Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Weird that no aspect of Liberal philosophy is related to the French revolution despite people literally quoting Rousseau. You have a secret society that controlled the revolution, and it wasn't the Free Masons, it was the Jacobins. And they were Rousseauians, not jews.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

No, the slave rebellion and a liberal revolution tend to go hand in hand. Liberalism is antithetical to slavery and vice versa. This is why there were whites that were spared for working with the revolutionaries. And yes, the war had been going on for some time, and there were whites on the side of the revolutionaries.

They got caught off-guard by the genocide, which is why you shouldn't trust Leftists.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Hence my point. Even a completely lax and open border in a purely free market doesn't equate to hordes of people flooding in. You kill the subsidy system and the whole migration racket goes with it.

Gizortnik -2 points ago +1 / -3

I don't think so. They didn't even have to cite which man. It's a pretty easy call. It's still forced marriage, but it's not sex slavery. It's a better deal than even the Uighurs are getting.

Gizortnik 5 points ago +5 / -0

They're a little nervous about doing this because FDR was a Democratic Socialist, which is why the country was economically damaged by him dragging out the depression, why he committed ethnic cleansings, why he tried to pack the courts, why he tried to monopolize the media, why he worked directly with the mob, why he basically suspended constitutional law, why he seized gold, why he murdered union protestors, why the country became a one-party state, why he created the pension ponzi scheme and linked it with mass registration, and why he seized control of the banking system and set up the GAE.

Progressives cite him all the time to explain why we should be a Socialist country, and how popular Democratic Socialism is.

The Neo-Liberals agree with what he did, but replicating it would be something that they are extremely lacking political capital for.

Gizortnik 18 points ago +18 / -0

This, we've already seen this with the January 6th defendants. They've been explicitly required to go through indoctrination programs, including being required to memorize passages from Leftist books, in order to begin having the negotiations of a settlement.

It's hard to find, but there's been multiple reports in congress about the "Deprogramming Manuals" that January 6th defendants are going through (regardless of conviction or trail).

Gizortnik 21 points ago +21 / -0

I actually think she has no policies. I think that the bureaucrats are just going to continue to run things for themselves as Biden did, so it doesn't really matter what her messaging is. They're not going to do any of it (unless it was already the objective they are securing right now).

Gizortnik 11 points ago +11 / -0

Weimar Germany wasn't mass executing their own population from what I remember. Euthanasia is the 6th leading cause of death in Ottawa. I don't think that was ever the case in Berlin or Hamburg.

Gizortnik -7 points ago +2 / -9

That's actually stupid.

Voluntarily migration of an individual coming to a country they want to assimilate into is not an act of war.

Mass Migration is different.

Gizortnik 0 points ago +1 / -1

Not exactly.

If you look at how LA, NY, and Portland handle illegal immigration and homeless, one of the things they do is actually ship people back and forth from city to city over and over again. They literally request a huge swathe of people, then ask the feds for money as a stipend to "deal with the emergency influx", and then pocket that money and ship a swathe of people to the next city which does the same thing.

It's a human trafficking racket, so shipping illegals to blue cities and states has a monetary advantage rather than a political one.

Minnesota was already blue, but making a Somali colony in the state also helps. It could be an attack, but there's a multiplicity of reasons why some illegals are in some states and cities.

I'd be willing to bet that sending illegals to Ohio is less of an "attack", and is rather a mechanism of keeping Haitians out of ethnic conflict with other groups. Truth is, Somalis and Haitians are fucking notorious among other non-white ethnic groups due to crime and violence. This means that if you put 5,000 Haitians or Somalis in an American Black community, you're going to get a major upswing of violence and ethnict conflict between American Blacks and Carribean/African Blacks. This would weaken political control in that place. Same thing happens if you send them to Hispanic or Asian areas.

So, instead, they put them in white, rural, conservative communities because either a) no one cares what happens to fly-over gammon; b) the conservatives try deporting them and you can use it as an example of Republicans being evilwhiteracists.

Gizortnik -1 points ago +3 / -4

Well, whites aren't exactly from the Caucuses either.

Progressive racial anatomy was always stupid.

Gizortnik 4 points ago +4 / -0

Left Libertarians are the enemies of Liberty. We should repel borders.

Gizortnik 7 points ago +8 / -1

I will also say that the Irish Immigrants actually volunteered (er, mostly volunteered) to fight in America's armies. I get the feeling that the Haitians aren't real interested in joining to save Ukraine at the moment.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

I agree that people will like watching Vance, I just think that the majority of "undecideds" at this point will probably not watch it anyway, and if they do most will watch their preferred meme reporters, and make a decision on that.

I think Vance might be our best shot to hit "disaffected current Left "liberals"" take a red pill and question what they've been told.

I've been very surprised in my very red area how many times I've seen rabid Harris supporters. Just today I saw a "I'm a veteran, not a sucker or loser" sign. That guy literally has no concept of anything outside the Leftist media ecosphere. I think that the propaganda has had a real effect on activating the Left, much more than Biden did. The group-think is real and effective. I think the best Vance can do is blunt that a bit.

Gizortnik -4 points ago +1 / -5

Utterly incompetent. The Jacobins originate in France not Israel. You are looking for excuses to ignore the presence of white people in every single aspect, of every single corner, of the history, of Leftism.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

To protect their dependency system and careers. Trump & Vance suggest a major re-alignment of power. Which means the controlled opposition of the corporate right would be thrown into the wind. Their entire careers would be over because the re-alignment would have to be around an entirely different order than what they are used to.

This is why old civilizations used to move capitals, it would effectively negate an entire aristocracy out of an empire's control mechanism.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

Sorry, I think I may have thrown you off with what I meant by 'need'. Perhaps 'we need' is far to strong. I meant, I need. As in, "I'd love to see it*. I don't actually think the VP debate will do much beyond win a few undecided, demoralize the dems, and legitimize Vance among the dissident right.

Gizortnik 1 point ago +1 / -0

He wasn't sharp, but it doesn't really seem any different from how he's been at the rallies. That's just kind of his persona at this point. To be honest, it almost comes across as if he wasn't well prepared, but that really shouldn't have been the case.

On the other hand, I've been saying for months that Vance is fucking excellent and is absolutely "our guy". He's less confrontational than Vivek, but where Vivek has some questionable background, Vance has been absolutely nailing everything so far.

Frankly, we need a VP debate. Vance will fucking destroy Waltz. I don't think anybody realizes just how good Vance is. Best of all, he's going on CNN and crushing them to their face.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

He also committed a racial hate crime when he decided to racially prioritize blacks over whites for covid injections. According to the CDC, that would likely result in the unnecessary deaths of 3,000 whites. Last time I checked, that's an act of ethnic cleansing.

Nothing happened about it.

Don't forget that Andrew Cuomo is guilty of the deaths of about 45,000 people through negligent homicide.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

I honestly still don't understand the reaction of the Left after his debate performance. Yes it was bad, but it was only a little worse for a short time than what he's like every single fucking day.

Listening to Richard Barris's polling, it seems to actually be the case that most Americans, and damn near all Leftists, had no idea how bad Joe Biden was.

It's like they didn't even see him in 8 years.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

We are not going backwards, we are not going forwards, we are going through.

Gizortnik 3 points ago +3 / -0

I know of a local Harris supporter who has a 20 foot "STOP PROJECT 2025" sign on her lawn.

There is literally no mechanism to reach some of these people, and yes, they are just there to be activated.

Gizortnik 2 points ago +2 / -0

The Republican Party is desperately trying to lose the house and senate. I'm not gonna say which state I'm in, but you won't find Trump ads, or even Republican ads, almost anywhere.

The Republican Party is trying to lose the election. I've been saying this for years. They do not want him to win, and they are working to make sure he loses. The funding is not going where it's supposed to, Nikki Haley destroyed their register records by mixing in Democrats, and the RNC has been trying to lose the campaign as hard as possible, even with a Trump family member on top.

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