The answer is quite simple: The Grievance Industry.
How can people continue to make huge amounts of money by preying off the young, vulnerable, naive, desperate to do good, and insecure, if they don't have a bogeyman to chase after? In the event that there is no bogeyman, what do you think the best course of action would be if you want to continue to justify your career?
The answer is to create one.
These institutions will continue to move the goalposts and seek out new things to be "offended" over in order to continue to make money and justify their existence. The reason things seem more racist now than they did back then is because they are — and that's by design.
The entire ideology of the left is built on top of predatory behavior these days. They participate in empty didactic speeches where they present visions of an impossible utopia, but their actions consistently prove that their pretty words mean nothing and their primary concern is money and power.
What they now advocate for is Government control over people's entire lives. They weaponize the institutions of their countries to go after people who have dissenting views and represent a new brand of authoritarianism that's hidden behind a thin veil of fake virtue.
The saddest part is that there are so many who are genuinely too stupid to see what's blindingly apparent to anyone who actually pays attention to what's taking place.
We're watching the rise of a socialist/communist regime who's objectives is antithetical to everything a "free society" is built upon — all because their snobby elitist attitudes make them feel like they know best. It comes with a total lack of foresight and thinking of the future.
I'll share my thoughts that I've shared before on just such a topic.
We are in a new age. At this very moment we're already engaged in what many wars will look like in the future: a war of information. People on the left are already more than aware of this which is why they're so adamant about censoring views they don't want gaining traction.
The days of using force are done; they're not coming back any time soon.
Force only works when you have control of the narrative and what people see and don't see. As of right now, in nearly every facet applicable, the anti-progressive crowd are in a undeniable disadvantage. This is pretty much indisputable.
In order to achieve success, people absolutely must use many of the same methods that their opposition used to gain them that advantage.
Anyone who believes that there's some miracle one-size-fits-all solution where if we just do some big thing we'll achieve what we're looking for is completely insane. What's happening now is a war of attrition.
If we're intent on fighting back then it's imperative that we do it in ways that exceed their expectations and keep them on their toes. We must be smart, calculative, cunning, shrewd, and have solid guiding principles. The meme war of 2016 is a perfect example of that. It completely played to our strengths and caught them so off-guard that we were able to get a man elected President because of it.
Don't underestimate the power of the internet. That's the biggest mistake that conservative-types have done these last several decades and they're paying dearly because of it now, leaving that burden to us to fix.
The methods they're using are all based on dishonesty, propaganda, authoritarianism, and misinformation. There's others as well but I think people get the gist.
I believe that those methods are also completely unsustainable.
To put it quite bluntly: it's a one-way ticket.
As many people most certainly know, once you see how shit really is, there's no going back. It's why the term "red-pill" has been such a fitting description.
It's one of those "once you see it you can't unsee it" type situations. Every day, more and more people are seeing the shocking frequency that the left and their cohorts lie. This has never been more true as with the mandates, vaccines, Biden screwing shit up, and Covid itself. If they were on the fence before, then when they begin to notice who, exactly, the people speaking the truth are now, it's going to make them begin to question a lot more. That's why the truth is such an effective weapon. A lie can only be covered up — you can only create more lies to do that. The truth, however, is the truth — it simply exists as is and is immutable. That's why whenever they can, they try their best to use it but misrepresent it in every conceivable way. Which is also the reason it's important to know that and call it out for being deceptive.
The truth is a much more effective tool than a lie. As I mentioned before, this is a war of attrition that will take time. It took decades for them to achieve this power, there's no way in hell you're undoing it in a year or two, it's just never going to happen.
That said, the truth is a very powerful weapon and the methods we're currently using are working — and quite well, too. Just because you're not noticing it being showcased in consumer culture or mainstream society, doesn't mean nothing is changing.
During the election we watched a President — who had been the subject of four straight years of witch hunts and smears from every single institution imaginable — gain millions upon millions of votes. More importantly, those are just the ones we know of. If there was some sort of shady shit happening, as many very qualified experts have pointed out with votes being shifted from Trump to Biden, then that number goes up by a staggering amount.
If the methods people are using are so "ineffective," that would not be the case whatsoever — at all.
They are effective, but as mentioned, these things will invariably take time and patience.
It's not a sprint; it's a marathon.
Anyway, point is everyone should fight back. Period. They should never ignore what's taking place and decide to be apathetic while under some retarded delusion that it will somehow just "go away" — because it won't.
But they should do is smart.
In the end, the most important thing people can do is educate themselves. Learn as much as you possibly can about things that you consider important to you. Learn about your opposition, even if you feel you know enough, don't be arrogant. There's always more you can learn.
We're in the age of information warfare, where knowledge is power. People can't afford to be idiots who are completely unarmed.
Ahhh, so you're just going to default to make-believe and pretend I was saying things I wasn't in order to make your nonexistent point. Ok cool. Apparently reading the title was super hard.
What they never mention is how many times he's been arrested or in prison compared to the guy who received "half the time for a similar crime."
Also, what were the dissimilarities?
All of that seems rather relevant to the topic, doesn't it?
Is he joking?
From everything I've read that sort of behavior is amplified exponentially in gay bars? Or is that just a stereotype?
Either way, he's full of shit.
If he's going to gay bars, there's only one reason he's there. Coincidentally, it's the same reason he doesn't go to hetero bars — except much more literal.
Yeah, apparently he died on the scene, it just wasn't confirmed and reported at the time. It's truly sad. What an awful way to go.
Prayers are with him and his family, but I can't help but feel the constant smears, lies, and dehumanizing, play a major role in these sorts of things happening more frequently with known conservatives.
Although, typically not to this extent of violence.
It's truly amazing. This comes a few weeks after Labour member Angela Rayner openly called Tories "scum" and was adamant about dehumanizing them further to score political points.
What's even crazier is everyone should search for news articles about this incident. Almost every single one justifiably mentions how sad they are and all that, but simultaneously they smear him, and still, without fail, are pushing their politics by talking about violence against Liberals and how he was "anti-LGBT," etc.
These people are total scumbag gutter trash pieces of shit to their core.
Naturally, there's no race mentioned on the murderer — who was apprehended. That typically could only mean one thing, but we'll have to wait and see.
It's considered that now; however, it sure as hell wasn't back in 2009 — or even 2004 when she first began speaking about it.
You really need to learn your history and find out why coronavirus vaccines have all failed in the past and how long it typically took before the effects really began to display themselves.
That's why many people are worried about the long-term effects. Almost no one from the very beginning thought they would just outright exterminate people. Do you even realize how obvious that would be?
What's made the vaccines fail in the past is that they've left people susceptible to viruses found in nature as well as completely immunocompromised. These effects almost never displayed themselves until 2 to 3 years later — not immediately.
That doesn't mean anything bad will even come of this crap now, as I've said before, chances are much higher that this is simply greedy assholes being greedy. That said, if the plan was a depopulation plan — which we unequivocally know that nearly every single liberal elite supports eugenics or depopulation initiatives — they're going to execute it in a way that isn't blindingly obvious, but that plays out over an extended period of time.
Even if they wiped out 90% of the population, that 10% is still way the hell more than enough to wipe them out as revenge.
Hell, the fact that Delta even exists should raise serious concerns. Typically, coronaviruses only mutate into weaker versions as time goes on. Pretty much the only exception to this is when, exactly?
When vaccines are involved.
Hence why we never got an "even more deadly and contagious" variant before the vaccine. These people are seriously playing with fire and better pray that history of failed conronavirus vaccines doesn't repeat — or even more terrifying, some form of Marek's disease.
Either way, to think that it isn't "killing or sterilizing" enough yet may be a bit preemptive, especially when we're looking at boosters every few months and the harm seems to be increasing in a linear fashion statistically.
I never said it was?
How would even know that anyway? It sounds like you're just making crap up to be negative again for no reason. It's weird as hell.
I have no idea what you're talking about. That analogy also makes little sense.
Apparently she's made a follow-up video:
It's alright, man. I'm a white male — no one would take the rape seriously anyway.
I don't think anyone could ever make the argument that camwhores and OF thots have absolutely anyone they can blame.
At least in the porn industry they can try to pretend it was others who convinced them. When you're making an OnlyFans or camwhoring there's no escaping that it's completely by your own choice.
Although, I expect 10-15 years from now we'll hear sob stories of how they're victims of something or another.
They very much are a liability in most instances. Still, I don't see them changing shit any time soon — or ever, really.
The ear rape is real.
Funny, though.
I'll believe it was all a "big mistake" when she gives up the massive amount of money it's helped her to make and the fame she has now.
Until then, she's just a pathetic grifting slut who regrets what she did and has to blame literally everyone else instead of taking responsibility for her own actions.
We all have things we regret when younger; however, at 21 years old there's not a single person alive who doesn't know what entering into the porn industry means. Pretending that she was somehow the victim of others is retarded and should never be something that rational people reward her with sympathy for — especially when every single time her fame begins to wane again we get a new media interview/article where she makes sure to grab the spotlight to remind everyone, which only brings attention to her work.
To put it bluntly: she's full of shit.
Unless you're an actual mentally deficient retard with learning disabilities, you're not a "victim" of your own dumb choices.
That's hilarious. It would have been great to see a video of all of that unfolding.
Realistically it was more of a panicked waddle. Like a scared penguin running away.
I'm surprised that place even exists still. It's an absolute hellhole nightmare. Every single day it's just one struggle session after another. From what I've observed, if you so much as say the wrong word and someone is in the wrong mood your ass is banned.
That community is by far a thousand times more toxic and disgusting than any of the hate-fantasies of "dUh gAmEr GaTes!" that they believe in their broken brains.
Sure, people may get into small arguments and disagreements here and there, but at least they get over it like adults and move on. They don't act like they're the victims of an actual hate-crime.
Can you imagine legitimately feeling hurt by mean words on the internet? I mean for real. How little of an actual life would you have to have in order to let words on the internet literally hurt you in real life? It's one thing to get a bit pissed at someone being a retard; it's something else entirely to feel emotionally impacted and say it triggered PTSD or some weird nonsensical crap like that. Yet, those people exist in droves in that place.
I've seen entire conversations where they spend entire paragraphs justifying a one sentence opinion and how they're not trying to hurt anyone's feelings. I can't even imagine the type of narcissistic nutcases that exist that people would feel compelled to preemptively placate them in such a way. It's all so vain, fake, and plastic. It's done more out of paranoia and fear of being ostracized — basically making sure to conform to the usual dogma — than it is actually caring about others; it's as disingenuous as it gets.
To get $4.5 million? No wonder the owner sold that shit. The person buying that shithole is buying a literal dumpster fire that's been on the brink of a complete collapse for a few years now. Their far-left Marxist inspired system has made the jannies and mods synonymous with the typical "elites" in those times of systems. It shows how quickly any community set up with such vacuous guiding principles like the ones they put in place immediately devolves into an authoritarian hellhole of censorship and corruption by those in charge.
I remember that Japanese Sales drama crap that just happened recently elucidating just a small portion of the corruption behind the scenes that's concomitant to that community — and from what I've heard, that's not even a fraction of it overall. There's been much more over the years.
If they don't have your identity, there's literally nothing stopping a person from wrecking both of them nearly instantly.
That's not something that would happen typically if there was at least one male involved.
You could tell they were scrambling in a panic because their fragile egos were wounded, hence leaving their damn handcuffs on the ground like retards. What are they realistically going to do here anyway? Try to catch him again? Then what?
Early the video that woman twisting his arm is very clearly purposely trying to inflict pain on him for some reason or another, even though it didn't appear he was resisting during that particular moment. The resistance, obviously, followed immediately after, then the husky one on right right throws what appears to be the weakest right hook I've ever seen, followed by a weird leg kick — both of which missed spectacularly.
This is why women should be accompanied by a male partner who can make sure a suspect can be subdued. At the very least, he has a much better chance of stopping this particular situation from happening.
I know feminists wouldn't like the idea of a "chaperone," but they still need to learn to cope with reality — which is wishful thinking.
Yes, the people who don't see the point of getting a vaccine, wearing a mask, lockdowns, etc. for a virus that has a 99.8%+ survival rate for the overwhelming majority of people — which is inflated because of the unprecedented way the WHO and CDC changed how deaths are counted in March of 2020 — are the ones who are "afraid."
It's definitely not the people who obsess over those things mentioned, constantly lose their shit when others aren't scared, and who are willing to take an experimental treatment that quite literally nobody in the world knows the long-term effects of.
It's not "being afraid" if you question if it's the best option for you considering the massive amount of unknowns — it's the very definition of common sense.
But for weeks now this actual retard keeps screaming "tHey'Re aFrAid!" as if his potato-brained elementary school level "psychology" — if it can even be called that — is somehow going to convince people that they should throw common sense out the window and subject themselves to being a lab rat.
He's so stupid that it's staggering. He truly believes everyone is as shallow and self-obsessed as himself. Even after all the propaganda and smears it still hasn't penetrated his tater-tot brain that, quite opposite to himself, there is a very large group of people who don't base their entire lives around what other people think about them and what makes them "look good" and helps them fit in socially.
I agree. It was around the time that Obama was in office when the divide began to grow and this idea that racism was somehow an intrinsic part of life that everyone participates in. Not coincidentally, it's also when BLM was formed — just slightly before campaigning ramped up for the 2016 election.
We know it was making progress simply through consumer culture. This is a reality that really can't be denied. As much as I loathe consumerism these days — since coming to the realization then a majority of societies problems are promulgated through pernicious propaganda pushed onto the masses — we can see comedy specials where Comedians made fun of any group and we can even see TV shows and films where every group was parodied.
There are two TV networks/programming blocks in particular where this couldn't be any more clear: Comedy Central and Adult Swim. Just go back and look at the shows both of them aired before this woke madness and it tells an entirely different story than this weird modern history revisionism taking place tells people.
As much as what you've said is true, there's also another group that takes a huge role — if not larger — in this modern day hysteria. In context of what's happening, I would argue that activist-driven white people are just as responsible for the beliefs that many in the black community hold today.
Statistics show that the black community are the largest per capita group still watching TV in 2021.
As always, here's the source:
Which leads to the obvious question: what is the one thing that's been constantly pumped out through TV for the last 7 or 8 years now?
Of course its activism and insane identity politics nonsense where victimhood is now glorified.
I think a lot of people would agree that particularly with the younger generation, there's a huge amount of people that have this weird savior complex and infantalize minority groups as if they're literally beneath them.
One of the best examples of this is with Voter ID laws. The black community is very much in favor of Voter ID laws, but young white people seem to think black people are incapable of getting an ID for some reason. One of the funniest videos I've seen was Ami Horrowitz's video about Voter ID a couple years back:
It really does bother me that people like Sowell are so often relegated to the side-lines when it comes to mainstream conversations. It's really not an over-exaggeration to say he's one of the most intellectually astute people to come along — for any race — in quite a long time. His views are always on point and based in reality and he's always willing to speak out about unpopular truths that people must come to terms with or find solutions for.
He's been trying to warn people about the harmful nature of liberal politics for decades, though. That's likely why he's so frequently ignored and they media don't want to listen to his views.
We can also juxtapose what you said with just how many were willing to exploit MeToo for personal gain by making false accusations.
Even when those false accusations were demonstrably shown to be lies, there were still huge amounts of people willing to believe the lie and there were zero consequences for the person who nearly ruined someone's life for their own gain.
Yeah, and you can tell that from a short clip where you pretend a woman standing in an office building narrating is somehow equivalent to a YouTuber.
You're a goof. Such a shallow and stupid view. Everything has to be shiny and fancy! Who cares about the message?
Consumerism has melted your brain.
RIght, because I was the one who randomly started being a dick first. That makes total sense.
Talk about a complete lack of self-awareness.