I'm actually shocked that this is even being allowed to be posted and promoted without a full "mUh wHitE sUpreMacY!" metldown by media and retarded activists.
It's being created by a Jewish filmmaker who apparently got fed up with the disgusting hate being promulgated by every nearly every corporation and institution in America.
It's not released yet, but I'm curious how it will turn out. At the very least, I'll say I respect the attempt to draw attention to the topic. Although I suspect it's going to draw the ire of the usual victim groups, who will inevitably call for the film to be censored and deplatformed by saying it "marginalizes the experiences of POC in America" — because, you know, racism is totally ok as long as it's against the group that's socially acceptable to hate.
I can already hear the echos of millions in the force crying out in fake pain: "You can't be racist against white people! Racism is about power!"
Sure, because we're not seeing that minority groups have exponentially more effectual power in society than any other group depending on their status in the victimhood hierarchy.
Racism is racism. Justification for hate doesn't change objective reality.
Guess we'll have to wait and see the film to see whether they do a decent job.
I’m honestly surprised but glad to see this being made. You are right. Racism is racism. I’m black but this anti-white sentiment has been clear as day for the last couple of years. To me at least.
Myself — and most assuredly many others — were raised with the belief that color simply didn't matter. A very strong sentiment similar to what MLK preached himself, but, for some reason, that belief is now antiquated and considered "wrong-think" which is as destructive as it is stupid.
I can't emphasize enough that I do not care what color someone's skin may be. I don't see them as a skin color; I look at them through a lens of whether they're a good person or a shitty person — that's it.
The woke mob, in their race towards the abyss in the name of "progress," has created a world vastly more racist than anything I ever grew up in. There are shitty white people; shitty black people; shitty brown people; shitty Asian people; there are just shitty people. They exist in every possible group. No matter what anyone does, those people will always exist.
I will not be made to hate myself for things I had zero part in. I won't hate my ancestors or other white people either. It's stupid. I'm proud of who I am, of what those who came before me accomplished, and I recognize that amongst them there were very likely some shitty people that existed as well.
Were wrongs committed to towards certain groups historically? Definitely. When we break it down, that can apply to literally everyone.
There is a lot of history that gets completely neglected with regards to slavery that's vital to the bigger picture.
This video is fantastic and helped fill in a lot of gaps for me: https://youtu.be/LHZdIUlO7kI
I've met many sensible people like you, but I just can't fathom why so many these days go along with this Critical Race Theory bullshit. All it does is spread hate and negativity. There's absolutely nothing positive that comes from it.
It's even more frustrating when people pretend it's about "history," when it has practically nothing to do with history.
Yes, practices of the past had negative consequences on the present. But I don't believe the way to resolve that is to tear others down in order to build another up.
Even worse is I actively watch many in the black community ignore one their own community — and absolute most brilliant minds of modern times — Thomas Sowell, who has been warning them for decades about how Democrats are preying on them. Yet, they just keep voting for them. Every single election, they're convinced that conservatives, who in most cases have no political positions in any of these completely Democrat run cities, are somehow to blame for the continuing deterioration of their communities. In what reality does that even make sense?
I’m in total agreement. I too was raised to judge people by content of character and I’ve also learned that there are good people and jerks in every race. I feel this country was making good racial progress up until Obama’s presidency. Which is pretty ironic.
I think a large part of the problem is that young blacks are being taught that all their problems are the fault of the white man and combine that with the absurd notion that you can’t be racist towards whites. As well as modern day entertainment endlessly pushing the “white people bad” message along with false numbers about the cops.
I still consider myself colorblind but all this is making me angry. You mentioned Sowell and he talks about how every ethnic group has oppressed and been the oppressor and often says that slavery should be taught from a global perspective. Absolutely right bad things happened in history but one thing that really disturbs me is that I see young black people who live in nice suburbs talking about how oppressed they are (because they’ve been brainwashed) or in general young black people talking about race es way more than my elderly relatives (who are now dead) ever did.
Thanks for your comment. I firmly believe the powers that be fear racial harmony the most. I will buy this movie when I can and try to share it with my hard headed cousins as well as white liberal friends.
I agree. It was around the time that Obama was in office when the divide began to grow and this idea that racism was somehow an intrinsic part of life that everyone participates in. Not coincidentally, it's also when BLM was formed — just slightly before campaigning ramped up for the 2016 election.
We know it was making progress simply through consumer culture. This is a reality that really can't be denied. As much as I loathe consumerism these days — since coming to the realization then a majority of societies problems are promulgated through pernicious propaganda pushed onto the masses — we can see comedy specials where Comedians made fun of any group and we can even see TV shows and films where every group was parodied.
There are two TV networks/programming blocks in particular where this couldn't be any more clear: Comedy Central and Adult Swim. Just go back and look at the shows both of them aired before this woke madness and it tells an entirely different story than this weird modern history revisionism taking place tells people.
As much as what you've said is true, there's also another group that takes a huge role — if not larger — in this modern day hysteria. In context of what's happening, I would argue that activist-driven white people are just as responsible for the beliefs that many in the black community hold today.
Statistics show that the black community are the largest per capita group still watching TV in 2021.
As always, here's the source: https://www.nielsen.com/us/en/insights/report/2013/resilient--receptive-and-relevant/
Which leads to the obvious question: what is the one thing that's been constantly pumped out through TV for the last 7 or 8 years now?
Of course its activism and insane identity politics nonsense where victimhood is now glorified.
I think a lot of people would agree that particularly with the younger generation, there's a huge amount of people that have this weird savior complex and infantalize minority groups as if they're literally beneath them.
One of the best examples of this is with Voter ID laws. The black community is very much in favor of Voter ID laws, but young white people seem to think black people are incapable of getting an ID for some reason. One of the funniest videos I've seen was Ami Horrowitz's video about Voter ID a couple years back: https://youtu.be/yW2LpFkVfYk
It really does bother me that people like Sowell are so often relegated to the side-lines when it comes to mainstream conversations. It's really not an over-exaggeration to say he's one of the most intellectually astute people to come along — for any race — in quite a long time. His views are always on point and based in reality and he's always willing to speak out about unpopular truths that people must come to terms with or find solutions for.
He's been trying to warn people about the harmful nature of liberal politics for decades, though. That's likely why he's so frequently ignored and they media don't want to listen to his views.
I'm actually shocked that this is even being allowed to be posted and promoted without a full "mUh wHitE sUpreMacY!" metldown by media and retarded activists.
It's being created by a Jewish filmmaker who apparently got fed up with the disgusting hate being promulgated by every nearly every corporation and institution in America.
It's not released yet, but I'm curious how it will turn out. At the very least, I'll say I respect the attempt to draw attention to the topic. Although I suspect it's going to draw the ire of the usual victim groups, who will inevitably call for the film to be censored and deplatformed by saying it "marginalizes the experiences of POC in America" — because, you know, racism is totally ok as long as it's against the group that's socially acceptable to hate.
I can already hear the echos of millions in the force crying out in fake pain: "You can't be racist against white people! Racism is about power!"
Sure, because we're not seeing that minority groups have exponentially more effectual power in society than any other group depending on their status in the victimhood hierarchy.
Racism is racism. Justification for hate doesn't change objective reality.
Guess we'll have to wait and see the film to see whether they do a decent job.
I’m honestly surprised but glad to see this being made. You are right. Racism is racism. I’m black but this anti-white sentiment has been clear as day for the last couple of years. To me at least.
Myself — and most assuredly many others — were raised with the belief that color simply didn't matter. A very strong sentiment similar to what MLK preached himself, but, for some reason, that belief is now antiquated and considered "wrong-think" which is as destructive as it is stupid.
I can't emphasize enough that I do not care what color someone's skin may be. I don't see them as a skin color; I look at them through a lens of whether they're a good person or a shitty person — that's it.
The woke mob, in their race towards the abyss in the name of "progress," has created a world vastly more racist than anything I ever grew up in. There are shitty white people; shitty black people; shitty brown people; shitty Asian people; there are just shitty people. They exist in every possible group. No matter what anyone does, those people will always exist.
I will not be made to hate myself for things I had zero part in. I won't hate my ancestors or other white people either. It's stupid. I'm proud of who I am, of what those who came before me accomplished, and I recognize that amongst them there were very likely some shitty people that existed as well.
Were wrongs committed to towards certain groups historically? Definitely. When we break it down, that can apply to literally everyone.
There is a lot of history that gets completely neglected with regards to slavery that's vital to the bigger picture.
This video is fantastic and helped fill in a lot of gaps for me:
I've met many sensible people like you, but I just can't fathom why so many these days go along with this Critical Race Theory bullshit. All it does is spread hate and negativity. There's absolutely nothing positive that comes from it.
It's even more frustrating when people pretend it's about "history," when it has practically nothing to do with history.
Yes, practices of the past had negative consequences on the present. But I don't believe the way to resolve that is to tear others down in order to build another up.
Even worse is I actively watch many in the black community ignore one their own community — and absolute most brilliant minds of modern times — Thomas Sowell, who has been warning them for decades about how Democrats are preying on them. Yet, they just keep voting for them. Every single election, they're convinced that conservatives, who in most cases have no political positions in any of these completely Democrat run cities, are somehow to blame for the continuing deterioration of their communities. In what reality does that even make sense?
I’m in total agreement. I too was raised to judge people by content of character and I’ve also learned that there are good people and jerks in every race. I feel this country was making good racial progress up until Obama’s presidency. Which is pretty ironic.
I think a large part of the problem is that young blacks are being taught that all their problems are the fault of the white man and combine that with the absurd notion that you can’t be racist towards whites. As well as modern day entertainment endlessly pushing the “white people bad” message along with false numbers about the cops.
I still consider myself colorblind but all this is making me angry. You mentioned Sowell and he talks about how every ethnic group has oppressed and been the oppressor and often says that slavery should be taught from a global perspective. Absolutely right bad things happened in history but one thing that really disturbs me is that I see young black people who live in nice suburbs talking about how oppressed they are (because they’ve been brainwashed) or in general young black people talking about race es way more than my elderly relatives (who are now dead) ever did.
Thanks for your comment. I firmly believe the powers that be fear racial harmony the most. I will buy this movie when I can and try to share it with my hard headed cousins as well as white liberal friends.
I agree. It was around the time that Obama was in office when the divide began to grow and this idea that racism was somehow an intrinsic part of life that everyone participates in. Not coincidentally, it's also when BLM was formed — just slightly before campaigning ramped up for the 2016 election.
We know it was making progress simply through consumer culture. This is a reality that really can't be denied. As much as I loathe consumerism these days — since coming to the realization then a majority of societies problems are promulgated through pernicious propaganda pushed onto the masses — we can see comedy specials where Comedians made fun of any group and we can even see TV shows and films where every group was parodied.
There are two TV networks/programming blocks in particular where this couldn't be any more clear: Comedy Central and Adult Swim. Just go back and look at the shows both of them aired before this woke madness and it tells an entirely different story than this weird modern history revisionism taking place tells people.
As much as what you've said is true, there's also another group that takes a huge role — if not larger — in this modern day hysteria. In context of what's happening, I would argue that activist-driven white people are just as responsible for the beliefs that many in the black community hold today.
Statistics show that the black community are the largest per capita group still watching TV in 2021.
As always, here's the source:
Which leads to the obvious question: what is the one thing that's been constantly pumped out through TV for the last 7 or 8 years now?
Of course its activism and insane identity politics nonsense where victimhood is now glorified.
I think a lot of people would agree that particularly with the younger generation, there's a huge amount of people that have this weird savior complex and infantalize minority groups as if they're literally beneath them.
One of the best examples of this is with Voter ID laws. The black community is very much in favor of Voter ID laws, but young white people seem to think black people are incapable of getting an ID for some reason. One of the funniest videos I've seen was Ami Horrowitz's video about Voter ID a couple years back:
It really does bother me that people like Sowell are so often relegated to the side-lines when it comes to mainstream conversations. It's really not an over-exaggeration to say he's one of the most intellectually astute people to come along — for any race — in quite a long time. His views are always on point and based in reality and he's always willing to speak out about unpopular truths that people must come to terms with or find solutions for.
He's been trying to warn people about the harmful nature of liberal politics for decades, though. That's likely why he's so frequently ignored and they media don't want to listen to his views.