blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

I saw a new term earlier of "neurodiversity", whatever the hell that's supposed to mean.

We used to call them crazy people.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

Could go either way, though.

No, it really can't.

Let's face it, anyone thinking the unvaccinated are going to start regretting at some point are just huffing massive copium they weren't bright enough to say "no" to the clot shot.

blackestknight 11 points ago +11 / -0

Festival actually had to point out "It's an anti-nazi shirt you idiots" and people still don't get it. "But but... it's triggering!".

blackestknight 14 points ago +14 / -0

Shirt says "Destroy" with a swastika, obvious anti-nazi shirt. Leftists get triggered by the symbol. People point out it's a shirt design from a well known designer against nazis. Leftists still rage.

Sit back, get the popcorn, enjoy.

blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's what happens when you get rid of the "bro culture" that makes good games and replace them with blue haired ninnies who make Body Type A and Body Type B shit.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Judging from the trajectory of The Boys, it’s a bait and switch tactic.

You can read the Jack Carr books its based on though. This is the sequel book :


blackestknight 4 points ago +4 / -0

It's pretty good. Binged it in a single day.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

Why wouldn't they back their cheap almost slave labour that lets them keep wages down for everyone else ?

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

On the one hand, this guy uses MAGA as a pejorative. What a cuck.

On the other, the other guy locked his tweets. What a cuck.

Man. They ain't making picking your cuck easy.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Realising fags will pass their diseases to straights isn't fag loving. In fact, that puts me very squarely in the "Stigmatize the shit out of them" camp.

Denying they will because you fear the backlash against them though, is. And that's what you're doing. "They can't pass this on, hug your gay friends!". On top of the reality denial that's frequent in that group.

So really, you might want to reflect on who you're actually siding with here. It's neither reality nor non-degenerates.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

And you still can't accept AIDS actually managed to be transferred to straights and thus so will Monkeypox.

Keep denying the basic reality of it, just because a guy you hate said something true. You're literally Anita Sarkeesian right now. You're what Gamergate fought against.

blackestknight 10 points ago +10 / -0

The Constitution doesn't even have the right to vote enumerated as an actual right. It only specificies that you can't limit voting on some enumerated characteristics like age, sex, race and that you can't charge a tax to vote.

14th says if they make you unable to vote for some reason other than the listed ones, you don't count towards representation towards allocating the number of house seats, thus affirming states can actually deny you the right to vote.

15th says you can't be removed the right to vote based on color, race or if you were previously a slave.

19th says you can't be denied the right to vote based on sex.

24th says you can't be forced to pay a poll tax to vote.

26th lowered the age to 18 from 21 and denies the capability of denying votes based on age.

So there's nothing in there that actually says "You have a right vote". They could go back to land ownership voters if they wanted and there's not a single constitutional amendment that would prevent them. They'd probably lose house seats based on the 14th and that's it.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Actually you don't. Accessory to murder charge and its done.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Are you mad Tim won't sleep with you since your neo-vagina was done ?

Poor baby had to hear some truth and now he's mad.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

They don't have to prove shit when they open fire in return on the car. It's going to be justified use of violence and you'll be bloody dead.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Imagine being such a butthurt

You don't have to imagine since you're literally butthurt Tim Pool said something true. Go chop off your dick you reality denying tranny.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

"I swear officer, I was just chilling in the car, I didn't participate in that drive by shooting".

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

5 million total children in Canada you absolute mongoloid.

153 cases of cancer / million.

Are you claiming each and every child in Canada has Cancer ?

Yes, 765 children is less than 20,000. Unless you failed the most elementary of math classes.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

That wasn't the claim.

You like moving goalposts don't you ?

I gave you the stats. You want to deny them because they don't fit your world view.

I don't have any more time to waste on a Tranny like you. Go play at identifying as a girl if that's what gives you your kicks.

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Well people do this thing, it’s called lying

Oh, since reality doesn't align with your world view, it has to be a lie!

My god dude, when are you chopping off your dick ? You're completely gone at this point. Get a grip.


30 thousand people. You can fill more than half the Toronto Sky Dome with that. The Blue Jays wish they had those attendance numbers.

No one said a majority of the population had it. Just that a lot of Straights do have and live with HIV. Because you attempted to shit on Tim Pool for an actual true comment.

Stop playing tribalism. Just because a guy you don't like said something true doesn't mean you're suddenly wanting to have butt sex with him.

blackestknight 2 points ago +2 / -0

There’s more kids with cancer…

"There's more of this bad thing, so this other bad thing is not significant" sounds like cope my dude.

You're trying too hard.

And you happen to be wrong. AGAIN. Like dude, seriously. We're on the Internet. Bother to look shit up so you don't end up looking like a retard tranny ?


153 / million cases of Cancer in Canadian kids, 5 million kids.

That's way less than 20k.

Based on the latest statistics, the average age-standardised incidence rate for childhood cancer is 153 cases per 1,000,000 children; Average age-standardised mortality rate is 26 cases per 1,000,000 children.Footnote 1

On July 1, 2010, there were an estimated 10.2 million children and young people in Canada. Of those, 5.6 million were children aged 14 and younger,

No wonder you think Canada has any relevance

I bet the stats in the US are about the same. But then again, you want to live in a safe space away from all those pesky facts, because they don't always validate your world view.

How does it feel to be an SJW for all intents and purposes ? Is your hair blue ? Do you believe The Science ?

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

So he has HIV?

Who knows, probably looking at him.

Like I said, bug chasers aren't going to go to the police when they get infected

Why do you defend the gays so much ? Are you gay ?

blackestknight 1 point ago +1 / -0

Again : go look at Scott Weiner's twitter.

He didn't write the law for anyone but himself.

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