I think if she stabbed a black child she'd be in jail. If she was a white woman she'd be in jail. I think this prevents a trial with all the racial overtones put on display. Can't have the crackers getting all uppity.
Yeah if they were on official business you'd figure they'd have a government vehicle. I guess it could be a rental car. And the plaid is a bit odd. And I couldn't tell you why exactly it screams weird to me but why park right in front of the house, and then walk across the street. If the filmer wanted to catch the feds why not record the moment they show up?
I dunno it could be I've seen too much reddit and "Inception" but it just doesn't scream sincerity to me.
Isn't Pfeifer selling the "horse dewormer" as a pill now as a Covid cure?
As far as Trump saying the light thing, was he wrong? He didn't tell people to swallow bleach or open their skin. He simply said we have to find a delivery method for these things that kill the disease.
This pedantic search of anything Trump says while defending every dumb thing every leftist says is exhausting.
Remember the guy in England who was in charge of lockdowns and had no problem locking up people taking walks and shit? Meanwhile he was leaving quarantine to go to his mistresses' house to fuck her.