hot chicks hot women hot hot hotporno porno goon goon ahhhh im cooooooooooooooooooooooming
that makes it number two. here, for your short attention span, i'll repeat it:
you, like many of the youth of our generation, are addicted to dopamine, pornography, or both, and whether you know it or not, this is just a visceral reaction to having them taken away from you.
we have the same enemy, but i suggest you find better reasons to fight them, because if you start off with "they terk ma pixel chiicks" they're going to toy with your weakened psyche like a cat toys with a mutilated rat. heed my warning.
I agree with you but don't you think we're going too far
no, i think you're going the wrong direction
if you fight your enemies they win!
what part of rallying around softcore pornography makes you think you're fighting leftists, who championed pornography and its proliferation?
Someone ban this faggot.
ridiculous. you meet the slightest resistance in a pro-gooning echo chamber and immediately call for cleansing. furthermore, you're blind and politically suicidal, casting away allies for trifles as idiotic as not wanting porno in their games like you and your rotted brain do.
personally i find clothed women more attractive. maybe someone at sony was like that? lol
if 3 inches on a swimsuit doesn't matter, why are you this riled up about it?
if it matters, why does it matter? we have two real choices:
- a piece of cloth on a swimsuit has convinced you to champion the cause against censorship and oppression worldwide
- you, like many of the youth of our generation, are addicted to dopamine, pornography, or both, and whether you know it or not, this is just a visceral reaction to having them taken away from you.
i do not say that sony causing such distress to you is a good thing - i'm on your side here. however, it IS a chance for introspection, and to maybe rethink your worldview a little, if it has led to you conflating screen-titty with mankind's rights and future.
to play mr. lawman for a moment: this isn't censorship, just a business making a poor business decision.
to play myself again: "first they came for the titties, then they came for the political dissidents" is missing a few steps. i'm personally a fan of the slippery slope theorem, but only when connections can actually be drawn between point A and point Z. none can be drawn here.
you could argue that this, er, vaguely gets people used to having things away from them, but nobody who is censored or truly worries about censorship (like we gamers, who dearly miss our Hard R :( ) will take you seriously when you show up and go "i know what it's like to be oppressed, they covered up my waifu's cleavage in a day 1 patch."
if this Stellar Blade crap had been one post with a few guys going "dang, unfortunate" in the comments it'd be whatever, but there are downright manhours being spent getting outraged and passionately positively ANGRY at some cleavage being taken away, citing human rights to freedom and all that is good and right upon Mother Earth and whatever the hell and it's like, dude, could any of you spend this much effort on anything that makes sense?
or am i simply speaking to teenagers who haven't grown up yet, and who will move on from their sex-related obsessions with time? there are so many better battles to be fought.
yes, the fact that i'm not currently planning a political assassination (pinky promise, CIA!) signifies i would've done nothing to end that North American Street Ape's attack on the spot... anyway, either i'm wrong and we're both wise non-confrontational survivors, or i'm right, and we're both hypocrites who ought to change.
you can play the sophist and say "no, your rules must apply to you and mine to me, i am the winrar" while simultaneously applying lax rules to yourself, but we both know that objectively only one of us is right, and, either which way you put it, we're up the same shit creek facing the same problems.
would you really much rather just keep being smarmy about it? shut your brain off and feel good about yourself? i'm asking in hopes it turns out to be a rhetorical question.
do you think maybe your dopamine issues have gotten out of hand if it's gotten to the point where you'll tell someone to kill themselves over an internet argument about having a sexy woman made vaguely less hedonistically sexy?
they haven't even made her actually uglier. it's literally just a piece of cloth with the same attractive woman underneath, and the whole outfit is still in the grand scheme revealing. fictional cleavage being taken away from you has you this riled up.
you should pour yourself a pint and really think for a moment.
if all you want to do is run around screaming about how sony stole your pixelated women, could you at least admit it? really what peeves me about you people on here is that you pretend you're actually the brave rebel fighters who will end all censorship forever so that mankind may prosper.
look - i get it, you're pissed The Law means nothing and sony here got away with false advertising. The Law pisses me off too. but, do you seriously think that circle jerking around three inches of swimsuit for days on end is what's finally going to get your voice heard? couldn't there be a better way?
what does anything you just said have to do with anything i said?
- you're being manipulated to defend softcore porno
- this is a waste of time
- it apparently tricks you and everyone else into genuinely believing pornography represents freedom
- it makes you look like an idiot few will seriously want to follow or mimic
nowhere here am i going "demonrats are the real racists! we must win the hearts and minds of the people" or whatever the hell you think i'm doing...
i believe you can get a few normies to tilt their head at that censorship and start asking questions (not many, but a few), assuming the person revealing the censorship is tactful enough so that they won't trigger the anti-racism programming present in the common populace.
there is, however, no tactful way to whine that your waifu is less exposed.
If you want a half naked girl with a fat ass running around killing giant monsters, that’s cool, I don’t give a shit.
if this is the best philosophy you have to offer on the matter, is it any wonder our enemies are gaining more ground than we are?
They are out there right now, doing evil things even, with money and gain you could have by just not being a beta bitch!
if we're specifically talking about the evil "beta bitches" then yeah, it's a good question. every single person here could be asked why we haven't caused a revolution yet, and none of us have good answers.
if you start, i'll join you. if i were to start, i'd hope you'd join me.
the issue here is that beauty is conflated with pornography in what is clearly an orchestrated effort to make it so, which results in accelerated cultural and psychological destruction as people who ought be against pornography end up actually perpetuating it.
- game is made with obvious softcore-pornographic appeal. i'm not talking Ashley from Resident Evil, she's just cute - i'm talking Bayonetta, NieR Automata, Stellar Blade, "million polygon ass" as a selling point
- game's pornographic elements are bashed by people who do truly hate beauty and would rather we get Abby from TLOU2, in a way that makes it seem like they're bashing on beauty rather than pornography
- people like us here rush to the defence of the game's pornographic elements, thinking we are defending beauty
- our point is turned from "we must defend beauty" to "we must defend softcore pornography" intrinsically by what we defend
- we lose all credibility and the people who like Abby get their way
i've been going around these Stellar Blade and similar threads counterpointing this forum's extreme reaction against the censorship in it not because i'm some utter lunatic who likes how they turn every decent woman into some fat brownoid creature, but because i genuinely think the way our people are psychologically manipulated into fighting is going to make it happen more often.
we should not be out here declaring free speech dead because they gave a chick some pants or lengthened a swimsuit, we should rightfully focus on and attack their genuine weakpoints, which are that they take perfectly normal characters and turn them into extremely ugly creatures for no reason. we are in no shortage of events like that. Stellar Blade is an enemy distraction.
don't you think it a little suspect that all of these pins set up for you to knock down always make you out to look like little more than a sex-crazed maniac? anyone seeing you or others here fighting this vehemently, with this much rage and passion and fire, for some swimsuits and asses, isn't going to come out with the idea that you're some sort of freedom fighter for game developers worldwide, they'll just think you're a creep.
if defeating censorship is your goal, and it is indeed a noble goal, shouldn't you pick your battles where they're censoring something that has value even to people who do not rate games by how pornographic the characters in it are?
You clearly care enough
i will care then
Sherlock Holmes on the case. you know, personally, i've set myself up to have few enough responsibilities so i can waste a few good minutes a day writing to people like you online (just in case i can either help or acquire definite proof you are paid to be stupid), but what the hell are you doing with your kids?
"daddy, daddy, can we play?"
"sure kids i'll be right out, just gotta own this chud online first!"
in the grand scheme i care pretty little about how retarded you are, but if there will be several of you running around later voting for the 1% libertarian party and claiming we should be defending our gay weed farms with guns, i will care then, as that'll be more work for people like me.
"strawman strawman i am not a libertarian!! or if i am im one of the good ones i swear!"
it doesn't matter what you think you are. you, currently, act perfectly to propagate that sort of idiocy upon the world. in every essence of the word, you are a tool.
i hope you can have a flash of introspection here and realize we ought to be on the same side, but they do say hope dies last.
see how easily they get you to detach from people who would otherwise be your allies? tell me, do you think the word "fed" and its usage came naturally into your vocabulary, or was it implanted there?
what we need most in the world right now is introspection. practice it.
yeah, if God is perfect, then God knows perfectly how to use abstract ideas and nuance. a lot of Christianity in general depends so much on this fact, it's really a shame most either ignore it or completely twist the intended interpretation.