Kienan 20 points ago +21 / -1

You're an idiot. I'll let other people tell you why

I didn't want it to be me, but he's being so thick I had to step up.

Kienan 20 points ago +20 / -0

...it's easy to see they got duped at best which doesn't make them look good...

If nothing else, I can respect you sticking by your absolutely retarded take, and doubling down.

'If the massive globalist government claims to get someone near someone you might know, you totally deserve getting your shit destroyed by the powers that be.'

Shit, dude. You're smarter than this. You live in the UK, and area always going on about the nefarious and dystopian shit they get up to. But now if you can get six degrees of separation from a fedboi you're complicit? Again, just absolutely braindead take.

Edit: Honestly surprised with the usual paranoia on this site about glowies that you guys are going out of your way to stick up for them...

The glowies are the ones doing this. What is your hangup on this? You're the one "sticking up for the glowies," if anything.

...they are not looking good if they got greedy and took money under the table for videos, this does reek of fanboism and I'll call it out regardless.

What are you even talking about at this point? That's not even close to anything anyone but retarded leftists are saying...


Kienan 31 points ago +31 / -0

Dude, quit being retarded.

This isn't about fanboyism. The government is the enemy, and this attack is coming from them. Fuck the DOJ, and fuck Mayorkas, that slimy rat.

Do I know who they are really? No, I don't so I'm not going to get that attached about it...

Well, you should get attached. This matters. This is about free speech, not any individuals. Of the batch, I mainly like Matt. I'd have more negative things to say than positive about many of the others. (Benny Johnson is boring and adds nothing to his content. Lauren Southern has flipflopped way too much. Dave Rubin is a washed up shill. Lauren Chen goes way back and is kind of cool [and hot], but can also be a bit flipfloppy and milquetoast. Tim Pool is obnoxious, but I think useful. Taylor Hansen seems cool, from the little I've seen. As mentioned, I like Matt Christiansen.) Doesn't mean I'm going to toss them out as Russian agents, because that's complete and utter bullshit, and I'm not retarded enough to believe the DOJ.

None of these people are Russian assets. I could give you an "at worst" scenario, and it wouldn't even be that bad...but I don't even want to give the fed fuckers even that much credibility. This is too convenient; until proven otherwise, I just assume this was the US DOJ pulling their standard bullshit.

Again, quit being retarded.

Kienan 37 points ago +37 / -0

This is a really bad take.

This is the US government going after independent creators.

Kienan 43 points ago +43 / -0

Tenet itself, and Lauren Chen were also banned. Lauren and her husband were raided. The FBI wants to "talk" to everyone involved.

This continues to stink.

You think they'll do it? You think they'll remove Tim Pool before the election? Love him or hate him, he's massive and successful, and good at staying within terms of use. He would be a massive canary. So far they seem to only be going after the smaller guys, but they could be working up to it.

This feels like the Crowder bullshit all over again, which felt like the Alex Jones bullshit all over again, which felt like the Milo shit all over again, which felt like...

I hate it all. Free speech, my ass. Fuck our gay government.

Kienan 17 points ago +17 / -0

instead of the reality of her being a drunken, incompetent whore.

Hey now, that's unfair to like 90% of drunken incompetent whores...

Shit, she's terrible.

Kienan 9 points ago +9 / -0

This is the pedojeet, so nothing of value was lost. Downvote, report, ignore.

Kienan 2 points ago +2 / -0

First time I heard his name was a Jew saying it...and I still thought he was being antisemitic.

Kienan 20 points ago +20 / -0

That...is someone you don't let around your kids. Or anyone's kids. Or pets.

Kienan 25 points ago +25 / -0

Peterson is such an absolute tool. He wasn't always, but he certainly is now.

Also, good for Lauren. Even something as tame as that is still a tough stance to take. Also, saying anti-Zionism doesn't have to be antisemitic is based.

I still don't think that was the reason she was targeted, though. Also, this all happened before that post anyway, although she might have been saying similar things earlier.

As I said in another thread, I think she was targeted because she's not as big as some of the others, but is an OG from back in the day, and is friends with many of the bigger names. She's perfect to try to get her friends onboard (and no, that doesn't mean she's complicit, and she might have even thought she was giving them a good opportunity.) It's her connections to other people that are valuable, not her stance on the Israel making her a target. Although it could be some of both, of course.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

now wokies are upset that someone...looks normal?

"We hate unrealistic beauty standards! Unless we can use them to call a cute woman we disagree with ugly because she's not gorgeous!"

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Off topic, but looks quite a bit like the room from RoboCop.

Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

I believe the father and the lead prosecutor in the case knew each other somehow too.

That does sound vaguely familiar, although it's been a long time since I checked into any of that. What a mess, though.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

I don't think she was the prime target. She was probably used because she runs in the same circles, and is on friendly terms with, a lot of the bigger people, since she goes way back. She's OG, but not massive; she's the perfect target.

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

What a rebuttal. Why are you even wasting your time answering me?

To point out you're sketchy as fuck, and don't seem to even be 'one of us.' You're not being honest.

I never tried to "take over the sub", that's a lie you just fabricated.

I merely complained about how the sole moderator can't properly moderate his own shit.

To the admins. Demanding new mods.

Tomato, tomato, basically. You want to drastically change this sub...while not actually engaging here. That's really suspicious behavior. Not sure what your deal is, but you're either absolutely retarded, or not operating in good faith.

Kienan 45 points ago +48 / -3

Nah, she might actually be a chinese plant.


You've posted here nine times in your account's one year lifespan...while trying to take over this sub in /Meta multiple times, and otherwise stir up shit.

Now you're here to say Lauren Chen is a spy?

If anything, that just makes me suspect you're an (inept) fed or something.

Kienan 65 points ago +66 / -1

Yup. This is obviously an attack, on them, and not from Russia.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

Which just goes to show the story is not what they're trying to say, and these people were targets of an attack, not targets of a con to spread propaganda for a foreign power. This is character assassination; they were never asked to do anything, and my have been tangentially connected to foreigners. And the US government was either directly involved, or at the very least let it happen and continue to happen, until the most convenient time to "expose" them.

Again, character assassination, and an attack on all independent media.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Intel agencies do this sorta thing for sure. Financially support a foreign group then reveal its foreign money to discredit them.

They were also using FISA to spy on everyone, apparently.

Kienan 3 points ago +3 / -0

He's astonishingly bland. People hate on Tim Pool, but Pool's content is downright genius, and Pool is super charismatic, compared to Benny Johnson.

I don't like to hate, and I'm not a "hater" per se, but that's my impression, the few times I've stumbled across Benny's content. He doesn't add anything, anyone else could do what he does, and likely do it better. No clue how he got so big; he doesn't seem to bring anything to the table.

Kienan 6 points ago +6 / -0

"Kamala is so brat" - Putin, probably.

He also likes how joyful she is.

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