bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

On your latter point, apparently Serbia, of all places, is where it is most widespread, to such an extent that it is hard to find women without said fillers and appearance…

Which is largely why the Serbian tennis umpire who is/was most famous for her looks (Marijana Velkovic, I think?) felt compelled to ruin said beauty by doing the same…

So yeah. At least in majority-White countries, anyway…

bamboozler1 9 points ago +10 / -1

Lip filler bitch sounds genuinely deranged, there…

Like holy fuck, let’s collectively blame all Russians (and Germans, Serbs, Saffas, etc., previously), but when presented with video of an Israeli saying actually evil shit, it’s “Not the same”, or “It’s taken out of context”, “She’s just traumatized” or “Wouldn’t you hate them, too, after what they did?”


bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

The thing with the Gaza pier is also somewhat amusing...

From what I've seen, their is a gravel/dirt pier right next to where they've attacked the floating one. It admittedly doesn't go out very far, but you would think, you would think that, at the very least, they could attach the floating one to the end of it somehow, or make use of it to tie the floating one to the shore, instead of burying the end in the fucking sand, around 100m away...

I'm sure I'm missing something, there, but, to me as a lay-person civilian, it does seem... Utterly bonkers, the way they've put that together.

bamboozler1 10 points ago +10 / -0

Even before Israel was "Israel", they were already carrying out false flag attacks, as pointed out by Bollocks in their comment.

It's very much the Zionist tactic...

bamboozler1 4 points ago +4 / -0

Even Robot Chicken is arguably better than The Acolyte. At least that wasn’t taking itself too seriously, by comparison…

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Honestly, Livvy is (was) one of the more wholesome (if a wee bit barmy, and posh) celebs Australia has ever produced.

Sure she wasn’t the greatest actress in the world, but I cannot possibly dislike something like this with her in it.

And man, she was just… Gorgeous. I don’t think anyone today, singer or actress, could ever measure up.

bamboozler1 5 points ago +5 / -0

Yeah, a lot of Police songs are quite creepy, when you listen closely to the lyrics…

“Don’t Stand So Close To Me” is probably the most obvious one, lol…

But “Wrapped Around Your Finger” is… Similarly stalker-ish, too…

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

The singer is a pretentious, upper-class, champagne socialist twit (and the song was taught to me by a girl who largely fits that description, too), but the song and video are pretty... On point.

Like if Bruce Springsteen went to a "public" school, lol.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, “Amandla” doesn’t sound very African to me…

At least not any recognizable African language like Igbo or Swahili or Zulu or whatever…

It sounds very much like just a corrupted/illiterate interpretation of the common name Amanda, to me… Which was my point, lol.

bamboozler1 8 points ago +8 / -0

Laughs in Anglican “mass If you think the Catholic Church is screwed, you should see the CoE, both high and low…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

Also love how the guy, after he says the line, looks over to what is probably the production team like, “Did I do it? Did I say it right??”

Ah, what a lol…

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

How Freema Ageyman’s career has fallen…

From badass Martha on Doctor Who to… (a doctor on) This.

Just… Wow. The face says it all, really.

I must admit to watching a few minutes of this show, once. I do love how they took Martha’s character (also a medical doctor) and essentially said, “What if we made her incompetent, slutty, and a lesbian?”, lol…

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Actress (the main girl) from the tv show The Boys.

I hadn’t heard of her either, until a few months back when this whole “What the fuck did she do to her face??!” thing really blew up (more than it already had, last year and the year before, when she started on this “journey”)…

Not sure if it was here that I first heard about it all, or on Reddit, but yeah…

I don’t think that many people had heard of her outside of the show (and other acting gigs) before this, but now she is… Well known for what she did to her face, unfortunately…

bamboozler1 13 points ago +13 / -0

Is her name actually Amandla..? Not… Amanda?

Surely that’s like calling your child Klatherine or, I dunno, Bonndie (i.e. instead of Bonnie) or Lisztie, or something…

Or is that just a typo, lol?

bamboozler1 10 points ago +11 / -1

Ocean’s Eight (I think it was called), too…

Same with almost all of those “female-led” remakes, lol…

And for a non-woman example - that gay romcom they tried to flog a couple of years back, which I have thankfully forgotten the name of…

Was it Billy Eichmann or something, who was bitching about how that flopped? Anyway, that one.

bamboozler1 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yeah, I do find it odd that she went from (naturally) looking like a feminine, cute, normal-weight young woman to (artificially) looking fairly androgynous, underweight, much less attractive, and around 10 years older than she actually is, lol…

Pretty much the literal definition of “ruined beauty”, unfortunately and sadly…

It does seem like her general “attitude” mirrored this, too (largely because of the behaviour and words of those around her, I imagine), from what I can tell, which is… Equally sad.

Tara Reid did this, too. And she’s been an almost-nobody for more than a decade largely as a result…

bamboozler1 10 points ago +11 / -1

I genuinely think this whole thing - from the pre-surgery trolling, to the (likely) anorexia, to the surgery, to the whole “culture war” aspect of this where everyone blamed Megyn Kelly, and then turned the whole thing into validation (and claimed Kelly lied about the age of the photos, as if that changes anything, lol), “She can do whatever she wants with her body”, “Good for her”, “Fuck men”, “This is all the fault of fanboys/men in general”, etc… Is probably one of the most representative examples of our cultural malaise, as a society…

She was very cute before. And for at least a couple of years there (even after becoming famous on The Boys) she looked happy. Now, much like Dove Cameron and so many others… She has completely ruined everything that made her a promising young talent. And then doubled down on it.

I think that’s very sad.

Edit: holy run-on sentence Batman. Yep, I know, lol.

bamboozler1 15 points ago +15 / -0

Lol, I’m very… Not-Christian, and even I can recognize gluttony and sloth

Pretty crazy to me that these people can’t.

I don’t think “greed” is a specific sin, in and of itself, is it? But that would probably fit quite well, too…

Edit: yes, greed is also one of the 7. So that too.

bamboozler1 7 points ago +7 / -0

Blair sounds like (sigh) “she” got voice feminization done…

Or just a good vocal filter, I guess

Sydney Watson also covered this, in her last video, if you want… That take, instead.

I think Blair is probably more “based” than Sydney on a lot of issues, but then Sydney would also disagree with Blair on gender shit (and I think they’ve debated before, in fact), so…

Pick your poison, I guess.

bamboozler1 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean, that’s kind of what Blaxploitation was, no?

Albeit rap didn’t really exist in the early 70s, but conceptually… That’s basically what defines the genre.

The Wiz and Live and Let Die (yep, the Bond film) being notable examples…

bamboozler1 6 points ago +6 / -0

Cars 2 exists, don’t forget…

And “Planes”, although I think that is technically Disney, not Pixar, even if it resembles a Pixar film in most ways (except the humour, dialogue and plot. So I guess not “most” ways)…

bamboozler1 3 points ago +3 / -0

There's also this one for NRMA, which... Makes even less sense, as the song is about a one night stand, and the lyrics... Just don't work.


2017/18 was a weird time, in ad land...

Less woke, but also much more emotionally manipulative than anything they've tried since, lol.

bamboozler1 13 points ago +13 / -0

I guess it's emblematic of how tone deaf and corporate much of the DC Cinematic Universe was/is, that they didn't even bother looking into the history and meaning of the song, or the controversy of this cover version in Australia (it was used to advertise a bank, specifically Westpac, which subsequently got into significant strife for ripping off and screwing over consumers)...

Ah, Hollywood. When will they ever learn.

Damn good song, but yeah...

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