BulbasaurusThe7th 2 points ago +2 / -0

Oh, it's okay, I like sperging about this. Plus, working on it does help me figure things out.
What he is supposed to get is this mantle of protecting the people from supernatural dangers. Goes around in his area, hunts down creatures and smaller magic-users who are up to no good. It's a ton of work and makes the person very isolated. You live a bit longer, maybe like 200 or so years, but it's hard work.
He thinks he only needs super basic, easy, joke "training" because he was born perfect. The truth is, you get parts of the consciousness and memories of the previous people who did this, which makes them... kind of jaded, but they understand the weight of their duty. So it really changes your personality and just shows how little you as a person matter as opposed to the mantle. (Learning this will fuck him up so bad.)
The village doesn't really tell him much, they just let this idiot imagine it being mega cool and nobody corrects him. They treat him like the kid you are not supposed to fight with because "he has an illness".
His parents are okay. They are not bad people, but not very involved with him because they feel guilty. I think they know they are assholes for allowing this whole mess, but they were not important/rich/powerful enough to say no, so they just took the benefits and tried not to get too attached to block the guilt.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

He sometimes admits he has no clue what's going on (to himself, not to anyone, the ego monster), but he is good at silencing the inner voices telling him something is off.
He looks forward to it in a petty way. Like "huh, I will show it to everyone, anyone who was ever not 100% into me will fucking see now". When he is made to go and actually do it he panics a bit.

All in all, he explains everything with "but the universe does this, it knows best". He even thinks he has plot armor and because of that does these reckless, ridiculous things, like trying to charm bad guys with speaking to them and assuming they will "see the light". Which inevitably ends with his companions having to save his ass with pure violence.

It starts out "funny", as in you just have to look at this retard blundering around and everyone being baffled by why he is such a moron. Then I plan on it getting serious and traumatic for him when he realises that people just played along because of their own benefits and the outsiders he met probably assumed he was most likely kicked in the head by a horse as a kid or something.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

Nice, thanks! I'm surprised how many of us around here do things like that.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

I'm about 35 pages in so far, I need to work on it a bit more. Time doesn't matter much, this will be a years long project, if anything.

BulbasaurusThe7th 4 points ago +4 / -0

The idea is based around one of the most overdone things; the chosen one. The very very barebones story is this:
We have a dude, growing up in a village where he is allowed to do whatever he wants and be an absolute snooty brat because they know he is the next Chosen One. People have to put up with his shit because of that. Of course he has this twisted sense of self.
He is asked to go, and take the powers he is meant to have. Along the way he gets some companions, believes they are his servants. As it is customary, he starts becoming a better person through their adventures and such.
Once they reach their destination, it turns out there are no chosen ones in the sense that no magical power picks them. The community knows they need one, but of course they don't want to risk the safety of their own kids, so they take one family that's easier to influence and bully/bribe them into offering their kid. The kid's characteristics don't matter.
His "servants" are much stronger than him and they were there to keep him in line if he figured shit out and was to snap.
The very end is malleable yet, but this is the main idea I want to work with.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'm not a native speaker either, which only adds to Mission Impossible.

BulbasaurusThe7th 5 points ago +5 / -0

HOLY SHIT, that is wild. You wrote almost half a Malazan.

The whole story is based on one of the biggest clichés ever (the chosen one), but it fucks it up real bad.

BulbasaurusThe7th 6 points ago +6 / -0

The opposite is true for me. With this specific one the world building is not very important in the sense that the whole point is how the protagonist doesn't understand half of it and even that gets flipped on him.

Dude, that would be amazing. They would try, they always do, but they can't help blowing their load fast.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yeah, thanks. I will work on this for a bit longer (I want to introduce my female lady woman character and figure some things out), then hit you up if that's cool.

Oh, I know that. I really do. I'm usually pretty hard in myself because if it is said already, then it can't hurt you.
I think the basic idea is pretty fun and has potential, I just have to work it out. Funny enough, there are already some plotholes and previously not properly figured out things I worked out while writing the first few chapters.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Just the most barebones thing of if people think I'm going at it completely wrong as opposed to really unpolished and unedited and unfinished, but acceptable for now.

To see if my basic idea for the whole thing lands.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Honestly, I would be 100% fine with just "start again from scratch" or "worth editing this one". Plus, I am going for a very... specific thing with the protagonist. I would like to know if it's working or not.
Yeah, I know it's not exactly easy. I actually have ties to an author of some renown, he said he would look at my stuff and share with some of the people he knows who are alpha/beta readers, but I would like something more easy-going before I let an actual person on the shelves/semi regularly mentioned in literary circles probably demolish my ass.
So nothing professional.

BulbasaurusThe7th 11 points ago +11 / -0

Do the guys enjoying the fake boobs Ian bought for his GF wear masks?

BulbasaurusThe7th 24 points ago +24 / -0

Mentally? By the same logic all the SJW man and womanchildren should be banned from everything, because they are mentally children.

But yeah, they do this thing when they accuse people of being peodphiles for dating women who LOOK young. Like Elon Musk? His current woman is in her thirties. They claim he is a pedo because... listen to this, she wears shirts they associate with children. She "dresses young".
I'm about to turn 29, but I look young. People get surprised by my age. Back when I was younger they always, every single time assumed I was some shameless underage kid trying to act confident to avoid detection. Does that mean I shouldn't be treated like a proper adult, because I look young?

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Yes, lets just keep romanticising dating absolute batshit insane people, then act surprised pikachu when said crazy person is actually crazy.
Everyone knew Shia was nuts, but I guess that is exciting now.

BulbasaurusThe7th 26 points ago +26 / -0

I was trying to find out what she did and I couldn't. Plus, not gonna lie, if I EVER did anything that would lend my ass in prison my family wouldn't publicly talk about how funny and nice I was. Like... what the fuck.

BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

They have to show they are black even when you can't see them.
Same as with the y'll folx when you can't see the purple hair and nose ring.

BulbasaurusThe7th 3 points ago +3 / -0

When you see the fuckers defending this sick, perverted piece of shit by "Uhm, this is satire". No, it isn't. He wants to do these things 100%.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +16 / -2

I did not say it should be censored.
But do you think children raised in a certain culture or religion are not more likely to believe those things? New generations of children don't just believe in Santa because genetically they will, but because they get made to believe in him. Not saying that's automatically bad or harmful or should go.
Plus, what about the people who are total mall ninja types? The story is always that they know how to shoot shit in CoD or whatever, so they feel like invincible badasses.
Or think of the girls who are "all totally lesbians" suddenly once the topic becomes trendy, same with genderfucked weirdness. (I'm about to read the Abigail Schrier book.) They didn't just invent that crap. Also, why are there more of said kids in the communities where it's a constant, everyday topic?

Why else would the left target the media and fill everything you hear or see with muh diversity?
Not his hugest fan, but Crowder back in the day made a video showing how the things some invincible action heroine did in her movie are physically ineffective and useless. Why? Because people were believing that hitting someone with a high heel shoe was actually good and useful in a serious fight.

I'm not trying to say we should ban Dragon Ball because kids jumped out a window believing they can fly. Bullshit.
But to claim media has ZERO influence is just untrue.

Another thing, specifically with loli is, I'm not sure how safe it is to form a community of people who have a proclivity for that. Again, it's not as bad as actual child porn. But internet communities formed around loli are extremely suspicious to me.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +12 / -2

In a way I understand what you say, but I also think (sadly) what people, especially what children see coming from all avenues around them does influence what they think.
When you look at SJW youth now, many of them were raised on for example gay fanfiction so much they have a warped view on sexuality and homosexual people as well.
I'm not saying it's 100% successful and all, but people who are easy to manipulate do pick up things from media. Like when minority young girls try to emulate whatever some slutty female rapper does.
You can say fictional media is different, though many real life celebs are putting on a character. Like do you think Beyonce is not some fake plastic facade?

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