I love the stealth niccado acacado snuck in there. I audibly chuckled
Not all cultures are equal
Looks like a woman without makeup trying not to fart.
You guys need to touch grass
Its in California. They vote for this shit.
None of this "there are plenty of good ones Cali" bullshit.
Or a fed looking for juicy screenshots for his boss between dicksuckings.
Oh I get it. You are playing the "tell me you're a pedo without saying you are a pedo" gane
On the bright side they have a 42% chance of finishing the job
Russians have such shitty aim. They should have aimed for mid mass
You told your friend to pound sand when they asked for money right?
It's easier to kick people at floor level
She finally said something we can find middle ground on.
They've been beheading babies. It's ridiculous to think they'd keep their fleshlight alive