Consumers are, as the continued dominance of Windows shows, completely retarded. Windows functionality has degraded year after year for a decade and they still control the market. I'm no fan of Apple either but then I dislike most cults.
So let's game theory that. Admittedly to the worst extent, but let's be real we live in hell.
You have an open source project with publicly available code. You deny entry to a troon.
Said troon copies your publicly available code and goes on media blitz claiming you discriminated against him. Your bank Alex Jones's you and your supporters are largely driven off. Said troon is now the effective owner of the project going forward.
And that's easily doable to you in say, Canada.
I'd you by default don't share code, it's much more difficult to do this to you.
Closed source software companies have a similar problem that leads to their infiltration. Namely any form of ostensible public participation. If something is open to the public you effectively cannot gatekeep because of the thrice cursed CRA.
Until the right re-establishes cultural and legal control, public participation is invariably a negative and a vulnerability.
Any circumstance in which we can universally abandon the idiocy of wind and solar power is one in which the left has been politically or more likely militarily defeated, and thus DEI becomes much less of a concern.
These people practically worship the sun. They won't give up their grift willingly.
Oh I see the problem here. You still think this is about persuading anyone.