LauriThorne 6 points ago +6 / -0

At least Satan is consistent, dude is always evil and always good at his job.

Russia is always evil, a failed state, and running successful psyops all over the world to these morons.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Not mine, it was discussed as part of the lead up to the Nazi's rise to power, because regardless of how you view them morally, it's a big reason why the Nazi's were able to win so many votes.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

Yes. Did you guys all go to shitty schools, or do you just not remember because you didn't give a shit at the time?

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

I was, pay attention

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

Then you don't remember history class, they're covered a lot when the civil rights movement is discussed, they just don't call them riots.

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

You also have to wonder what these cops are being told beforehand. We know the state lies, why wouldn't they lie to their cops? Tell them the COVID protests are super dangerous and then give them all the support they were refused during "The Summer of Love" and they'll be heavy handed for sure.

The ones who know, won't go, but they didn't stop everyone else did they?

LauriThorne 4 points ago +4 / -0

That's the thing, assuming we have a civil war, that probably will be included in the history books.

LauriThorne 12 points ago +12 / -0

If we do have a civil war, it probably won't be noticeable at first because it won't be like our first civil war where we had two distinct nations fighting it out. It'll be an European style civil war where it's mostly guerilla and terror tactics.

LauriThorne 1 point ago +1 / -0

The sovereign citizen/auditor types have started printing their own press pass. Their theory seems to be that, somehow, the press are a higher class above normal people and that a press pass gets them in anywhere.

It does not.

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

The churches even have funds to give you some money if you're struggling, I'm sure they have enough saved to give out close to the 750 per member that the feds gave.

LauriThorne 13 points ago +14 / -1

Imp is probably a FtM tranny, only thing that explains just how irrational (s)he is about hating women.

LauriThorne 8 points ago +8 / -0


Unless it's on the legality of machine guns. It's time to legalize it.

LauriThorne 3 points ago +3 / -0

I definitely have a bigger ass. Bitch skipped leg day, you never skip leg day.

LauriThorne 24 points ago +24 / -0

The only way to get a candidate that agrees with you 100% is to run yourself.

LauriThorne 7 points ago +7 / -0


Did they mean "significantly more shallow copy"?

LauriThorne 0 points ago +1 / -1

Wait, so now you understand that molecules with the same atoms in different amounts and configurations are different from each other?

You keep changing your stance, just like every other lefty.

LauriThorne 2 points ago +2 / -0

I am right about that you absolute buffoon. H2O and OH- have the same Oxygen and Hydrogen atoms dipshit. The entire point was to illustrate that they have the same atoms in a different configuration making them different because your entire stance is ThE SaMe AtOmS aNd MoLeCuLeS which is just plain wrong.

See, you keep doing the leftist bullshit "I reject your evidence, now prove me wrong"

LauriThorne 1 point ago +2 / -1

I don't have to check your history dude, I recognize you because you have batshit insane takes all the time.

You do not get to come in, throw out batshit ideas, refuse to address the actual science, and demand everyone else prove your batshit takes wrong.

LauriThorne 0 points ago +1 / -1

You're just trying to explain "God creates consciousness" without the "God" part, genius. We absolutely know what parts of the brain control what, and how it's accomplished. We see that animals without consciousness have smaller areas of the brain that show activity when decisions are made and larger areas that show activity when the subject reacts to something like a ball being thrown at them, e.g. subconscious instincts.

Just say it's God already, at least that's a valid argument.

Muh, SaMe AtOmS YoU cAnT ExPlAiN It nonsense is beneath you. Just because YOU don't understand how it works, doesn't mean it's not understood.

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