Kevin_Green 2 points ago +2 / -0

Because Black Wall Street you dumb motherfucker.

Kevin_Green 3 points ago +4 / -1

Scale. Scale is the difference.

Kevin_Green 6 points ago +6 / -0

They do! And then the leader executes them and the remaining generals never make that mistake again.

Kevin_Green 22 points ago +23 / -1

You get paid to kill criminals by the police and several threads in the story talk about the various ways the upper-class attempt to eradicate the lower class while exploiting them, which actually does happen. See: Marxism and who pushes it and who profited from it this last year.

Kevin_Green 3 points ago +3 / -0

This person deserves his criticism. I have people legitimately hate my existence in some comments on stuff I write and I just ignore them.

Kevin_Green 1 point ago +1 / -0

Do you want me to be honest with you? Most people are fucking illiterate dumbasses when it comes to predicting the outcome of their decisions let alone collective philosophy.

Pro-Consumer: market has to have social responsibility. Pro-Customer: If it doesn't impact those giving us money, it doesn't matter.

The oligarchs are pro-costumer and you can see what level of contempt they have for you. Further consider that if you are not a customer then what reason do I the seller have to even consider your opinion on any matter? I don't, in fact it is nonsensical to do so.

As I said what you are asking is against your best interest.

Kevin_Green 1 point ago +1 / -0

He took a buyout and retired. He doesn't stay in contact, so beyond that I do not know. My apologies for the delay in replying, I don't get to .win as often as I should.

Kevin_Green 1 point ago +1 / -0

Their objective is to continue to fit into their heard. They have no real understanding of the world around them, so to say they hate this country is somewhat inaccurate. In that it requires them to understand what this country is in order to hate it. Of which they don't and when it is gone, only then will they realized what they lost.

Kevin_Green 1 point ago +2 / -1

I own up to not fixing that in my draft as well. I should have said Geeks and Gamers, but in a formal letter, one has to make a correct address even if it sounds phony as hell. I agree it does look like we're saying "hey fellow kids." Without the Jump Street cleverness.

Appreciate your acceptance. In a professional capacity, it is a bit more rigid, but in general, this is just who I am. Yes it gets me called a know it all and people complaining it sounds like I'm acting like an authoritative source or something to that effect. (Never that my info is wrong which does happen).

Real talk, if fancy words instead of actions could convince you that all your concerns were invalid you'd be a chump and my Nigerian friend needs your help to move some money out of his country. I never expect this would be the end of it, merely the beginning of fixing the issue and moving forward.

Don't get me started on election day. This whole voter fraud nonsense has had me stressed for days. I'm impressed with how flagrant it is.

Kevin_Green 1 point ago +2 / -1

I love when people say "Wild West" because most do not understand the only thing the Wild West lacked was a uniformed system of law, not law. In fact, as the federal government expanded several provinces and cities gained rights and lost laws that were blatantly unconstitutional, such as the Wild West's prolific anti gun laws.

I appreciate that you are firm on your position. Do you consider the dangers of an encroaching authority to be your driving motivator or is your position based on principle? I'd love to have this discussion with you, as I'm sure you are aware it is rare to have someone willing to talk about the merits and philosophy of matters.

I don't dismiss people's anger and disdain for what has happened. It was unfair and probably would not have occurred in a fair free market. They have the right to be upset and to not participate with us going forward, but I hope they do. If only in giving us tips so we can signal boost good stories or do research into what matters to readers.

That sounds like some bullshit tagline, so let me explain why I'm serious. I'm not a simp or a rug, but I appreciate the concept that in the creative arts such as writing and youtube one is only able to do their work so long as it is consumed by others. This interaction gives the work a grander meaning outside self satisfaction for having created something. I shout into the void on social media, so I'm used to doing both, but it is better when the work is consumed. For this reason it is in my best interest to appreciate the concerns of the audience to maintain good relations with them.

Yes there is some emotion in there, no I will not sell myself out to please them, but it at the end of the day is a rational decision.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +1 / -1

Let me devil's advocate you and explain why what you are asking is not in your best interest. Pro-consumer represents a mentality of creating an atmosphere that is conducive to people who are both customers and potential customers that might not know of our product. It advocates for the advancement of customer rights and protections.

Now being pro-customer involves a very apt understanding of what constitutes a customer. If you have no interest in engaging with my business or plan to exploit our policies (in the sense of an airline, no OAG) then you would not be a customer and thus I have zero inclination to provide you any service, help, or even human decency.

It boils down to a tribalistic setting where you are either our customers or not our customers. Now a business can be both pro-consumer and pro-customer by limiting some behaviors each would entail in their purest form, but I'd never recommend being 100% pure customer.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +1 / -1

That's the UK standard. The new administration is Eastern European.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +1 / -1

Like Ethan I was given my pens down notice. I do not know if Ethan was in the know, but I was kept out of it even on common sense messaging you'd want your staff to be telling people.

I became involved in the relaunch after the new owners contacted me to retain my services.

As for my true colors, that is not hard to figure out. I don't prefer to lie, I merely don't tell people everything. Not a lie by omission, but I'm not keen on revealing my personal ideology, motivation, and mentalities. If you're observant it's not hard to piece together like 60% of it though. It's a mixture of naturalism, occultism, Buddhism, Taoism, and philosophy.

Kevin_Green -3 points ago +1 / -4

Speaking personally and not in a professional capacity I find there are very very few people who are true absolutionists when it comes to Freedom of Speech. Most refuse to even stop the government from passing obscenity laws, hate speech laws, or hate crimes laws that often require presumption to be made about motivation thus regulating thought itself.

Further porn is legally classified as speech and how many of you are willing to defend Child Pornography? Well that’s different because children are being harmed in the creation. True, but they’re not harmed in the possession, but that’s a moral argument for a different day. (For the record I am against Child Pornography, I am using it in an intellectual capacity and this statement in no way, shape, or form advocates for the production or ownership of CP.)

How about libel and defamation laws? Those with wisdom will also agree we need Truth in Media laws, but that restricts their capacity to speak as they would desire. We don’t permit shouting fire in a crowded building or incitement anywhere even if it is justified. The reality is most people do not believe in freedom of speech until they want to say something and then they find they cannot say it. The smart among us wisely realize the censors will come for us if we let them take an inch so we defend the right as best we can.

That being said we are not the ones who woke up one day and went, yeah I really want to create an arbitrary nanny state system that restrict what people says so everyone can feel included and not discriminated against. Society did that and when Google and Silicon Valley expanded it no one had a single issue until it became a problem.

Do we want to limit what you all say? No. There is no profit in doing so. There is no emotional gain from wielding such petty power. All of us have better things we could be doing with our time than doing so. Yet we are forced to abide by Googles terms and we came to our established audience to explain what was going on. We aren’t here to beg you or coddle you. This is the reality and until Silicon Valley’s monopolistic grasp is destroyed it will remain the reality.

Now you can hate us for that reality or understand that we can continue delivering truth to more people by bending the knee to a small demand and in the grander scheme of the culture war it is a small demand, a petty victory that etches away at their support. I hope you give us a chance, but I understand if you won’t. That is your right, but if you won’t at least send us tips on juicy stories. Anyway, that’s just my two cents on the matter.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +2 / -2

Ideally if there wasn't a need to correct the bad impression the original message created we would have probably done an AMA closer to relaunch, but that sadly wasn't what circumstances provided. Secondly, though we respect the audience here, this wasn't our first selection. We tried launching the AMA on /r/KotakuinAction and someone asked why we hadn't done it on here and that was a solid point, so we launched two AMAs. Sadly KIA's admins demonstrated their lack of class by shutting the other one down, but you've all been wonderful.

Well, I once said fellow channer instead of Vtard, so I cannot complain about "fellow gamers." Especially not after I wrote one draft of this message and didn't change it either. Probably should have put a Geeks in there. Owe well.

My first language is English, but my writing style leans toward authoritative as my earliest work was in non-fiction. I understand it comes across rather strong, but sadly it is also reflective of my thinking process as well. Right now we are presenting a formal appearance and approaching the audience with respect. Going forward there will be more light-hearted writing and brevity in our words.

The owner is a good guy and we have permission to do the talking. If you want to know the hard truth this isn't his only venture. I do not know much about the man myself, but I know he is busy and juggling several projects. There really wasn't much more beyond cleaning up the image to make it viable. A bit thoughtless, but as they aren't from the US they didn't understand their statement was the equivalent of throwing a hand grenade into a children's party.

Kevin_Green 3 points ago +4 / -1

I was on 8chan so I affiliated with Hyper Venitian Nazis so this is somewhat of a step-down. Our editor is familiar with 4chan, so when he gets on to answer questions he's not going to be terribly offended either.

Appreciated and yes we're attempting to resolve the confusion caused by the initial message.

Kevin_Green -3 points ago +1 / -4

Agreed and this has been discussed and is under review. Owers and management get to make that decision.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +3 / -3

I know I'm telling the truth. I've never once uneavenly enforced rules on anything I've managed. Recently I even had to tell my best friend he'd been warned in my discord server over an argument he had with another user. Didn't like it and I have the mentality of "I don't care who started what, the rules are the rules." That said you don't know me, so you have no reason to believe I or even our owners and editors will enforce those rules evenly. That said we hope you will give us the opportunity to demonstrate we will and earn that trust.

We're not working for Google. We are subjected to their restrictions just like every site that wants to use AdSense and have their Crawlers do their thing. Thus while Google can promote whatever they like, we will be operating on our own standard set forth by our owners.

That's up to them, but there are ways of making rules that can easily and fairly nip that in the bud.

Kevin_Green -5 points ago +3 / -8

I am unsure what language is permitted on .win so I opted for the safe route. I'm also acting in an official capacity and our conversations and responses may be monitored, screenshotted, and used against us so I have to play it safe.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +2 / -2

European and I'll leave it to them if they want to specify further.

Kevin_Green -3 points ago +3 / -6

We understand, but we hope you'll give us a chance.

Kevin_Green 0 points ago +3 / -3

There has been quite a few discussions going on behind the scenes about matters. For example, as an American, I've had an interesting conversation about how hate speech over here is not how hate speech is regarded where our lead editor is from, so they did not understand the stigma that was attached to the term.

Appreciate the understanding. It sucks when you can't run your groups how you see fit. I don't have a story like yours, but I can tell you about the time I got banned for banning a user for threatening violence on a facebook page after his friends brigaded our announcement (the incident was a several hour sperg out). I love pointing out I got banned for enforcing Facebooks rules.

Kevin_Green -3 points ago +2 / -5

Investors and the like is owner's responsibility. Yes, things may change beyond what we are discussing here now, but right now what we are expressing is our intended path forward.

We'll try to keep people updated if plans change going forward.

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