exilde 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sothern poverty law(a white organization)

More of a white-jewish alliance. Kinda like Hart-Cellar or Cloward-Piven.

ADL is explicitly B'nai B'rith.

exilde 1 point ago +1 / -0

Her story is just too much about hitting every check-mark you can think of.

Ding! Ding! Ding! We have a winner!

Many such stories. I'm not saying that Nazi Germany wasn't a complete shitshow full of atrocity. The record is just really fucked. The Zyklon B gas chambers, in particular, stink to me. Diesel exhaust gas chambers, on the other hand, are at least sound in theory.

But that's not the story.

exilde 4 points ago +5 / -1

Karl Helevi was very familiar with the Jewish mind.

exilde 8 points ago +8 / -0

Not all degeneracy is sexual. I think extreme vanity would qualify. Reproduction should never be conflated with degeneracy, though.

But rats aren't a great analogue to human behavior. Tradition, history, religion and culture help give us purpose. Part of the problem of degeneracy is in subverting and vilifying ancient unifiers of purpose. Part of the problem of liberty is that it gives space for socially destructive ideas to grow. The marketplace of ideas is a great concept, but without some greater authority, such as Judeo-Christian morality, guiding it, it doesn't work.

I don't like the idea of the state being the moral authority, but without Catholicism, and later Anglicism, the strong morality found in the people of the colonies would never have occurred, and liberty would have been a recipe for disaster.

exilde 3 points ago +4 / -1

Yes, and it takes the pellets 15-20 minutes to evaporate under absolutely ideal conditions (high heat and air-flow). If you just dump them, more like 2+ hours.

It'd make a damned poor fumigant if it instantly activated when you were spreading it around the area.

If you were using it in this fashion, a ventilating machine would about be mandatory.


This machine at Dachau has some plausibility, but the whole "dumping pellets in the room" is just dumb. Of course, introducing it in gaseous form poses its own problems.

exilde 3 points ago +3 / -0


Turgel, an elegant woman with more than a hint of mischief in her blue eyes, survived not one or two, but three Nazi concentration camps. In the most notorious of all, Auschwitz-Birkeanau, she was herded naked into a gas chamber with hundreds of others. Yet Turgel, who was 21 at the time, walked out alive. **She had no idea the Nazis had tried to kill her until a woman she knew said, “Don’t you know what has just happened to you? You were in the gas chamber!” Turgel still looks amazed to have cheated death. "I completely lost my voice," she said. "I just never realized I was in the gas chamber ... it must not have worked."

I mean, this just doesn't quite have the ring of a secretive, compartmentalized, efficient industrial killing machine.

exilde 3 points ago +3 / -0

Yeah, why seal a gas chamber, who would think of that? /s.

The problem, again, is lack of evidence. Also, the existence of survivors speak to gas pocketing.

It has to be done in an orderly and efficient fashion.

Yeah, and it wasn't by any stretch of the imagination. I get that the Einsatzgruppen were mentally scarred from wholesale slaughter in Poland, so that wasn't the way to go about it. What they instead resorted to were inefficient killing machines with regular survivors? That's how you prevent a prison riot?

Many inmates spent well over a year being transferred among different camps, and you think a 2-3 week disease is too slow a method? An already established disease? If anything, transferring ever wreaking prisoners to ever worse conditions would be the absolute best form of mass murder.

You don't really need gas chambers to make Nazis evil. After all the lampshade and soap bullshit, it's good to be critical. That's not absolution or anything, but seriously, fuck claims without evidence.

exilde 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you increase the parts per million, you're either a) extracting oxygen below or b) pressurizing the chamber. That's the only way the mechanics of it work at all, and I haven't seen any evidence of air ventilation or circulation systems. Maybe pressurization, but again, it's a lot of work for poor gains. When people are surviving multiple trips (probably the best evidence that they were, in fact, used), you'd expect a refinement of a design if there's widespread implementation. No real evidence of that.

It's not that I don't believe such a method was used, just that I have doubts the method was much beyond experimental. They didn't seem to work very well, base on eyewitness testimony and description.

For typhus, delousing stations (and zyklon B) were widespread precisely because of German knowledge of typhus. Still, it ran rampant through German ranks and camps. The idea that it could spread where you don't want it is silly, because it's documented fact that it did. All you need to make it incredibly deadly is to neglect treatment. Add in some malnourishment to increase efficacy. Sulfonamides, rest, and nourishment would have been adequate for most to recover, though, if you had the supplies and desire.

exilde 7 points ago +8 / -1

You do understand that getting on the floor in a sealed room, and being still, will effectively isolate you from LTA poison gas. Oxygen consumption would be your biggest enemy. Now, a system of circulation could make this work, but not the showerhead nonsense they display at the famous labor camp. Anyway, why the effort to build something typhus would be (and likely was) infinitely more efficient at?

Simply doing nothing in a typhus epidemic would accomplish more, quicker.

exilde 10 points ago +10 / -0

Mostly just take issue with introducing a lighter than air poison from the ceiling. If you're building a purpose built controlled environment, introduce it from the floor. Hell, use actual showers to activate Zyklon B through floor grates.

It's just so fucking stupid how it's proposed to have happened. Absolutely degenerate inefficiency.

exilde 7 points ago +8 / -1

If you're saying Nazis injected hydrogen cyanide from the ceiling to mass kill people, I got some questions. Not even disputing the numbers. The idea is just so asinine on its face.

exilde 2 points ago +4 / -2

deathcoasters straight into the cremators. highly efficient german engineering.

exilde 5 points ago +5 / -0

Blaming Zionists for anything isn't "understandable", Gerald.


exilde 10 points ago +10 / -0

A city with roughly 2.7 million people. Or, about .8% of the US population.

by ICUcccc
exilde 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'd say the first day would see unprecedented looting if shit wasn't being summarily destroyed. Maybe half or less would actually fight against an existential threat, but the other half would be worried about basic survival, The other half would need to split their resources between other humans, basic survival, and a threat to humanity.

If it's a singular event, the "9/11" mindset could maintain control for a long time, though.

exilde 16 points ago +16 / -0

Biden presidency

the Democrats vaccination efforts

where is the outrage?

I mean... you answered your own question.

Imagine worrying about truth in media in 2021.

exilde 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, but not gamers.

by ICUcccc
exilde 7 points ago +7 / -0

I've seen the concept that, following contact with an alien race, the humans would unite as Earthlings.

Yeah, it's a trope. I think District 9 had a more realistic view.

exilde 1 point ago +1 / -0

No, and I don't really need to listen to a neocon talk for hours to have a good idea of their positions.


But the fundamental beliefs of what is called "neoconservatism" are important, and are held by many who have never read Plato or Leo Strauss. They include scorn for relativism, disdain for anti-democratic movements, and the belief that freedom in the state, from the state, is the prerequisite for individual happiness. As an instinct or tendency rather than a manifesto, neoconservatism is both idealist and realist.

This fundamental (malicious) failure of intellectual honesty is the great problem of neoconservatism. The prerequisite for individual happiness is stability. Freedom in the state, and from the state, can only grow as far as the population allows it, while remaining stable.

It's an incredibly useful ideology for those who want to impose American will on the globe and install regimes that natives will eventually throw off, but it mostly just creates enemies for the American pleb, with very little tangible benefit.

exilde 12 points ago +12 / -0

Good analogy. This clown world feels like a Kefka Coup.

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