Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yeah, the politics might not have helped (I don't remember minding at the time), but it was bad characters like Anakin (and his mom) and, of course, Jar Jar, that really soured a lot of people I think.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Not sure if you're just making a joke, but I'll answer.

High School of the Dead is fun, if you don't mind ecchi. This scene is famous and absolutely ridiculous. And, no, it's not all that uhm...whatever that is. But, well, almost in places. It is a pretty ridiculous anime.

It's actually got some fun characters, too. Both for being good, and bad. It's got some really unlikable characters, but done in such a way that they're fun to hate. Saeko is great, Kohta is hilarious as the over the top nerd, and Rei is an utter bitch who is so bad it's fascinating. I think we're actually supposed to like her? But no one did? Kind of interesting dynamics for that alone.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

And we'll never let you forget it!

Nah, just kidding, it happens.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I guess consider me out of the loop, I didn't realize politics was a big complaint in the prequels.

It's been a long time, and I probably wouldn't have been viewing it through a political lens, I don't really remember objecting on those grounds; the politics were subtle enough to be open to interpretation, and in fact it touched on a lot of important concepts like the fragility of the system and stupidity of the populace and their politicians. And led to some great memes, too, of course, which is the prequels' main claim to fame anyway.

Palpatine's love and respect for Our Democracy is great to see.

The prequels had problems (as someone else mentioned...fucking Jar Jar Binks), but I don't remember politics being near the top of the list.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was listening to Barnes and Viva

FYI, and I haven't had time to listen yet, but Viva had Matt on his show today.

Kienan 8 points ago +8 / -0

That's especially true for someone like Matt

And he went from never getting a hit piece to being mentioned in a federal indictment, getting covered on national news, having bot farms run on him (possibly even from the feds), and having the FBI say they want to talk to him.

I'm not completely unconvinced that fedbois aren't emailing him telling him to kill himself. It's crazy that's even a possibility.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

I think they had contracted with a Russian team to do editing, so they (Chen and her husband) knew they were working with some Russians, but not necessarily that their investor was Russian.

The two bits of "proof" I've heard so far that they knew is that Chen talked once about talking to "the Russians," and her husband once Googled "time in Moscow."

So, anything is possible, but it's pretty dang flimsy so far. I still think the whole thing was a US op, personally. It was definitely done with implicit US permission, since they let it ride, but may have even been done with instruction...if there's even any truth here at all.

Also, I'm not sure how all this FARA stuff works, but the interesting part is that these alleged Russians were known to work for RT...which is registered through FARA. So I guess the claim is they were operating on their own, and not under RT officially, or something. Not sure it matters, but it is interesting that they were already almost registered as foreign agents through RT.

We'll just have to wait (until after the election) and see how bullshit all this is. At least that's my guess; they'll ride it hard until the election, and then it will come out it was bullshit after it no longer matters.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm guessing he means Fang Fang, the Chinese spy Eric Swalwell was allegedly banging.

I think the whole thing was an op to trick us into thinking Swalwell is straight, personally.

Kienan 12 points ago +13 / -1

Yeah I'm done, this site is turning into reddit, you just make up whatever shit you like by yourself

Not sure why you're taking disagreement so personally, or how that makes this like Reddit, but you do you.

Kienan 13 points ago +14 / -1

I have not written that, you have and you deliberately misinterpret my posts on the topic, you guys are having an absolute sperg session...Your reading comprehension...is fucking awful.

You have said that, and you stood by it. Also, you keep accusing me and other s of "misinterpreting" you when we're just repeating back what you're saying.

Yes for having the wrong opinions, I don't take huge sums of money from suspicious sources that I can't verify, why the fuck are you trying to conflate two different issues?

Because, and I'm not sure how many times I have to repeat this...they're not two different issues?!

So you can't trust the government not to lock you up because they dislike you...but you can trust the government to lock you up if they dislike you...and say you took money you shouldn't have. Okay, smart. Great. If they give a good enough reason to lock up the people who oppose them, it's all on the up and up. You'll cry "misinterpretation" again, but that's what you're saying. And you've said you'll believe government accusations, even if they're also reputational smears, if it's official.

And, again, this is all about an investor of a "boss" of a company you license some of your product to, and it's not "huge sums of money," it's pretty standard.

You're sperging again, stop it


You keep telling me that. I've never said that to you, even when you clearly are. Chill.

Kienan 31 points ago +32 / -1


You spend like half your time complaining that you're going to have to flee your country because you think your government will lock you up for having the wrong opinions.

But then, when asked repeatedly, you say you'll believe the government that hates you and people with bad opinions, and you'll condemn even people you like that the government has already said they hate...if the government puts the accusation on the right letterhead, essentially. 'Well, it's offficiial!' You've also said it's a smear and an attack but, again, because it's official those guys are all 'greedy grifter fuck larpers.' You've also said that, even when it's official, if it's political, it's more likely to be bullshit. And yet you still say you believe the government, while also calling them corrupt.

You've lost all credibility on this. And you love to feel prosecuted; this has nothing to do with who you are...your opinion is just utter shit on this topic. I'd call out anyone spouting this, regardless of username. This has nothing to do with you.

Kienan 19 points ago +19 / -0

Is everything just fake and gay?

CNN and such is pushing back, and Harris just continues to look like a clown to anyone paying attention.

I like Trump, and I don't think he's a plant or anything but...it almost seems like the system is setting him up to win. Harris is not a serious candidate. She could win if they cheat enough (they'll definitely cheat some)...but is that really the plan?

Almost seems like they aren't even setting up for her to win at all. Now, it's possible things are actually much less fake and gay than I think, and Harris is actually just that fucking terrible of a candidate...but this just looks so sketchy.

She makes the 2020 Biden campaign look competent, intelligent, and well meaning by comparison. This is absurd.

Kienan 9 points ago +9 / -0

I'm worried introducing that to the sharks might have negative consequences down the line.

Kienan 14 points ago +14 / -0

Another creepy part of the argument is, just the distribution of power. Putting aside that the US does this to every other country...the US uses this exact type of propaganda on its own citizens. And this fuck is claiming lethal force is justified on anyone who would do it to us.

Soooo...the US can propagandize other countries, the US can propagandize us, and the US can kill anyone else who tries to propagandize us. Doesn't exactly sound like a good position to be in for the American citizen. Sort of sounds like absolutely powerlessness, bordering on slavery.

If it's so powerful it's worth killing foreign actors for...maybe we should make sure our own government can't do it to us? Just a thought.

Kienan 8 points ago +8 / -0

You might as well sit down with Alexander Vindman.

They even look similar, now that you mention it.

Have we seen Vindman and McBeth in the same room? Anyone?

Kienan 41 points ago +41 / -0

McBeth basically works for a civilian company in taking down online disinformation... So, during said spiel, he basically straight up states 'We should track down people spreading online misinformation and kill them'.

I'm sorry, but what a fat fucking psychopath. He's so enthused. I don't know if he was always that way, or he was captured along the way, but the enthusiasm for speaking the propaganda is really unsettling. There's no thought there, just programming.

Good on Brandon for giving some pushback, at least. Respect. Especially when you're outnumbered like that. Would have been easy to shut up.

...works for a civilian company in taking down online disinformation...

Plus psychopathic cultish enthusiasm for killing and spouting propaganda? Plus gives talks pushing this shit?

Tell me you work for the CIA, without telling me you work for the CIA.

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

The mad scientist in me salivates at the notion of forcing a large group of male democrats on t-supplements and watching the result.

"This is a threat to Our Democracy" - Democrat politicians.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

If you think this is dodging the question there's something seriously wrong with you

So...that is a yes?

And, uh, unless you're trolling this whole time...yiiiiikes.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Because you're sperging so hard for these people you've made it hard for yourself to keep track properly of what I'm posting.


...I actually posted yes I would condemn the Lotus Eaters for doing equally stupid shit, that goes for Dankula to.

Which was never the question. You've dodged again, hurrah.

So you're saying if the government condemns Dank and Lotus Eaters, you will as well? Because you're dodging, but sounds suspiciously like a yes, too.

....until you stop sperging.


Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

You keep saying how this is a government trap...but then blaming the victims. Weird as fuck.

No, I'm not, that's your misrepresentation yet again

You, about the government, from various comments:

Yes the DOJ is corrupt and they are always lying pieces of shit...Do I think it's a trap? Yes it absolutely could be...I absolutely believe this is politically motivated...they've been targeted by the DOJ...I don't support what the DOJ are doing...

I do not agree with what the DOJ is doing at all, I think it's ridiculous...

...Yes, it was a reputation smear, people are right about that as well

You, about the victims, from various comments:

I don't trust the majority of them as far as I can throw them...the whole thing stinks to high heaven for me...grifters are going to grift...I'm just pointing out the legality and shadiness of it all...they're not going to come out of this looking good...foreign nature of the organisation...it's not going to be a good look for them if they're getting taken down...they are looking incredibly dumb for taking that money and not doing due diligence...I promise you that none of them are going to come out of this looking good...it's easy to see they got duped at best which doesn't make them look good in this situation even if they weren't malicious....they are not looking good if they got greedy and took money under the table for videos...

...the idea that just because of a technicality where they were never directly asked about their opinions or told to change anything doesn't mean it's not shady as fuck.

...I don't think any reasonable person can deny unless they're being a fanboi or extremely tribal that they didn't set themselves up here.

I am not a fan of larpers on either side of the aisle who fake what they are and deceive their audience.

...you make sure you don't give the feds an excuse.

...youtubers get caught doing this all the fucking time, it's very common, more common than people might think. From the detail I'm getting they're not going to be coming out of this looking good because at best they did not do their due diligence on the money they were receiving.

...grifters who larp as dissidents that are quietly taking money from a foreign government on the side to push certain types of videos.

They're not going to come out of this looking good if it turns out they did take money in any capacity from a government source. If they took money from a government source of any kind, they're not independent at all.

...they took money from glowies and got greedy.

...this is less to do with the DOJ supposedly entrapping them with a fake honeypot for me, it's more to do with the fact that they agreed to such a shady deal in the first place.

...if they were able to nab them on something it likely means that their financials are not exactly above board unless the whole thing turns out to be completely bogus which is something I find unlikely.

...You don't spend that level of resources on a wild goose chase just to send a message because it would make them look ludicrous even to leftists who would get extremely squeamish themselves over it. Do I think they've done anything malicious? No probably not, however I do think they've probably been morons.

...youtubers have also shown they're greedy fucks who will chase multiple pay checks even if it means doing a complete larp for their audience. As far as I'm concerned, if you're a youtuber that turns out to be a glowie or a glowie asset and you get caught out lying to your audience I to cover up the fact that you're with glowies I don't want to know you.

Even if the DOJ can't hit them with anything, I suspect nobody is going to come out looking good from this and that's probably exactly what was intended.

So...it's a setup by the DOJ, but they're guilty.

A bunch of outright attacks, and 'where there's smoke, there's fire' reasoning. When, again, there's smoke because well known enemy entities are saying there's smoke.

Where's the misrepresentation? You say the government is out to get them...but blame the people who are getting got by the government. I'd say that's a fair characterization, no?

You also keep accusing people of defending glowie ops, when that's what you're doing...

You've referenced Tencent before, that's like claiming that Tencent isn't foreign because they've set up some kind of technically western branch and they're owned by a citizen. No idea why this site has such blinders on in this particular case.

Tencent is a Chinese company. Tenet Media is an American company, by Americans, and friends of the commentators. Again, totally different scenario. Also, anyone taking Tencent money is in the know, for better or worse. Working for Tenet has no assumed foreign connection.

Also, the whole 'foreign' thing is a total dodge, when we have our own government and corporations spending so much more. This is like the $100,000 on Facebook ads "Russian collusion" all over again. Even if it were true, it gets nowhere near the level of what Zuckerborg was doing, or the illegal influence the government does, or the lawfare against candidates and election integrity.

Basically, even if true (which it's not), don't care. Once again, even if the allegations are totally correct...the Russians didn't accomplish any influence here.

People don't just randomly hand out large wads of cash for people to keep doing what they're doing, that's not how businesses work which is why the whole thing stinks to high heaven for me

Again, you're ignoring what everyone is saying. It wasn't for doing nothing, it was for doing the exact same thing they were doing, but at a new company. Tenet was building their brand on big names like Tim Pool; that's where the value is. They were paying for his audience, not to change his content, and certainly not for nothing.

No you fuckers are


Look, let me break it down. You're accusing people of "defending" and "fanboying" for the creators.

I don't think there's even anything to defend against. The allegations are bullshit, because they're from extremely unreliable sources, in an obviously coordinated attack.

Also, I'm going to ask for the third or fourth time, try not to dodge again.

In a hypothetical situation, where the UK government, known to be hostile to groups like the Lotus Eaters, releases an indictment saying Lotus Eaters unknowingly took money from Russian citizens; the BBC, also known to be hostile to them, runs with it and exaggerates the already flimsy government claims to make them out to be traitors; and bot farms attack the Lotus Eaters online on their various locations...do you condemn the Lotus Eaters?

What if it's Dankula, and Scotland goes after him (again)? Do you condemn Dank?

Because that's what you're doing here.

Kienan 28 points ago +28 / -0

Anyone else find it an interesting coincidence that two of the most prominent recent casting choices for Lex Luthor were Jews?

It's...it's Hollywood.

Kienan 9 points ago +9 / -0

There are other 'retards' pointing out the exact same thing that I am

I'm aware.

If I ever got offered that much money for anything like this I would immediately ask first whether they have any kinds of ties with a government organisation or receive government money.

And they'd tell you "no."

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I wouldn't take a deal from Epic no, I guess I must be insane to people

No. Again, completely missing the point. I'm not saying "take the deal," I'm saying it's alright and understandable to take the deal.

By itself there is absolutely nothing wrong with this


...the issue is the foreign nature of the organisation itself and it potentially having ties to the Russians.

The organization is not foreign. The investors were not Russian on paper, but may have been Russian citizens, perhaps either planted or allowed by US feds. Again, though, nowhere is it alleged any content was changed, or any creator was doing the bidding of Russia.

Even if the allegations are completely true, it still doesn't make the creators the bad guys, and the DOJ, media, and bots still end up looking awful.

You can hate the DOJ and I absolutely believe this is politically motivated this I all agree with, what I can't agree with the rest of the site on ( As it turns out ) is the idea that just because of a technicality where they were never directly asked about their opinions or told to change anything doesn't mean it's not shady as fuck.

You keep saying how this is a government trap...but then blaming the victims. Weird as fuck. And, look, it's not a "technicality" if you get to produce whatever you want, and are just paid to do so on a particular channel. That's pretty dang exonerating.

Yes, it was a reputation smear, people are right about that as well, however I don't think any reasonable person can deny unless they're being a fanboi or extremely tribal that they didn't set themselves up here.

Are you being intentionally dense, or...?

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

This is pointless. You're failing to grasp extremely simple concepts, and you aren't addressing anyone's points.

Kienan 26 points ago +27 / -1

If nothing else, I appreciate how open she is with being an absolute piece of shit. Keeps things simple.

Fuck Nikki Haley, the evil bitch.

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