really want me to start posting this stuff?
"ridiculous" oh im sure JIDF. . Frankfurt school created what is essentially cultural marxism and feminism is one of the biggest factors of that. Oh and Jews are a matriarchal culture. Which you still dont want to address.
Communist movements have always been led by the tribe . Look at Bolsheviks and founder of the German communist party etc. etc. Almost like the ideology comes from someone who was born to two rabbi families and had a Jewish mentality or something. And then there's Frankfurt School which created the main form of Marxism today. Frankfurt school was entirely Jewish.
They also delete videos of discussions of the science supporting ivermectin for covid
Seriously though this was extremely subversive shit. Portraying inazuma(japan) as very anti foreigner that doesnt like change and that this is "bad" (which led to arguments in Japan over the "muh xenophobia" subject) and them having a dictatorship govt that people rebel against or run away from. and the chinese game probably projecting their own thoughts about Japan when they say "perhaps no one would miss if a country that doesnt change is destroyed"
But literally all of this is applied to China more.
I enjoyed rune factory 4 but i dont think i'll get rune factory 5, the english localization team XSEED pushed to add gay marriage in the game that wasn't in the original release, . . Normally i wouldn't care if the choice was just incidental , but the fact that some woketards pushed for it and was successful , makes me not want to buy it. Japanese Twitter is pretty angry about the changes too that was done to pander to woketards and was pushed by woketards in the west and is messing with the characters and literally rewriting who the characters are and also changing the JP version
Hitler people were fighting against communists and Hitler explicitly said he hated Marxism and the """certain people""" who pushed it. China is still worshipping Marx and teaching about him in schools and Universities and is still banning religions and destroying historical and cultural things. They are still commie to a large degree.
Just when ADL started a partnership with Paypal to "combat hate and extremism" so now ADL will be granted access to PayPal’s transaction history and then share information with financial industry, policymakers and law enforcement.
They are working overdrive on this.
Those countries you listed literally treat women as second class.
Now answer how many places (especially on the net) are you able to talk about the JQ?