Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

I'm more along the lines of gender abolition. It was created as a concept to intentionally remove the influence of biology on manliness & womanliness, making the argument you just did. Truth is, most cultures don't vary all that much regarding men and women. It's not perfectly homogenous, but it's similar enough to point out that many of the out-growths of gender identity are exclusively the result of biological sex.

Even when it comes to the concept of womanliness as a deep concept, the concept of womanliness and manliness is still, mostly, cross cultural.

And sure I get why castration follows an attempt to treat dysphoria, but you don't treat a disease by enabling it. You don't tell a schizophrenic that the voices are real, that's actually abuse.

The TG/TS difference has been intentionally eroded because both were Leftist rhetorical warfare strategies. They don't really care what happens to the people attached to those labels.

Gizortnik 10 points ago +13 / -3

John F Kennedy senior is one of the most corrupt men in American politics who differed from Roosevelt because he was going to end up out-side of FDR's orbit, especially since had hoped to replace him. But sure, keep praising the rich, corrupt, and rabidly Leftist banker.

He was "anti-Communist" in the concept that he was anti-Soviet. The early 20th century was littered with "Anti-Commuist" Socialists, not unlike Hitler himself. Even while being drummed out of the White House, he still supported Roosevelt publicly. Though, he had been a much older supporter of the rabid American Leftist: Huey Long.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +4 / -1

Kienan is right, AR-15 or Carbine are the better option.

An AR-15 with varmint rounds will over-penetrate the least, but if you need to penetrate a car or push out to 500 yards, any decent 5.56 of your choice will do fine.

A Carbine can have very low re-coil and come perfect paired with a pistol

Hand guns will be the only weapon instantly accessible if you carry it, but it's actually the hardest weapon to learn.

Shotguns are fantastic fight-stoppers. However, they have heavy recoil are not typically loaded with magazines, and they can deafen and blind you when they go off in a dark room inside your house if you just woke up from a bump in the night. I'm actually only grabbing a shotgun if I know I'm going into hell. If I know I'm dealing with 5 armed dudes, yeah, the shotgun is my best force multiplier.

I would honestly recommend a pistol & carbine as a perfect pair, because you can start making choices if you need to. The pistol is what you'll carry all day, and the carbine you can grab (with better penetration ammo if you need it) in the event you have to take on something more serious. You can also pass off the carbine to your wife or kid and be fine.

Gizortnik 7 points ago +8 / -1

When "Be Your Own Bank" includes needing to secure that bank from robberies.

Start House-Carrying

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

A little, yeah, I'd be surprised. Their efforts for the non-establishment center right were suppression, because there was already an establishment center-right in play.

If our enemies were interacting with the world properly, and weren't smoking their own supply on their own narrative, half the shit they do wouldn't be happening. If our enemies weren't retarded, we'd all be dead.

Instead their wondering if they are a woman and hoping they can get a free monkeypox vax.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

It can't get the story straight, it's just incompatible. Same thing with Transgenderism and Non-Binary Queer Theory. Why do you need surgery if gender is a social construct?

Gizortnik 6 points ago +6 / -0

"There are no good Russians" was a quote from a Democratic congressman in the furor of the early war hysteria. The fact that Facebook and Instagram explicitly allowed violent speech against ethnic Russians, not simply just soldiers spoke fucking volumes.

As for 10/7, I consider it proof positive that my "Buy A Galil" mantra was right, and a jew-hating wing of the Left was going to rear it's head back into the fray. I just didn't think they'd do it so suddenly. "There are no civilians in Israel" and "Yes, the children who are settlers are combatants" threw me off. There was no more bleeding heart. The Islamist Left were proud of atrocities, and the Communists just rolled with it. No apologies, and only the smallest denialsim. I didn't expect "Killing civilians is a moral necessity" with such little prompting, on such a wide scale, and I think it caused a lot of jewish Leftists to shit their pants. And, as I said at the time, I think that in the long-term, unwavering American support of Israel is fucking dead, and Israel just saw why. I fully expect Leftists to start screaming "Hitler was right about jews" within the next 10-20 years.

I get why the Ayatolah just killed all of the Leftist revolutionaries as soon as he got into power (and frankly I think that's where the real animosity with Iran comes from). Leftists are quite fickle allies.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +2 / -1

That always shocked me. "Why are we in Afghanistan?"

"What, you don't remember 8 years ago?!!"

We were at war with the Taliban because of Al-Qaeda. Depending on how the Taliban rule the country, it will be interesting to see if the very early discussions of "Could we have gotten some component of the Taliban to give us Al-Qaeda?" may finally get a real answer.

Gizortnik -1 points ago +2 / -3

It literally never worked because 16 year olds wanted to have sex, and the church had already lost the culture war for their own kids.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

The French Foreign Legion are too small to be a real sized Army, and the French Navy is still very good (for non-US countries)

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

Asking Grok for a historical lesson is literally not different from asking r/History a topic. AI pulls data from general consensus.

Thus, we can assume it to know absolutely nothing of note, though it can tell you what people believe.

That all being said, it is true that integration through a one language policy is integration. It is not true to say that the mob existed because of a lack of integration, and that integration ended the mob. It's conflating the fact that immigrant populations formed party-boss systems within cities, and that these would be ruled by the mob. The mob's continued presence the US should have entirely ceased by 40's, and the fact that the entire Sicilian mob spoke English in the 70's makes this explanation comical.

No, organized crime is allowed to exist by the government because it is an effective way of controlling crime and establishing political blocs based on identitarianism. The Democrats aren't actually doing anything they didn't already try in the 1880's.

And yes, you are correct to point out that teaching immigrant kids in their native language is anti-integration.

The Left like to avoid a cognitive dissonance of opposing integration by saying that they oppose assimilation. They run around saying they support integration, and oppose assimilation (or oppose segregation and support multi-culturalism). If you oppose immigration, you oppose assimilation. If you support multi-culturalism, you support segregation.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

To be honest, the Left actually doesn't appreciate the value a Military-Industrial Complex actually can bring.

The government doesn't make guns, it allows private companies to make guns hopefully within spec, and pays by contract. Even then, the modern US military allows for a branches and commands to pick their own guns. (Gone are the days where all US military pistols are the M9)

The F-35's value is no only in it's "is a 5th gen fighter", but in it's customizability and ability to be mass produced, driving down the cost of the fighter over time, because it's an industrially produced weapon system.

Truth is, this is a lesson that should have been learned after WW2 when the Tiger 3 was losing to infinitely repairable and replaceable Shermans and T-34's.

As much as I hate to say that it feels like our bureaucrats are playing a HOI4 game with the population and are just trying to make the spreadsheets win battles, a good HOI4 player would do a much better job at logistics and organizing.

First HOI4 player to get into government will take over Europe and unify it under the banner of "The Greater Luxemburg Imperium".

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

Social Media is a large part of modern life because we've atomized so badly that it's the closest thing to creating a simulacrum of a real social network. To actually build out real social networks would require us to have already won the culture war.

Otherwise, the IRL social networks will be mostly political organizing, which is what the Leftists currently do.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

Yes, but from their perspective, the CNN v. Fox dynamic is still in play. YouTube is the new Platform to have that rivalry.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +3 / -1

Yes, but it doesn't change the fact that there are whites being represented. Typically of the Blue Haired Tranny variety, the Hamas supporters, and the cuckolds.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

The EU was already broken (mostly because it is a Socialist Super State, and the solution to low GDP was "infinity bahamalians")

Gizortnik 4 points ago +5 / -1

Poland does not have a larger military, and not a more formidable one. France's Navy and Air Force is unquestionably superior. While Poland's Army is larger, the quality of their troops is probably not significantly better than France's, nor better equipped. They have more artillery, tanks, and batteries; but don't forget that France has some of the best Special Forces and Irregular Warfare units in the world.

Poland has a military designed to stall Russia, and that's about it.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sort of. I think it's closer to just generalized mass death / depopulation.

Most Leftists aren't trying to sterelize the kids they didn't abort. This happens to just be a kid that got too close to a Leftist.

Gizortnik -5 points ago +4 / -9

Get over yourself, I have a life outside of you, and I cover other topics. DW is a center right institution, it's like claiming USAID funds the Rubin Report.

Gizortnik 6 points ago +6 / -0

It's not just the Left. We've basically seen a cottage industry of Revolutionary, Communist, Furries take over most if not all moderation across the west.

We should be more assertive in larger digital spaces, particularly in video games, but don't expect NOT to get disproportionately aggresive blowback.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +6 / -3

I don't think it's intentional, but it's actually a good move to help support the Populist-Nationalist Right internationally. Some of the things Trump has done has not helped, but this will.

Gizortnik 9 points ago +10 / -1

The Left was never anti-war.

Gizortnik 13 points ago +15 / -2

They've been intentionally destroying their militaries because the Leftists recognize military service as inherently right-wing. As a result they conduct massive defunding efforts, reduce training and equipment, and then conduct purges via political oversight (which all the same shit they tried to do with the Abolish The Police movement).

The most dangerous military in Europe right now is actually France, which is fucking comical.

Gizortnik 21 points ago +24 / -3

Hilariously true. Swastikas should be included in the game.

The Nazi Swastikas are weird because they are reversed and canted 45 degrees. If you're gonna censor swastikas, you need to censor the correct ones.

But then again, the people demanding censoring are drawing swastikas like this.

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