Kienan 1 point ago +1 / -0

It was a crazy time, so I could be wrong, but I do recall seeing people stopped from climbing up, and tossed back down...which is crazy considering the people coming up the stairs normally were just flowing right on past. They also did seem to shove a few people back over the edge who had already made it up, and were fully on the upper path...just shoved over the edge for a pretty nasty fall. If I'm not misinterpreting, it's completely psychotic. There was no need for that; it was a tiny proportion of the overall crowd, and it was done in the way to potentially cause the most grievous injury.

Climbing like that was retarded in the first place, but that doesn't absolve those thugs of throwing them back down.

Also, for the record, I'm not downvoting you.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

...the world was locked down in a pandemic that was unleashing a torrent of propaganda the likes of which I had never seen. As a friend of mine lay dying of COVID on a ventilator...

Author's buddy would have been better off if they'd listened to some of the "propaganda."

President Donald Trump promised that we could cure the disease with light and deworming medication for horses.

Really? Horse dewormer? In this, the Current Year?

...anonymous accounts falsely blamed [BLM] protesters for violence.


A conspiracy theory from 2016 about pizza-eating pedo- philes radicalized a huge number of right-wing extremists, who later joined crowds storming the Capitol, trying to murder the vice president and overturn the 2020 presidential election.

Firstly, there are certainly pedophiles, and pizza is involved; there were certainly exaggerations, but also truths. Also, she just links it without evidence to the a "huge number of right-wing extremists," and then claims again without evidence that they were at J6 and...tried to murder Pence.

What a nutbag.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

Technically it was stairs, but it was the long, straight way down, at building height, so I used that as shorthand. On J6 they were pushing at least a couple of people over the edge, which looked like a 1.5 or 2 story drop.

It's crazy how much footage we had of the events outside the capitol, that anyone watching could see live, the day of, that got completely memoryholed. I saw people pushed and thrown over, live. I don't see it talked about much at all though.

Kienan 5 points ago +5 / -0

I forget where, but I heard the "WMD" was a machine gun. And that he got into an armed standoff with the police.

Kienan 16 points ago +16 / -0

Right: broke a few windows at the capitol once, says mean things on Twitter

And got shot, batoned to death, and thrown off buildings for their trouble. And the survivors hunted down nationwide and jailed.

Kienan 35 points ago +35 / -0

I wouldn't go that far. Dude has "fuck you" money bravery.

Oh come on, you can't fake that reaction (to the first shooting.)

I don't care how much money you have, there's a few different ways you react, and it's all on instinct. Unless you train extensively getting shot at (and Trump doesn't), and even then...plenty of highly trained people break when under fire for the first time. Trump's a badass, I stand by that.

Kienan 34 points ago +35 / -1

It really is amazing. This nearly eighty year old billionaire really is a badass. This time it's just words, but I fucking believe it, after his reaction to getting shot two months ago. Dude's a warrior, and it's actually mind boggling.

Kienan 23 points ago +23 / -0

It's also interesting to explore Wikipedia bias and formatting.

The Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) is a Christian extremist organization

It's really hard to find any of the incredibly numerous Islamic terrorist groups called "extremists."

Al-Qaeda is a pan-Islamist militant organization led by Sunni Jihadists who self-identify as a vanguard spearheading a global Islamist revolution to unite the Muslim world under a supra-national Islamic caliphate. Its membership is mostly composed of Arabs, but also includes people from other ethnic groups.

They just can't help themselves:

Jihadism is a neologism for militant Islamic movements that are perceived as existentially threatening to the West. In a narrower sense, it refers to the belief held by some Muslims that armed confrontation with political rivals is a theologically legitimate and efficient method of socio-political change.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

What exactly is an assault weapon?

The scariest looking weapon that they haven't banned yet.

It goes something like machine guns > semiauto rifles (in black) > semiauto pistols > semiauto rifles (wood furniture) > revolvers > muzzleloader rifles > flintlocks > shotguns (they love to keep these around for a while so you can pretend you still have rights) > airsoft guns > nerf guns > swords > knives > potato peelers.

Kienan 10 points ago +11 / -1

As expected, you dodged.

What does it say about you and your purported beliefs that you share more in common with cat eating savages and a random assortment of rapists and murderers than you do the people who have built the civilization all these psychos want to move to?

Kienan 16 points ago +17 / -1

I know not to engage with the trolls but just this once...what does it say about you and your purported beliefs that you share more in common with cat eating savages and a random assortment of rapists and murderers than you do the people who have built the civilization all these psychos want to move to?

(Certified cat-free) food for thought.

At worst us building a functioning society lets us live so peacefully and tolerantly that every few generations we have to pull back and course correct when we realize the worst elements of our society have started living like you guys do constantly. Our utter cultural failure is your Tuesday.

Kienan 10 points ago +10 / -0

I don't get open border libertarians.

Spoiler: They're leftists. Any "open border libertarian" is, without fault, going to care more about leftist causes like "diversity" and "tolerance" (in the lefty sense) than they do about liberty and freedom.

Putting aside the subversion of the libertarian movement, this sort of libertarian is at least moderately better than a standard leftist, since they at least think they care about freedom...but don't get the wrong idea; these are still leftist ideologs.

Kienan 9 points ago +9 / -0

Even if there were no welfare state, I don't want that. The job of my government is to protect my interests

Yup, America First (or [Country] First) means just that; putting your own people first.

Even if we got rid all the perverse incentives, we're still not obligated to take in any foreigners if we don't want to. Even if they weren't cat-eating savages.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

But they care about signaling virtues a whole damn lot.

They're the Good Guys, remember?

Kienan 20 points ago +20 / -0

Yeah but they STOPPED after the famine

Yeah. Irish, Jews, and Italians were poor. Hattians are retarded savages with a culture that doesn't even understand a lot of concepts inherent in basic civilization. #NotAll, of course, and all that.

Also...bottom line, they're not Americans, and we're shipping them over now. So we should stop. It's not even about how good or bad they are compared to past immigrants...we're full, fuck off.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

The guy's post may seem like a parody, but I believe he's a libertarian

As something of a libertarian myself...man, I wish libertarians weren't retarded.

But yeah, it is weird. His top posts (I still haven't bothered to sign in to Twitter/X, so that's how it sorts) are all very antiestablishment, "covid skepticism."

And he even defended Alex Jones.

Did the jury know that Alex Jones didn’t kill the kids?

So this is a really weird take from someone who, at a glance, seems dissident and sane. Like you said, maybe one of the especially retarded "open borders libertarians" or something.

Don't get me started on those fucks. They're gigaautists who haven't bothered to even think things through. One of the core tenets of libertarianism is the concept of private property. You can easily scale that up to a state or nation...and then open borders quickly becomes one of the most anti-libertarian stances you can hold. So these people are just utopians so wrapped up in their "identity/community" of libertarianism they don't bother to question anything. Basically...leftists that like the idea of freedom, but don't quite understand it.

Kienan 7 points ago +7 / -0

I wish it was that simple, but I don't think it is. That's a part of it, but it really does seem to be deemed virtuous to look androgynous.

Kienan 11 points ago +11 / -0

These people are so often just a meme of themselves.

How could anyone think this is a good look, and something they should do?

This is like Rabbi Shmuley levels of 'evil Jew stereotype.' Just why?

Kienan 9 points ago +9 / -0

In this case it's paywalled (and machine translated), but it seems to be talking about where they flee to, maybe specifically Berlin in this case. (Also, tagging u/Adamrises.)

Archive (for what little it's worth in this case.)

And raw, unarchived link, in case someone wants to see if they can do more with it.

Ukrainian refugees are entitled to citizen's allowance - but many end up in prostitution in Berlin.

Kienan 4 points ago +4 / -0

Cope. Lolbert nonsense.

That was nowhere near my point, but nice try. I wasn't trying to say how things should work, other than that I don't want perverse incentives and subsidies coming from the government, and thus taxpayers.

Also, although it wasn't my point, "lolbert nonsense" would still be better than what we currently have, because at least the flow of money would be voluntary. So the government would no longer be able to, as I ended my original comment...steal from us to fund our own suffering, poverty, and extinction. That would stop. And that would put an end to a lot of the immigration issues right there.

Which is why pure libertarian free markets don’t work.

Again, wasn't my point and, again, would still probably work better than our current brand of corporatist socialism.

Kienan 13 points ago +13 / -0

And they still got ripped hard before they locked them. Amazing.

Kienan 30 points ago +30 / -0

...only jet black hair or green hair?

They did a few other colors, but yeah, I think it was mostly goths pulling it off. Dark blues and such were in their wheelhouse too. Also, rare, but could be pretty dang cool; white/silver hair. Weird but really cool look, when done well. Also, barely counts since it's just an exaggerated natural color, but I've seen bright red look good too.

Nowadays dyed hair is reserved for the freaks, though, and not the sorta cool edgy freaks...who barely even seem to exist nowadays, and who probably want to distance themselves from these other freaks as much as possible. They probably wear suits and ties now or something.

It's astonished me for years, but it's just wild that one of the big young people fashion trends is to make yourself as ugly and unfeminine/unmasculine as possible. Androgynous ugly is a massively popular look for young people. It's insane.

Kienan 28 points ago +29 / -1

I'm sure he's a piece of shit, but the real issue is the incentives being there in the first place. It only takes one factory owner wanting to make a profit more than they care about their community to fuck over everyone. That's not a stable system. That's bound to happen. Yes, they deserve blame, but it's also understandable. I hate to pull the 'if it wasn't him, it would have been someone else' argument, but it's true.

The issue is the US government shuttling these people in in the first place, setting them up to get papers, drivers licenses, handouts, free rent, and all that. It's not just that they'll work for less...it's that the whole system is set up - at our, the American taxpayer's, expense - to prop these people up. That's the issue. It's not an issue of "free market" (which we sadly have never been further from), it's an issue of government subsidies toward non-Americans.

Yes, the factory owners deserve blame. The government deserves a ton more. They've fucked us over much harder, every step of the way.

I want free market. I want meritocracy. Me paying to ship retarded foreigners over here to take my job and work for less is not, not, not, not, not a free market meritocracy.

Our government steals from us to fund our own suffering, poverty, and extinction.

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