bamboozler1 3 points ago +4 / -1

Kontrollverlust (German cover band) does a decent version: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XeDvgfoKpgE

I know that's not what you're looking for, but I just really like this band, lol.

But other than that, yeah, it's very hard to find a version that isn't at least partly censored (i.e. "gun"), I would agree. My experience has been similar to yours, unfortunately...

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

It’s “Comment Is Free” so she may not even be an actual journalist…

Honestly, I wondered about that myself, but I am yet to get around to checking the “author accreditation”…

bamboozler1 9 points ago +9 / -0

Yeah, I thought she might have a point on initially coming across this, but it only took a cursory read to realize that she very much didn't, lol...

It's quite a stretch (in addition to being extremely predictable, as you point out), I must say...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would add to my latter point: on this one issue, Australia and Canada followed a more similar path, and then you can argue that NZ and the US followed another (sort of)…

Which I think has to do with the relative development level of the civilizations in question.

The Māori and like, the Huron, Iroquois, etc., had the civilizational/technological know-how to fight back, and then they were able to “adapt” relatively well into the mainstream (particularly Native Americans).

Whereas for the Abos and the Inuits and the like, that… Didn’t occur, and they, even now, refuse to assimilate fully, which results in… What we have here.

I know a large number of Abos, and one (extremely entitled) Native Canadian bloke. The difference between the indigenous who see themselves as “Australian first, Indigenous second” and those who refuse to do so, is… Enormous.

Unfortunately the latter ones tend to get all the gibs, though.

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

As Rouler said, yep.

They keep being given more and more “Exclusive Native Title” (meaning only they can financially benefit from the land, water, mineral resources, etc.) grants, too, which seems to include both where they claim they originally lived, and the land where whitey later forced them to move (the latter being more similar to reservations in the US, in that sense, I guess)…

Which means that they control like 20 - 30% of our landmass, now. And I think up around 50% of the Northern Territory, which is kind of like… Our Oklahoma.

I suppose a difference would be that Abos are extremely restrictive of who gets to enter, or even cross, “their” land, and these places are almost always nearly completely undeveloped, with all the dysfunction that brings…

A casino on said land would be a massive step up, compared to the… Virtually nothing “civilized” that exists on most native title land right now…

But yeah, the better comparison is Canada, for all of this. It’s much more similar than the US, or even NZ, situation…

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Oh, yeah, I forgot that you guys have a different system in that regard (should have remembered from when I was meant to be going on exchange)…

You have separate lab classes over there, right? Like, it’s a whole separate subject to the coursework/lecture classes..?

It’s not normally like that over here.

For science, at least, and even some of the humanities subjects I’ve done, tutes, at least, are always mandatory. And I’ve had several with mandatory/graded lecture attendance, too…

At least, that was the case pre-Covid.

But even after Covid, for things like Spanish, Chem and straight maths..? Attendance is defs mandatory.

Though the tradeoff is that some of these (Spanish, for example) don’t have a final, external exam. Which… Doesn’t suit me. But it does some others.

So eh. Tradeoffs, I guess!

bamboozler1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, where I’m at, universities have mostly scrapped compulsory attendance (even for science), so if you actually do turn up, you’re almost guaranteed better results than those who don’t/for whatever reason can’t, lol…

bamboozler1 10 points ago +10 / -0

Ngl, I thoroughly wish that the wimmenz who (apparently) care so much about Palestine gave a similar amount of shit when Muslim Azeris carried out much the same style of ethnic cleansing (with admittedly less killing, but still) against Christian Armenians at the same time as this all kicked off late last year...

But of course they don't. Because if history has taught us anything, it's that no one gives a fuck when Caucasian (literally) Christians are wiped off the map...

That's one of my main annoyances with all this hypocrisy.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

*Victoria, aka one of the wokest places on Earth…

This is a state thing, not federal…

But yeah, it’s still shit, and representative of broader trends in this country as a whole, unfortunately…

Though we’re not all complete cucks, so please don’t think we are/tar as with the same brush, lol.

My own state (which most of you probably know by now, anyway) is almost equally as fucked as Victoria, I must admit…

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Here’s a weird thing: in most other countries, the University she went to would never make it into the headline…

It would be the “Baton Rouge student rape case”, or just the “Baton Rouge rape case”…

I get that the US is obsessed with alma maters and such, but it just… Isn’t really relevant here, and wouldn’t be, unless it happened on campus, or the gang rapists also happened to be students there…

As a non-American, I do find the phrasing of “LSU rape case” to be rather odd and jarring, in this instance…

Not that you’re the only one doing that. The articles written about it do so too…

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

"Fag" did previously mean ciggie, here, though...

Hence Fags (the lollies) changing their name to "Fads", some time during my childhood (and I'm not that old)...

In fact, I'm fairly confident that in regular conversation, "Pass me a fag" is still a reasonably regular thing...

See also: "fag end".

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

You're on the right track, but I do think "private schools" by the standard definition of that term do also exist in England - they just don't receive government funding and are so exclusive that, as you say, barely anyone gets in...

Though I'm not sure.

Literally everywhere outside the UK uses the US definition of those two concepts (private and public schools), though. Including both Aus and NZ, so this is... Purely a British thing. Although also maybe Ireland, though again, idk...

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I will always love 5. It’s a genuinely good film.

I slowly gave up after that.

Which one did that happen in, lol?

Must have been after I similarly quit…

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

I honestly was just waiting for the two of them to bone, given the obvious tension there, and then… They never did.

And so instead they set him up with forgettable Asian chick who amounted to pretty much nothing, lol…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

This was essentially my reaction, as a former Star Wars nut.

I refuse to discuss the movies with my (ravingly normie) extended family, for this reason…

I adored the EU.

I stopped watching after Rogue One.

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

Terminator: Genisys (although I didn’t like Salvation much either) for that franchise. Limped along with “Dark Fate”, but it was already dead at that point…

Transformers: Age of Extinction, though again, you could argue that it had already tanked by Rebenge of the Fallen.

And, more controversially perhaps, War for the Planet of Apes. I’ve seen the original Heston movie and the Tim Burton one. I though Rise and Dawn were conceptually interesting, but then it just became “Hooomans [almost] inherently bad”, and, imho, became fairly unwatchable…

Also Star Trek Beyond killed the reboot film franchise, but people seem to have largely forgotten about that, for some reason. It was… Meh.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Tweet has already been deleted in the meantime, it looks like (surprise surprise)... At least from what I can see.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Every woman I’ve ever met who was very into horoscopes has been insufferable, however…

Every. Single. Time…

Not that this doesn’t also apply to “pronouns gang”, however some of those are just confused Zoomers, rather than the horoscope ones, who, in my experience, seem to generally be very convinced of their own moral superiority and “intangible understanding of the world”, lol…

Then again, small sample size, I guess.

bamboozler1 1 point ago +1 / -0

Two out of the three there are “now” pics.

The one you point to just has more/better makeup and presumably filters…

I disagree, but that’s fine.

Each to their own I guess.

She’s definitely attractive still, though. I don’t disagree with that.

I prefer women to keep their natural looks, wherever possible, rather than completely changing how they look. In general, at least…

And yes, I’m nearly a month late, I know, lol. Hadn’t read this until now.:.

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

I mean, I don't agree with a lot of what you've said there, and I think you're massively overthinking it, but yeah. I appreciate your critique, anyway.

Let 'em have their fun, I say.

Whatever floats your boat, essentially.

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

I guess the difference is that the B&S crew aren't seen as "cool" or in any way celebrated or looked up to...

I mean, just look at Subby's comment below, lol.

Can't say I agree with it, but a lot of Australians (including doof partakers, I imagine) would look down upon these people. Which I think is somewhat unfair, really.

Not that they're not "obnoxious", but fuck it, there's not that much to do out there in the countryside. Can't say I blame them.

As you say - let them have their fun.

bamboozler1 10 points ago +10 / -0

I mean, just look at New Cal. It rapidly went from relatively wealthy and stable but with high inequality to looking like Haiti, after less than a week of rioting...

Most notably, they destroyed many of the grocery stores, so people couldn't get fresh food, which led to further chaos. And blocked the main road to the airport. That contributed, too... And now it looks like a failed state.

Interestingly, if we still had flying boats, the second problem would have been fairly easily circumvented, because Anse Vata Bay in Noumea would be pretty suitable for landings. But because we stupidly let that technology die? A whole bunch of Westerners are still stuck there, lol...

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Steelman - ha.

But yeah, you're not wrong. It's the 14 years that I find unacceptable. I can come at four. But there is literally no reason I can see to close half the museum for 14 years.

It's Berlin. They could literally build two brand new Pergamon museums on Tempelhofer Feld or any of the other empty spaces in that city, in that time...

Or even just shove the artefacts into the largely empty City Palace/Humboldt Forum, on the same island...

So it's mostly the timeframe, and what specifically is being locked away, that I find nefarious...

Paris got around this by opening the Grand Palais Ephemere (temporary) while the proper Grand Palais was being reno'd. Istanbul did much the same thing while they demolished (and sadly never rebuilt, even though they were supposed/promised to) Istanbul Modern.

Pergamon Museum could do something similar, but because they bizarrely don't seem to want the public to see the Ishtar Gate and other related artefacts for that 14 years, they're doing it this way, methinks...

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