LeRiverDanube 0 points ago +1 / -1

Dude is america first. Not conservative first. You're not even conservative yourself

LeRiverDanube 1 point ago +2 / -1

'principled' losers managing to be even more obnoxious than sjws.

Not on my bingo list thats for sure.

LeRiverDanube 10 points ago +11 / -1

Remind me what he's conserving?

free speech

rest of your constitutional rights



just a few on the top of my head

Meanwhile what do you have 'conservative' actually conserve? Right now you're just the backstabbiest backseat gamers we've ever seen.

LeRiverDanube 16 points ago +17 / -1

not really even conservative

Ah yes another 'fellow conservative'. You're a long away from reddit. But it's not trump's first wrango to wade in enemy territory, he does it often.

LeRiverDanube 10 points ago +10 / -0

not seeing that bump anywhere else but reddit. Tonight's been drowned with shtting on ABC and moderators. They're still trending even now.

LeRiverDanube 4 points ago +4 / -0

I disagree with him underperforming. Guy did ok for the most part with the 3 v 1. But let's be honest kamala didn't really do much either as most of the debate were the mods carrying water for kamala. And people took notice of that. as of X's trendings, 3 of the tags are raking abc for the biased debate.

LeRiverDanube 8 points ago +8 / -0

well nowadays that usual gaslighting doesn't work. look at entertainment media in the west as a whole. There's a limit to how much nonsense the normie can take before they too crack, and were seeing the crack with dei slop flopping HARD

LeRiverDanube 1 point ago +1 / -0

msnbc sure. Surprisingly cnn was fucking fair in their last debate. Look how well that turned out for the dems

LeRiverDanube 6 points ago +6 / -0

the disinterested masses in the middle are going hungry. Turns out propaganda can't feed you the FIRST TIME.

LeRiverDanube 26 points ago +26 / -0

that is so retarded. That was so biased as fuck even the normies tuned out

LeRiverDanube 8 points ago +8 / -0

bad business decisions. Ultimately letting amazon host the game killed most of the enthusiasm

LeRiverDanube 2 points ago +4 / -2

Theirs a difference between being harrassed and cancelled for dissenting, and being called out for your flawed reasoning.

Would you rather be called a retard or have a brick thrown at you?

LeRiverDanube 1 point ago +1 / -0

really depends on what's on release during that time that'll compete. But overall port and arcade are two seperate things. they're not dumb enough to port the current arcade version. Also bandai is releasing two mech games this year. They've not hopped off the mech genre just about yet.

you know china has it's own version odaiba city complete with a 1/1 gundam. Bandai won't even do that for their korea branch, so says a lot about the state of the franchise over there.

LeRiverDanube 2 points ago +2 / -0

says a lot when they're already trying to replace it with concord

LeRiverDanube 1 point ago +1 / -0

where the hell are you getting those flop numbers at to begin with? It's not gangbusters money, but it's flop tier like you keep spouting it is. Also look up gacha sales, and wukong. Chinks are bigger consoomers than westerners have been as of this decade.

LeRiverDanube 1 point ago +2 / -1

The arcade being popular won't necessarily translate to people playing it

that is such a retarded statement. China money is still a thing and chinese fucking love their mech shit, make it available past hong kong and rake in all that ccp money. At the very if you compare it to whatever the fuck that dei shit they're hedging their bet on, gvg WILL still be the safer option. Because the niche thing will sell over the game whose genre is actually dying

LeRiverDanube 2 points ago +3 / -1

it's retardedly popular in sea. every arcade I went to atleast has a gvg machine and shit's packed.

LeRiverDanube 8 points ago +8 / -0

you'd think with the failure of forsworn and horizon they dropped the ugly femlead shit. Nut no, jap companies are filled with retarded boomers who can't be assed to do basic research.

I know this will flop. But Im Fucking mad money went to this, and possibly killed an ace combat game along the way.

LeRiverDanube 4 points ago +5 / -1


jesus christ bandai I know you're retarded but can you just port Maxiboost to pc? That game actually prints money

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