Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

That isn't really an anti-racist perspective, in fact it's basically what most of us believe to varying degrees. Our ability to apply moral calculus and learned experiences is ALSO genetic. Below a certain threshold you cant participate in a society, and if you're demographic has a bell curve that puts critical mass of your population below said theshhold, your demographic is not compatible with civilization.

That's how it's always been really, this idea thay racism is based around "hate of differences" is new, and fucking nonsense. The old European thinkers looked at blacks and said "shit i can't do anything with that"

Theacefospades 27 points ago +28 / -1

History. Is filled. With liars. If he lives and we die, his truth becomes written....

Theacefospades 14 points ago +18 / -4

My part of it has always been that the Allies were liars who committed atrocities and lied about it. The Holocaust is 50 to 85% exaggerated and the begining of the War was entirely reasonable on Germany's part.

Hitler was also a funked up evil shit. So was Churchill so was Truman, guess what so's putin and so is trump. They're all nasty greedy bad people.

But their opponents are as bad with better PR. I GET the no more brother wars thing, and I also GET Putin looking at the approaching cancer of globohomo towards the nation he loves and saying "fuck that, die"

Being a patriot isn't an automatic "hero" mark, but fuck it's more respectable than selling your own people to make a buck.

That second one of yours is fucking bonkers though. Makes me think of Eisenhower

Theacefospades 8 points ago +8 / -0

Of course they do, but as soon as the cold war starts their balls drop off and they become mewling wimps who can't fix their own shit and barely literate barbarians.

Because of course they do

Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0

Apparently the story is they weren't "stranded" cause they could have been extracted at great expensive if there was an emergency.

Theacefospades 7 points ago +7 / -0

It only became a problem when they tried to pathologize knowing that.

Theacefospades 14 points ago +14 / -0

Its the female version of strength testing. It's why "holding frame" in the red pill community. Women will do the EXACT same thing with two different intents and use various responses to make different conclusions.

To be clearer. "I want to do this" sometimes means "I want to do this" and sometimes it means "I think you dont want to do this, and want you to not let me"

Determining which is happening OR creating a response that satisfies both is the key.

One of her questions is looking to get her needs met, the other is looking to test if you're capable of meeting her needs under duress. In this case, she introduces the duress to make the test.

This is all of course retarded. But what did you expect.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

More along the lines of small vermin, but that was always his "if it's a real fight" advice.

Although he emphasized the nose.

Theacefospades 2 points ago +2 / -0

It's from "The Noose Daily" which i wrote in 2020. I rdont think I've posted it anywhere previously

ETA that's one of the few lines I still like. The rest is repetitive and strikingly melodramatic

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

Moments like these remind me that my father was a really fucking weird dude.

Not to specify, but the face has a lot of parts that stick out, and teeth are sharp.

Theacefospades 12 points ago +12 / -0

The one side has a dial

From scorn to rage to hate

The other but a single switch

House shoes/manifest fate

This one will burn the churches

Tear down constructed men

The other will redraw the maps

Teach kings to rule again

Theacefospades 8 points ago +8 / -0

It's also more true to effectiveness. It's easy to claim you're more loving if you love more things a little, and make impassioned pleas for their betterment.

It's much harder to claim you love your bother who you have to deal with, who slurps his soup and makes crude jokes. Ugh.

"He who claims to love God and hates his brother is a liar"

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

This concept is i think the most basic and the most missed in popular dialogue.

I've called it the terminology error. Which is to say that catagory words dont denote categories but rather denote groups that the speaker feels fit said categories.

It's not the same thing, and it's why definitions are so important.

Questioning every claim first on precepts of shared language before validity is a step that's routinely skipped over.

To these people, this headline isn't even a discovery, it's a tautology. One of the definitions of bigot is "Disliking the new star wars.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

I think it's dumb as shit. I believe them when they say things like "there's no source material" as KK said.

Not that there isn't, but that they've never countenanced that it might exist.

The failure of humankind is the assumption that others doing strange things understand the same things but have reacted differently, when really they never even had the same information you did.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

I mean make it simpler. You're the ruler of a nation, right now. You personally as you are.

And your neighbor is a formerly neutral country now staring the process of being absorbed intonthe globohomo. The last a long line of nations youve watched be pressured into the same thing.

The noose is visible on a map and is tightening. What's your course of action if you love your people and your nation?

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

Genuinely. The level of interest i have in rewatching a marvel movie that isnt called Age of Ultron is virtually nill.

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

The amount of tell not show in that movie is astounding. Sure that's what they SAID but what actually happens bears little resemblance to whats said.

In other words, marvel makes bad movies

Theacefospades 1 point ago +1 / -0

If nothing else it should be a humbling thing to confront the fact that an ugly mongrel is more appealing than anything they have to offer.

Theacefospades 6 points ago +6 / -0

It doesn't even matter how long or not long it takes, the entire premise of the argument is distorted, they beg the question in classic leftist matter, by not even acknowledging the other side exists outside of caricature.

The key phrase is the last one in your quote "to clarify that last week, air traffic controllers monitored airplanes" it assumes the audit is false on the outset.

The ENTIRE POINT of the audit is the notion that air traffic controllers are probably NOT monitoring aircraft. That's what waste and fraud IS. It's the "police found no evidence of their wrongdoing" writ large. And again, its a quintessential leftist ploy, Snopes used it sycophantically.

Theacefospades 5 points ago +5 / -0

I like when they lay it out oppositional like that.

The contrast of using weasel words and fighting words together. Cause you're to bitch to call it "the enemy" so you say "problematic"

It kills what little pity I have left. Yeah my spirit of fuck you clashes with your spirit of wanting to live. Oopsie doopsie.

Theacefospades 6 points ago +6 / -0

Which is the crux of my perspective on politics tbh.

If you don't share my moral alignment you can't shame me, so any interaction can't be a high order one, it's at best peace, and more likely competition for resources.

And as I said, without a shared morality, you can't shame me for picking my own side.

So yes my enemies deserve to lose and to suffer. If they didnt they wouldn't be my enemies.

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