To collectivist ideologues, The Message overrules observable reality.
Violent mobs often quickly turn towards attacking innocents and property destruction.
Neocon rino faggots are not right wing. They're statists, they support corporate oligarchs, they may pretend to align with elements of the american right culturally but they are not ideokogically right wing. The republican party is not the defining characteristic of what is and isn't right - and those faggots should get primaried. ALL dual citizens should be barred from american office and all foreign aid theft stopped.
Trump however isn't one of their number, and while I don't agree with everything he does, he's a million times the leader any of you faggots could ever be. He's earned the trust people have in his foreign policy. Your preferred faggot suicided his nation.
If you think you can decide what my positions are in direct contradiction to my repeatedly stated positions, we can both play that game.
You are an islamic faggot pedophile. Go shake hands with pedojeet.
I don't promote it and you can't put false positions in my mouth you goblin.
Oh no, a clothed ass that you will see for two minutes if you try to look up every time you use a ladder across a hundred hour game.
Stellar blade is pretty cringe because it tries to be coomerbait, nier is just memed on.
Bullshit. I can like how Trump has objectively been the most nationalist and beneficial president for the United States in decades without supporting the bullshit of foreign aid graft and endless sandbox wars for the military industrial complex.
In case you haven't noticed he's actually been tring to make PEACE in the middle east so we can stop paying attention to tiny shitholes that either have or are trying to get (and use) nuclear weapons.
You one issue shilling goblin.
Nier automata is a genuinely fantastic game with basically zero fanservice of note outside of one DLC costume and if you use the mostly pointless self destruct button you can put the MC in a leotard.
The coomer obsession with one of the protags is just a meme and does not reflect on the game itself. The prior game has more fanservice bait (that's where the dlc comes from) and it wasn't known for that either.
Anyone that calls you retards out you accuse of zionism, even when blatantly false. You are a boring shill.
"You must accept racial collectivism otherwise you worship joooooo" - from the faggots that serve the globalist agenda. You are like the OP - you ignore all arguments that don't boil down to zero iq goblin tribe behavior.
You are not right wing. Your bullshit is in service of the globalist cause to destabilize, defame and destroy right wing movements.
Are we supposed to give a damn what an unelected oligarch "ruling" over cuckistan thought?
Genuinely, you fags - if someone says one thing about the nose BASED BASED BASED no matter what else they do, and someone that disagrees that has actually been excellent for their country, like Trump, you hate. You are fake nationalists. You don't care about nation, only your socialism. You hold no values, only whatever you can push to serve your globalist masters' goals.
If it weren't for the fact that you're an obvious shill and not a real human, I'd say you were too retarded to live. But a shill is actually worse than a retard.
A LEAF thinking a protest in their country had international effects?
Delusions of relevance.
This is so blatantly, retardedly false that you may as well point at the sun and call it black. Hitler's own speeches and actions contradict you.
If you're going to spout pure unfiltered bullshit in my direction don't even bother.
This thread is extraordinarily obviously not in good faith. Look up concern trolling, consensus cracking, that old document that used to make the rounds about the tactics used by forum manipulators that cites this kind of shit.
Yoisi is a socialist. This isn't an insult or a smear, this is something he has actually posted. It is FACT. He was never a trump supporter or ideologically aligned with trump supporters. This thread built on that false pretense is a textbook concern troll. That kind of completely disingenuous, manipulative behavior (that matches the same stereotype they claim is jews, when it is actually leftist behavior patterns) is intolerable. If someone does this kind of sociopathic shit even once, it makes it incredibly obvious that they are not a real human here to engage in genuine conversation.
The wehraboo bullshit is obnoxious when there's the small possibility it's actually genuine, but when someone posts something like this thread? Shilling on that level makes them inherently not part of the community, makes it imnediately obvious that they never were. If someone isn't here to engage in good faith discussion, but to try to manipulate, they deserve nothing but contempt.
Wrt you being annoyed by people calling out werhaboos-
You can't seriously blame people for being tired of forum sliding bullshit from the usual suspects, and if you do not actively oppose that bullshit they achieve their strategic goals. If they didn't post completely retarded nonsense I wouldn't have to counter it. And if nobody does blast them when they show up, eventually the place is drowned in it, and they succeed in at least two of their goals for doing this - to kill activity of dissenting groups, and to create the perception to outsiders that those groups are actually retarded lunatics. The association of neonazis to the right has been an ongoing propaganda campaign for decades, but it has no actual basis in reality. The vast majority of wehraboo shitposting is not real people engaging in good faith.
An ideology is a choice. An ethnic background is an inherent characteristic. Those are not equivalent.
Leftist is not an arbitrary term. The political scale, despite decades of propaganda aimed at muddying the waters, is not a vague or arbitrary thing. I have replied to this goon recently when he's explicitly advocated for socialism and posted "simp for hitler" garbage. That is leftist. He has chosen to follow ideology that directly opposes the right, and his entire pretense that he was ever remotely on the same side as the people that support Trump is false. Pretending that he is of the same "side" as trump supporters so he can consensus crack, is the same tactic as the "hello fellow whites" shit some leftist jews do. It is the exact same shit with a different paintjob.
This site, KIA2 on the .win, is explicitly the offshoot that came about because the right was pushed off reddit. We're on a subforum of the donald's site. It is a right wing site. And frankly, the pretense that gamergate ever had even a significant (>25%) percentage of leftists was always ridiculous. We had some confused "left libertarians" that trended towards being actual libertarians, but we were never close to even on the left / right split. People attempted to play moderate for optics, because some people still thought that ethics and honesty weren't partisan values.
Not what I was saying. Reading comprehension, please.
Fair enough. Now show me where I did that
Because you're both (muh both sides) fucking obnoxious. Your side more so, honestly.
"You're worse because you're mean".
You called u/yoisi an immigrant, when he's been posting here years longer than you have.
My posting on KIA predates the existence of kia2 or the .win domain entirely. I already told you this and you insist on "muh account age" as if that has more connection than actual history or understanding of how this board came to exist. I don't keep track of accounts as if they fucking matter. You do know what got this board to exist in the first place? There is not a single account on this site that can be cited to even half the number of years I've been in this community. I've been here since the original story broke before the term gamergate was even coined. I have every right to call out someone posting blatant "hello fellow x" bullshit, in the most basic forum manipulation way. I don't shit on Yoisi every time he posts anything, I usually skip over it, but this post is fucking GARBAGE of the most obvious and retarded kind.
Nobody genuinely interacting with the community with an interest in the actual topics this board is supposed to be about would make this thread. It is shill bullshit as obvious as Jussie Smollet. I thought he was a retard before, but this post has made me stop considering that there is even a possibility he is a real human poster, and not a goblin manipulator.
You and your fellow weirdos have called me all sorts of names and said I don't belong
Who are you identifying as my fellows, here? Anyone that hates leftist false flag wearing goons? That's a very broad group. There are people on this board that I disagree with fundamentally on a number of things that also shit on the "nazis are totally right wing guys" crowd. The last time I remember saying anything hostile to you was calling your meta threads gay. I don't recall seeing you post wehraboo bullshit, and that's the kind of thing that I'm entirely sick of and will get me to pick a fight.
Leftists always want to corrupt, steal and destroy. They can never leave free people alone. You and I both know (but you will ignore any and all arguments and reply with pithy pointless lines like this) that is neither only nor all jews. In fact you and your ilk do the same shit. No communist, regardless of ethnic background, can leave free or prosperous nations alone. They are pathologically driven to ruin them.
The actually populous anti-semites, (the arab countries) would see israel cease to exist - they do, in fact, want to live in the land Israel is on. Your empty one liner is wrong. Go "hello fellow whites" somewhere else, fake.
Fast trial, death penalty.
"Mean tweets wahhhhh"
False flagging "hello fellow right wing" goons do not get respect. This thing is using the most textbook forum manipulation technique here, in an extremely obvious and pathetic way. If it wants me to treat it like a person it can engage in honest discussion, not act exactly like the leftist jew caricature it's ilk claims to fight.
How exactly is correctly identifying someone who is ideologically opposed to the userbase of this site, and thus is disingenuously shilling by this pointless thread, equal to "you're (ethnic group)".
Explain your logic. Ideology is actually important, and ideology is a choice. This thread, is quite literally, a leftist pretending to be right wing. He says "trump isn't on OUR side" when HE is not on our side. He is not right wing. He opposes ideologically the core of this board's movement, and the core userbase of this site. It is "hello fellow whites". These goons act like the stereotype they claim to fight.
I've been "here" since before this site existed. Don't "muh account age" at me.
He is an immigrant to this movement. He is a self-admitted socialist. He advocates for authoritarian leftist policy and simps for hitler. That IS leftist, undeniably. I cited his OWN statements and beliefs.
The conpro brigading fucks have no ties to gamergate. They are immigrants, tourists, brigaders, what have you. You know this. We all know this.
you and your ilk are predictable
You mean the normal posters here who are tired of getting spammed by disingenuous faggots who do nothing but attempt to derail the board?
He LITERALLY is a wehraboo. And you acknowledge that the conpro fags show up in droves in brigading actions, not because they naturally belong here. They are invaders who shit this board up. 90% of the time I see some complete retard trying to do "hello fellow whites DAE think maybe socialism based" shit conpro is in their post history. They have no relation to this board's origin or topic.
Pushing socialism, wehraboo bullshit, racial collectivism, leftist ideology, is attempting to subvert and destroy this board. It is a fed psyop, they pull textbook forum manipulation tactics. These fags have NEVER BEEN right wing, and this entire site exists because deranged TDS faggots and pedo admins censored the right off reddit. Anyone pushing that degeneracy here is just repeating the same tired smearing and subversion schtick feds have been doing to right wing groups for DECADES.
You admit I'm right but still post in their defense because "you say the same things repeatedly, weeeeeehhhhhh". Yes, I do. I'm ideologically consistent. You would prefer that the few people that still care about the original board just NOT reply, let the place become 100% conpro spam? I shouldn't state the truth?
Now you say countering wehraboo bullshit is annoying, so we're WORSE than the actual invading group. "Oh sure the left is wrong but you're just as bad for being mean." Well doesn't that line seem familiar.
You're on a site that exists because of the don, I'm going to mock you if you echo "but mean tweets" sentiments.
This board is very nearly dead because we have no advertising, no possibility for organic growth and a mod who doesn't give enough of a fuck to clean the floors. But the shambling corpse still doesn't deserve to be turned into another vehicle for "see the right is actually nazis" propaganda.
We both know that isn't true. You fags don't want to be left alone, you constantly invade right wing gatherings and try to shit them up, you fed-op immigrants. You demand authoritarian leftist government, nearly indistinguishable from the other color of racial collectivists except not turned against us. You are either a retarded true believer, a genuine useful idiot or a lying goblin.
Your idol, the degenerate faggot that led germany to absolute ruin, did not "just want to be left alone" he declared global conquest and picked a fight with everyone - because he was just another communist goblin that can't tolerate competing ideologies existing.
If you just wanted to be left alone (and weren't some brown hotpocket collector in a fed or shareblue shitpost center) you'd go back to whatever eurocuck nation you claim to belong to and post on their sites, not be shitting up US forums pushing socialist cuckery.
Says the goblin. You act like the caricature you claim to hate. Your post reads in the exact same voice as the "you're a fucking white male reeeeee" from your ideological cousins.
Most of the dooming is just shilling from intellectually dishonest forum manipulators. The majority of the conpro goblins are not genuine retards, but propagandists and feds.
hello fellow right wing reeee trump bad
YOU aren't on "our side". You're a leftist, by your own words you have repeatedly advocated socialism and simped for leftist dictators.
You aren't right wing. Did you mean to post this on the faggot fed board or is this yet another attempt at forum sliding, trying to create the false perception that you conpro goblin cucks are actually not immigrants here?
We aren't falling for it. Deport yourself.
This place is very near dead with basically no avenues for stopping the decay, and the majority of faggots constantly trying to angle for power here alreay have another board, they just want this one as well because they're not genuine users but forum manipulating goblins.
There's not enough people here for a split to make sense.