over 60% of the liquor and drug stores. [GANS, p. 5] And as Cheryl Greenberg notes: "Walter White of the NAACP investigated anti-Jewish attitudes in the black community. His informal survey of black leaders around the country revealed widespread concern about Jewish business exploitation of African-Americans and a certain level of frustration of Jewish unresponsiveness to such problems ... Even Jewish civil rights agencies recognized the patronizing and occasionally racist behavior of Jewish store owners and launched programs in New York, Chicago, Miami, Detroit and several other cities to improve their interaction with the local African American community." [GREENBERG, C., 1998, p. 66]

So basically, they run the banks with extreme interest rates, they run the stores at extreme markups so that appalachians and black people couldnt escape poverty. Nowaways everyone is in the situation.

Real question though, did I just commit a anti semitism for pointing out their role in americas history?

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

If it were the CRA (canadian version). Id say hold onto the money as they would likely claw it back.

The federal and provincial governments forced everything to shut down for what was it 2-4 weeks? during covid. While walmart and the massive conglomerates got to stay open.

America got the stimulus checks, canada, we got rolled into employment insurance, given the money.

3 years later, they decided that they want all the money back lmao. I have no job, I cant pay it. Fucking retarded idiots. But they basically got every person to pay that money back.

While letting these massive corporations swindle the CRA for billions of dollars, along with the criminals filing massive tax fraud.

I guess its easier to go after the common taxpayer than it is to go after corporations and criminals ROFL. Useless incompetent fucks.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

So many canadians have already fled to places like america, I wouldnt be surprised if they wanted their country back.

While Canada may be experiencing record high population growth, there is an exodus of its citizens, with emigration or reverse immigration, surging this year. The outflow of citizens in the last three months has only been higher three other times in the past century, according to data from Statistics Canada. More and more Canadian residents are leaving to go live in foreign countries, with emigration up 3% in the last quarter.

In the last 73 years of data collection, only three other years have seen larger quarterly emigration numbers – 2016, 1967 and 1965. In 2016, a record high exodus occurred and that trend has continued with higher than average emigration becoming normalized. Quarterly outflows from 2016 onward have been almost 50% higher than previously. Canada is currently on track to hitting 79% of the outflow recorded last year, with 74,017 emigrants so far year to date.

The main question that this outflow raises is, if Canadians most familiar with the country see no opportunity in staying here, how could immigrants? The trend of onward migration, where immigrants arrive in Canada and then subsequently leave, has been steadily increasing since the 1980s. The number of permanent residents who pursued citizenship within 10 years of their arrival dropped by 40% between 2001 and 2021.

Immigrants are great, you can pay them super cheap, you can make landlords super rich, you can poison them, or kill them and then just deport/deny any compensation. Deny health services, no retirement fund. They are great, for the elite.

(Video by true north, same people who wrote the article I quoted.)

Why are so many people leaving Canada?


I have been reading about this for years, why would a doctor stay here and make a 120k a year when they could go to the states and live like rockstars in some of the rurual areas making more like 500k? Same with tech companys, most people who are actually innovative get out and work making more elsewhere.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

I feel like this is a asinine statement. Even I have ancestors who fled to canada during the american revolution. I dont hate them, but I think it was a dumb thing to do.

Entire familys still crisscross both countries, I wouldnt consider them "disposable".

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmao, it wouldnt even take that honestly.

Look at how terrified they are of these embargos, while their leaders and corporate friends fix the price of everything from rent to groceries.

Less money for them, seems to be what they really care for. So if america just slapped them with trade bans from like say NAFTA. It would be DEVASTAING, people would starve, a few years sooner lmao. Canada isnt exactly prime farmland either.

Like I said though, the best thing that could happen to this shithole country is it gets annexed. Id rather join forces than fight, but lets be serious. Its never going to happen. (I Should add, I hope it never comes to that, but america, even as fucked as it is, has more of a chance of changing things than somewhere like a crown country like canada, where the elite hide behind the royal shield like terrified children. )

The elite in canada have it good right now, and they wont give that up.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

I normally am the one to be negative as hell, but they must be doing something right. There is quite a bit of discussion here.

I know how alot of people feel about the jewish subject, but it is technically illegal to talk shit about them and it still surprises me that the company that makes that threat to society, pegasus spyware. One of their tactics for critics of their technology is to paint the subject as a anti-semite. Which I have said before, is funny as hell. As if your dislike of a person or a government immediately invalidates all arguments and thoughts.

Personally, I dont try to judge an entire race of people based on the actions of their elite. If that was the case then all us americans, let alone people like the british royals or spain, or france. Would be guilty of the same.

The only jewish people I have known in my real life have been good people. And I know they wouldnt support anything their government is currently doing.

freedomlogic 7 points ago +7 / -0

If your referring to the videos of people dropping dead in the street that were popping up right before the mass vaccination campaign.

Pretty sure that was proven to be some kinda industrial accident from years before that.

They were spreading fear so people wouldnt use their brains and just get the vaccine without any resistance.

Im patiently waiting for covid 2.0. Pretty sure that was the entire point of all this.


A video from 15 years ago about studying the evolution of virus's, imagine what they are capable of doing today with the current super computers and things like crispr. Kinda scary when you think about it.


Marek's disease (MD) is a lymphoproliferative disease of chickens that, in the absence of control measures, is capable of causing devastating losses in commercial poultry flocks. MD has been successfully controlled by vaccination since 1968. However, vaccine efficacy has decreased concomitantly with the increase in virulence of Marek's disease virus (MDV). The constant evolution of MDV has forced the development of new vaccines or vaccine strategies that control the more virulent emergent strains. However, this race between the introduction of new vaccines and the evolution of MDV represents a major threat for the poultry industry. In addition to vaccination, other factors might have contributed to the evolution of MDV (intensive methods of chicken production, early exposure of the chickens to MDV and administration of vaccines at very low doses). From all the possible factors influencing MDV evolution, the effect of vaccination has received the greatest attention. MD vaccines protect with great efficacy against the development of the disease but they do not prevent infection or transmission.

Top result from google.

Vaccines are meant to protect you from getting seriously ill, not prevent you from becoming infected.

Literally brainwashing people and rewriting definitions. As most vaccines inoculate you with a dead piece of whatever.


This is the plan boyz, some fucktwats decided they wanted to make this thing and release it upon the world and now its always going to be this threat looming in the background thanks to the vaccines.


My best guess is something like this.


This single question occupied us for the rest of the hour. They knew armed guards would be required to protect their compounds from raiders as well as angry mobs. One had already secured a dozen Navy Seals to make their way to his compound if he gave them the right cue. But how would he pay the guards once even his crypto was worthless? What would stop the guards from eventually choosing their own leader?

The billionaires considered using special combination locks on the food supply that only they knew. Or making guards wear disciplinary collars of some kind in return for their survival. Or maybe building robots to serve as guards and workers – if that technology could be developed “in time”.

Who needs all that when the common frankestein cold can kill you if you dont take "the shot".

Scary food for thought. I also wonder if this is how many planets/species meet their end, not through atomic warfare, but through shit like this.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lmao were talking about ohio, fuck man why are both the places I lived at so super corrupt.

Ohio is ran by what I like to refer to as the christian mafia. I would bet the last few republican governors prolly funnel all their stolen taxpayer money through their tax free churches lmao.

For years they have gerrymandered the hell out of the voting map, congress has repeatedly told them what they are doing is illegal.

They still do it, I dont get it. I dont know how the fuck dewine was able to dodge any fallout from the first energy scandal where he forced all the customers in ohio to pay a fake fee and the company made billions.

You ever watch on netflix "the fall of the house of usher", sometimes you go to wonder if all these people have made a deal with the devil and thats how they get away with all this evil corrupt shit.

The best part is these faggots think they are gods chosen people so of course they are gonna suck israeli ass. God gives them the power to steal money from the poor, godless, and uneducated.

I hope they enjoy eternity burning in hell.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Nah man, I think there is more to it for sure.

Does no one remember when there were large drones spotted in the desert and rural areas?


This article from 2020 sound familar?

People insist they have spotted fleets of large drones crisscrossing rural America’s night sky, their mission mysterious, raising questions that have veered into conspiracy theories and launching an investigation.

Authorities in Colorado have tried to put those theories to rest, announcing that they have confirmed nothing unusual or criminal about dozens of weird drone reports since November. They were mostly hobbyist drones, commercial aircraft, stars, planets and weather phenomena.

Yet if history is any guide, the investigation that used a heat-detecting plane in Colorado’s mystery-drone highway, with sightings that stretched into Nebraska and Wyoming, will settle nothing for many people.

Speculation persists about drones said to be as big as cars, flying in groups in grid patterns at night.

It is for sure our technology, they wouldnt be using aviation lights if they werent.

They obviously tested these things in the desert and rural areas first, and now they are testing them over densely packed urban centers. Who the hell knows why. The mainstream theory right now is that they are sniffing out nuclear bombs, but I dont buy that. I dont think its something as simple as testing aerial cars either because why all the secrecy?

Found this article, do you think its related? From 2017.


URS Federal Services, Inc., Germantown, Maryland, has been awarded an estimated $3,600,000,000 indefinite-delivery/ indefinite-quantity contract with award fee and award term portions for remotely piloted aircraft services. Contractor will provide testing, tactics development, advanced training, Joint and Air Force urgent operational need missions. Work will be performed at Nevada Test and Training Range, Nevada; Creech Air Force Base, Nevada; and Tonopah Test Range Airfield, Nevada, and is expected to be complete by March 31, 2034. This award is the result of a competitive acquisition with four offers received. Fiscal 2017 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $2,875,894 are being obligated at the time of award. Air Force Test Center, Hill Air Force Base, Utah, is the contracting activity. (FA8240-17-D-4651).

Am I reading this right? Almost 4 billion on drone research?

At this point I almost think its possible they are gonna eventually mount some light projectors on there and some rocket launchers and fake ufo attacks. I couldnt think of a way that could unite humanity under a one world government faster than that. I believe in ufos and that whoever is flying them is likely partly responsible for our creation.

Doesnt mean that our leaders cant exploit that for their own purposes though.

freedomlogic 4 points ago +4 / -0

I think you just helped me clue in on part of the reason the canadian military was conducting a "fake wolves in the woods" operation in nova scotia. This was during the peak of covid craziness...

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

And had plastic surgery to make her facial structure more masculine.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

I remember when fable came out, and if I remember correctly they had analytics in the game and something like over half of people chose the evil path lol. Most of the rest straddled the middle.

It was a rather small percentage of people who actually roleplay as "good" characters lmao.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

:( Ive been dealing with hyperparathyroidism for years, cant get help from the canadian medical system.

Im just waiting to fall and break a bone. I know its coming.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Holy shit I think my prayers might actually be working.

Really, couldnt have happened to a nicer person.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0

Somewhat relevant.


When the army becomes the police, the enemy tends to become the people.

freedomlogic 2 points ago +2 / -0

Lmao or that mass shooting in nova scotia a few years back. Cops shooting up firehalls, cops shooting at people walking on trails.

I got to question, how many people were killed by the cops that day and not the gunmen, and they just didnt live to tell the tale.

Ol JT jumped on that shit quick to get some longguns banned.

We should really prolly figure out what went wrong so it doesnt happen again...

Fuck it, were banning the guns, perfect opportunity, cant pass this opportunity up.

freedomlogic 3 points ago +3 / -0

How do you think we got our independence?

Throwing insults like canadians? Nah we actually had to fight for it, and that woulda been dumb to bring knives to a gun fight.

freedomlogic 8 points ago +8 / -0

I dont know man, the bottom of that couch looks about as straight as trudeaus sexual preferences.

freedomlogic 1 point ago +1 / -0


Boys who regularly play video games at age 11 are less likely to develop depressive symptoms three years later, finds a new study led by a UCL researcher.

Got to go after the video games somehow, to many people virtually expressing their feelings.

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