This was going to be my suggestion
By Way of Deception....
Holocaust was a setup from years before by Theodore Herzl - they knew what they needed to do to get Israel back.
I've said before and I'll say it again - he shouldn't be a mod
Where did you get your history - off the back of a corn flakes box?
At least they enforce their laws and have actual deterrence
And they know what side of the bread is buttered when it comes to tourism revenue and treat tourists accordingly. Unlike some Asian cities
Having been to Singapore on multiple occasions, they need to add durian possession to their list of corporally punishable crimes!
It's part law - but it's also a very big part not letting in monkeys
Colin Robertson
Let's appropriate this acronym i've come up with - Nazi Incel Gamergater. or Nigger for short
The Picador has always been the best strategy
Yeah I know right? /s
I think also a lot of young people see older people with houses and cars and assets and they simply don't make a connection that it took years to acquire that stuff.
Well I'm looking for forward to Street Fighter 6 now!
In the normie cross over of gaming and business they view being profitable as success rather than any actual game quality.
I own them all but never played the sequels as I personally got a bit sick of third person. So I gave up Souls and other games like this. But it's definitely worth playing if you like 3rd person fighter adventure. I think it used the VF2 fighting engine IIRC - and Hong Kong is well done. But don't pay full price
Pickleball + Spa + Vax = Heart Attack then drowning
I don't tell racist jokes. ...
Unless they're funny.
fuck off - too close to australia