FrostedCricketFlakes 14 points ago +14 / -0

Trudeau and Singh also supported farmer protests against the Indian government, then called Canadian truckers terrorists, froze their bank accounts, and used the Emergency Act (the new war measures act) to remove them.

FrostedCricketFlakes 13 points ago +13 / -0

Nazis are only what they call their opposition. When Canadians were calling them out for violating the Nuremberg code they shamed people for trivializing jewish victims of the holocaust. Then called the truckers Nazis.

FrostedCricketFlakes 8 points ago +8 / -0

People prefer that someone shows they're part of a community before advertising on it. Same rules as reddit, which I remember this site being posted on.

The site looks good. I don't watch many movies, but it should be useful for those that do.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

I was answering your first sentence.

Do some accounts upvote the same posts at the same time beyond a safe %. Are some accounts posting identical posts. Does a post include a link to a known scam site.

Flag for review (not suspension) if an account keep posting links with the same text. This can detect unknown scam sites, or referral links. You're not looking for someone who posts multiple links to the same news site, but if they exclusively post links from that site it could mean they're related to it.

Accounts with AI or people behind them are much harder to detect.

FrostedCricketFlakes 6 points ago +6 / -0

This site is based off reddit which has a large amount of bots for controlling narratives, so it suffers some of the same risks.

Upvoting is very powerful. It can determine what posts reach rising or hot, where most users see them. It also affects what replies people see, although just being the first to post a reply or being the first to reply to the top reply can do that without bots. Most users that read comments will upvote the topmost comment, but don't bother scrolling through comments to upvote later ones.

An AI that can read new posts, or a few cheap staff that can upvote or downvote new posts would be effective.

I'm not aware of .win having public API access, so making complex bots is harder, but not impossible. This includes auto mods like reddit has. Subreddits also censor by requiring new posters have their posts approved.

There was someone who posted a list of users who used sections of the .win network, so that is possible, although not everything they posted was accurate.

FrostedCricketFlakes 8 points ago +8 / -0

There's a sizable industry selling followers to people on social media. There's video from china of walls of phones for this purpose. Not everyone followed by bots bought them, they randomly follow some people to seem more legitimate.

There's users with multiple accounts. Twitter was supposed to be combining these accounts together and reporting a single user as a single account, but after Musk's agreement, they reported that there was a "bug" and they were reporting them as separate users.

Many governments or influence organizations have accounts they use to push narratives. These are a second type of bot. It's why you sometimes see the same account posting the same thing. Sometimes these are copy-paste jobs, sometimes it's AI, and sometimes its an agent is posting directly.

I don't think this counts, but there's also an dead accounts. Legitimately made accounts that a user abandoned. Same user might have also abandoned Twitter and decided to live a real life, or actually died.

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Some of the privacy systems you can install on Pixel phones replace google services.

I recommend doing your own research on what I said. You're the one spending the money. Look up other's reviews, and make sure anything is up to your standard before you buy. There's Newegg and Amazon user reviews. There should also be reviews by other photographers on YouTube or specialist websites. Videos showing how to do specific tasks are also useful to see how much of a pain it might be.

FrostedCricketFlakes 2 points ago +2 / -0

Look up Google's Pixel phones. They're supposed to be very good, and the best privacy distros can be installed on them. I haven't used one, so I can't recommend them.

There is a limited iCloud tool for Windows you can download on Apple's website. You can also transfer by cable. If you want software like iPhoto, there's multiple third-party alternatives for Windows.

FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

What do you consider "reasonably affordable"? Do you want a laptop, desktop, or don't care which?

If you want to stick to Mac, then just go to apple.com, or their physical store and check your options. There's not a lot of choice with Apple, aside from how much you're willing to spend. Their retina displays are great. Don't get a model released within 2 months, Apple is notorious for having serious defects on brand new models and trying to make the customer pay to fix what is Apple's fault.

Apple has closed it's ecosystem. If someone wants to release a program for OS X, they need to register with and regularly pay apple for the privilege of being on their operating system. They also no longer support OpenGL, which every other computer supports for communicating with graphics cards. This means for many developers, it's not worth developing for Apple. If you mainly use products from large companies like Apple, this might not be an issue for you.

Apple is non-upgradable. They solder everything to the motherboard, or include it in the M1 chip. Don't think that you can just increase the RAM later.

If you go for a non-apple laptop, you'll probably want an ultrabook. They don't come with powerful graphics cards, but they have 4K screens. The best for you would be a IPS HDR screen. IPS has the best color of screen panels, and HDR is 10-bit color. 8-bit is the old standard of 256 levels per color channel (R, G, or B), while 10-bit has 1024 levels.

If you want a touch screen, make sure it is listed. If you use a tablet pen, none will feel as nice as the Apple pencil, but they should still work.

AMD Ryzen processors are cheaper than intel.

There are a variety of weird or different tech offered by different brands. Some laptops can plug in external Graphics cards. Asus has a "duo" brand of laptops which come with an additional screen on the keyboard side. Gigabyte partnered with Microsoft for AI-enhanced ultrabooks that perform better if you absolutely don't care about privacy. On that note, if you get a windows computer, there are quick ways to disable much of the spyware Microsoft includes with their malware of an operating system. Mac's not as bad there, but it does report every app you open to Apple to get their permission to open it, which was found when Apple servers went offline sometime in the last two years.

FrostedCricketFlakes 5 points ago +5 / -0

If you visit the non-archived page, you can click on the link. It's the archived page where you can't. It's people that don't fit with Twitter's political bias that archive, so it makes sense they'd limit the quality of archives.

FrostedCricketFlakes 20 points ago +20 / -0

That's what some studies are reporting. That the immune system is weakened with every shot. When it's reported, it's followed up with that's why you need to get your booster.

I don't know if this is a lasting issue, or just that it's being overworked and can't replenish fast enough.

FrostedCricketFlakes 3 points ago +3 / -0

Some sites like Instagram don't allow access without logging in, and so can't be archived. It might be different if the people behind archive.is create an account there, like they have for twitter, but they don't at the moment.

Twitter can be archived, but they've disabled various links for archive.is. Like if you archive a quote tweet, you can see the quoted tweet, but the links to the original tweet or tweet author are disabled. This was something Twitter did in the last year. Nitter doesn't have this problem. Twitter also heavily reduces the number of tweets that can be seen on a profile page, and how many (if any) replies are shown, when archived.

FrostedCricketFlakes 37 points ago +37 / -0

South Park's Mr/Mrs Garrison was about 15 years ahead of current year

FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

Reciprocity laws between UK and USA, and target any assets stored in the UK, or any countries that share reciprocity.

FrostedCricketFlakes 16 points ago +18 / -2

The stakes for platforms like Twitter would be even higher under the Online Safety Bill, which threatens jail time for company executives for serious violations, as well as penalties of up to 10% of annual global sales.

FrostedCricketFlakes 18 points ago +18 / -0

Governments are looking into these technologies for their digital IDs / digital wallets. FIDO mentioned in this article is one of them.

No more anonymity

FrostedCricketFlakes 15 points ago +15 / -0

Off to the Siberian labor camp. If you get a TV, make sure Korea Central TV is the only station you watch, and publicly praise Kin Jong Un in public. Like any good citizen, it is important for others to never be in doubt about how patriotic you are.

FrostedCricketFlakes 18 points ago +18 / -0

reminder that they count someone as "unvaccinated" if the last injection they had was within 2 weeks. If you die of blood clots 5 days after your booster, you're an unvaccinated person who died.

FrostedCricketFlakes 7 points ago +7 / -0

just accept abortion, communism, medical tyranny, and all the trappings of the New World Order. It's what the human selected by humans, but because of that is closest to God wants.

FrostedCricketFlakes 20 points ago +20 / -0

Trudeau said he "admired China's basic dictatorship" before he was elected, and the media covered for him.

Canadian mainstream media is incredibly disingenuous, and are all paid off by the Trudeau government. When Trudeau or the media are pressed about this, they just say the restrictions went away (they didn't), blame the States (because of the land border), or talk about how 90% of Canadians don't have the problem.

Most of parliament supports censoring the internet. Anything the government doesn't like, or considers misinformation would need to be removed within 24 hours. They already passed a prior attempt in Parliament, but it failed in the senate.

FrostedCricketFlakes 28 points ago +28 / -0

The rules were targeted, like removals for misgendering. Otherwise they were selective, like removals for hate speech (against non-whites/non-males), removals for "hacked" materials (only when against democrats, promoted when against republicans).

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