Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

F you arrive in the afterlife and one of your ancestors is waiting and tells you to go to the corner and kneel on an abacus and wait till your dad gets here.

Jack 11 points ago +11 / -0

I looked up about 20 entries of US service members and it tracks with what you said, seems like a formatting thing.

Personally I understand but listing deployment medals and ribbons would make sense but they have battle/wars in the box so eh, that's good enough I suppose?

as I type that I see on tim walz wiki on battle/wars it has:

War in Afghanistan - Operation Enduring Freedom

-_-! I'm out of words. I'm going to go watch wrestling now.

by Jack
Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

Bronze Stars at the time was really the circle jerk award not everyone gets it, a lot of people did, but the ones who did is usually in the clique and their boys.

Not trying to reply to every comment but

Now I'm starting to think less on the "abandoned his men" narrative and more along the lines of "his men were better off without him".

Personally, I'll withhold judgement on that but if I were a betting man, something tells me he takes the modified PT test. And if he does, that tells me all I need to know about this senior nco.

by Jack
Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

How every award outside of being witnessed risking your own life in the line of duty:

Know someone. Liked by the right people.


Sucks cock.

Also applies to promotion waivers.

Also, never in my life had I mentioned much less brag I got an ARCOM in the Army, that isn't a real award, that's baseline shit, if you did 3-4 active duty and you don't have an ARCOM while it doesn't necessarily mean you were extra, but it'd raise some flags.

by Jack
Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Ha! I kinda modified the writeup from the one I shared to my vet buddies before posting here to hide what I actually did because I am paranoid.

I'm only saying this because I knew a lot of Army cooks and of all the "sounds like you didn't do shit" comments thus far only yours rustled my jimmies. lol damn cooks!

by Jack
Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

Right? Didn't even get a msm during his tour of italy in 2003. iirc rules changed in 2004 to make msm a buffer in combat zones so people stop giving out bronze stars like candy.

Guy in his position didn't have anyone bullshit a 638 for "exemplary leadership"? Must not been liked.

by Jack
Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

no offense taken, because it's true. And while it won't fool everyone but it'll fool enough and those wanting to be fooled*. Just want to mention Tim Walz's wiki only mentions 2 awards: ARCOM and 2x AAM and he's an E-8 24 years part-timer. The exercise of that writeup was to be vague without lying and let people draw their own conclusion.

*I talk to a massive TDS individual, civilian, and he defends Walz with damage control talking points which is worse and more flimsy then my writeup, while in the same breath bad mouths Vance for having an easy mos and deployment. People are dumb.

by Jack
Jack 8 points ago +8 / -0

roughing it in the mountains reconnecting with your humanity.

I can't! I was never any good in land nav!

by Jack
Jack 9 points ago +9 / -0

well I tried. I didn't do a whole lot so didn't have much to work with when it comes to embellishments. Hence focusing on saying being overseas post 9/11 in a time of war mentioning near front lines without mentioning the dmz blah blah blah.

I'd assume a civilian reading it would assume given the timeframe person x was in iraq or afghanistan. Or rather that was my intent.

reality was I just drank a lot of beer and ate gimbap while having a good time.

by Jack
Jack 26 points ago +26 / -0

Spoilers ahead:

I'm person x, and the above is a description of me stationed in south korea, I used deploy in the literal sense not the military definition (but you don't have to know that)

Nothing above is a lie, as a specialist I was placed in the position reserved for a staff sergeant, where I spent most nights not doing jack shit but sweep up and do bitch work before morning shift shows up.

And I pulled guard duty, in a camp very close to the DMZ (lol) and never once had to fire the weapon that I carried into war.

The point I'm getting at is I'm no war hero but I can be sneaky about my language and make my service seem more than it actually was without even lying. And if someone else wants to draw their own conclusions that's not my fault.

And that's what Tim Walz did, you can call it stolen valor or not, I don't give a shit, it's sneaky, and as a war hero who served in a combat zone during a cease fire, I'm against it.

Jack 1 point ago +1 / -0

it's white in the front and gray on the back and top. Nothing about it looks like a klan hood which is pointy.

whatever, the problem I have is that the left, like someone who I had the unfortunate hour long talk with this morning sees something their brain has been rewired with a is it racist filter and it's really scary to see it in real time.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

ya man, 80s through early 00s was peak wrestling.

So I mostly watch AEW as my weekly, I do listen to a podcast and watch WWE PLE to keep up but just not a fan of the presentation.

Oh a few years ago I accidently created c/wrestling , I assumed it would have a confirm button but nope it just created it. It's a dead sub atm, I keep wanting to make daily posts like those people on c/funny c/memes and other non-political subs. Because people come for thedonald and kia but to keep people from going back you need cat videos.

But I'm not cut out to be a mod or bother to provide content day in and day out, three decades of being online and I never had any interest other than being shitposter.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

I remember a family rental store I think it was literally called family rental. They had a back room with porn and I think I went in there one time when I turned 18 but by then internet was a thing so I wasn't their demo.

Anyways, even in the 90s they had the 5 for $5 deal for old and bad movies, any movie with a blue dot sticker is 5 for 5 dollars for 5 days and outside of big releases those were what we rented. Everyone gets a pick, I pissed my family off with wrestling ppv tapes. And no matter what you rented they always give you a small bag of buttery popcorn that never makes it home.

Fucking a, it was magical.

Don't get me started on 2 VCRs and putting 3 movies on one tape in SLP mode.

Jack 6 points ago +6 / -0

a real man would've lasted 30 days.

Or beat mr. beast's ass on day 3.

Jack 17 points ago +17 / -0

Does he not understand how free speech works? What it means?

Oh, he's a libtard, so of course not.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

The black woman in vegas who shoved the elderly man off the bus for being too slow, killing him, got 8 years.

The white woman in new york who got in an argument with her boyfriend, got angry, went across a street to beat up an innocent elderly woman who later died from the injuries, killing her, got 8 years.

Crackhead scrapper gets busted doing crackhead scrapper things gets 15.

I wish all copper wiring identifies as Blacks.

and before anyone says pussy pass, don't bother, I'm saying it first, the pussy pass is real.


Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Easy with just one simple trick: Ya gotta be 東方不敗!

Sidenote, it's a banger of a movie if you're drunk as hell, a product of the 90s and into wire-fu.

Jack 2 points ago +2 / -0

Well, you won't need all that gold with all the money we saved by cutting those social programs!

fag by yoisi
Jack 5 points ago +6 / -1

Citizens voting are upset to the point of revolt because the election is rigged...

by communist.


communist government


communist govern... ahhh... npc, iykyk

Jack 10 points ago +10 / -0

Same here, I don't have time to be Charlie in the mailroom. My country kitchen buffet ass needs paragraphs with linked receipts or a well cited video, not a fucking dozen tweets with 4 cropped pics on each tweet.

Jack 13 points ago +13 / -0

There needs to be a jpg of that 1984 passage during hate week that Oceania is no longer at war with Eurasia, but with Eastasia and the crowd flipped on a dime without question and even blamed Emmanuel Goldstein for the posters that clearly contradict what they're being told.

Jack 7 points ago +7 / -0

detective pikachu says the phone staff is holding has transparent bumper case, phone with translation has black case no bumpers.

Not saying it's fake and gay because "foreigners will cause trouble to other customers and staff" sounds like how a japanese staffer would phrase it without thinking it's offensive, because it's true.

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