This kind of shit has been going on since Obama's deliberate illegal weaponization of the credit card companies. What was the operation name that treasonous faggot called it? Where government pressure was used to coerce payment processors to shut out gun stores and firearms related business?
It wasn't punished then so of course they kept pushing. Leftists only understand force. If you don't make them stop they never will.
Trading one evil for another is still bad. Fuck all tencent chicom funded and developed software.
Try to enforce it, limeys. I dare you.
Multiple times even
You keep going back to "unpleasant retard" like a mantra. A woman called you that and it broke your fragile brain, I'd guess.
It seems a pretty accurate description of you. You seem to be pretty dim and you're a petulant bitch that immediately screee'd at me because I disagreed with you in another thread.
Meanwhile, I didn't even remember your name. See you next time that cycle repeats, faggot.
Little pussy, I'd beat the living fuck out of you
And then
Fake tough guy
Lmao. You project your own failings like clockwork. Were you a drug addict at some point or did your mother drink while she was pregnant? You talk like a whiny teenage shithead, but most of them grow out of it eventually. You may be developmentally disabled.
You're a weak faggot, go punch holes in your drywall about it if you even can you petulant bitch.
Says the unironic imp poster. That would be projection.
Do you plan on actually rubbing two brain cells together at any point or are you just going to keep reeeeee-ing? You're boring me.
Go find an actual man to slap the hysterics out of you. Are you a troon? That would explain the simultaneous rage against women with your bitch-like behavior.
hysterical woman reeeee from the same "guy" that was reeeeing about women
Ironic. I had to browse my reply history to remember who you were because of how triggered you're acting. You calling me a faggot is classic projection
no thought, only reeeeee
Pathetic. Womanly behavior.
You gonna cry about it?
You didn't answer the question. Are you an actual unironic monarchist, or did you just not think about your question before you made this thread?
Are you an actual unironic monarchist?
No, being buttmad over being denied supreme authority does not make someone morally righteous.
Even in hereditary monarchy, which is a shit form of government, they didn't always choose the firstborn son, kings were occasionally adopted, married in or chosen from distant relatives.
This is just modern disney being retarded again.
A blanket pardon would make it impossible to prosecute the actual criminals (that are likely not even in jail). What part of that are you missing?
The absolute irony of conpro goblins running to the same mod they constantly cry about over brigading.
Take advantage of canada's medical assistance street shitter.
You're not fooling anyone pajeet.
Die, pedojeet.
And you're using the same logic the fags use to attack white people for shit we didn't personally do. Imp got tolerated as the village crackhead, but imp posting is still retarded.
No, he does have a point. There was a large contingent that were present at the capitol building causing trouble before Trump had even arrived to his speaking event near the washington monument. Some people were not there to support Trump but to cause problems. There were genuinely enormous numbers of people there, and some of them were false flag goons. I strongly doubt any of the feds or the false flaggers are in jail, but the people there should be investigated properly to release the actual innocents, and the feds should be found and jailed.
The people that were charged are less than a percent of the people that were there that day. It is possible to sort out who was who and go after the feds. The right to a fair and speedy trial has been violated for everyone still imprisoned, though, so they should all be released immediately.
That one was retarded, but harmless, delusion that was just another attempt at going "reee mods are fursecuting me" from one of the conpro brigade. This one is vitriolic clickbait, so it gets more attention.
Probably because the title is imp-grade trash.
Is this woman even a feminist? Do not burn the forest down because some trees are poisonous. The women that didn't support this shit don't deserve deranged troons inflicted on them.
That's part of the troon messaging, accusing anyone who rejects their schizoid nonsense of being a radical feminist.
It's so obvious how fake they are, too. All you have to do to be accurate with half the "reeee jooos" bullshit is just stop trying to claim it's one ethnic group and actually identify globalists. But they don't want people to recognize the globalists, they want any criticism of the actual cabal to be dismissed by association.
Actual humans trying to make real arguments aren't that retarded. Anyone with two eyes and functioning pattern recognition capability can see that it is neither all jews nor exclusively jews, so deliberately reducing things to an obviously wrong target is not ignorance, it's malice.
Some of those faggots are so terminally online they have to be welfare goblins or paid shills. Deliberate shilling organizations like actblue should be made illegal, IMO.
Bitch I do NOT care. The rules are a consistent standard, but arbitrary "you're not allowed to talk when this retard spews bullshit" is not a power you can claim that anyone will respect. You do not have arbitrary powers to ORDER me not to reply to a user. This is a discussion board, not a fucking preschool. Your bullshit defeats the purpose of the board.
Further, you continue to not read the comment chain. That faggot is doing the exact thing I did in reply - referencing other shit a user has said. This isn't a chan, posters have pasts, is bringing up their own opinions against the rules now?
It is incredibly ironic that there are "waaah I'm being harassed silence my opposition" reports from the same conpro brigading cucks that constantly shit up the place and whine about you. It is pathetic of you to actually enable them when you can't be bothered to clean up the fucking board from all the conpro goblin brigading.