thecrankyassman2020 6 points ago +6 / -0

Ho ho motherfucking ho bitches

Also Hanukkah ended like 10 days ago lol people always say it anyway just because it's Christmas and political correctness. Also fuck Kwanzaa it was created by a Black Nationalist who hated white people and Christianity.

thecrankyassman2020 1 point ago +1 / -0

True... I had prepped this for posting it on reddit but then I thought, better not...fucking Nazi mods will ban me

thecrankyassman2020 9 points ago +9 / -0

There's a picture of her in her post history.... she's white. Imagine if her rant was framed as a white woman rant, then I'm positive she wouldn't have received that reply. She'd just be called a crazy "Karen".

https://i.imgur.com/XmhMbZQ.jpg (pic of her saved to new link in case she deletes)

https://archive.is/iftUn (archive link of her selfie post)

thecrankyassman2020 5 points ago +5 / -0

Still a lot of stupid shit being said by others there though, like:

Alright and people in my community are also opressed by christians and have been murdered in the name of christianity. But there's a big difference in celebrating the birth of christ and decorating a tree that early christians stole from pagan cultures.

Yeah people are murdered and oppressed by a lot of ideologies over the years, I guess we can never use or celebrate anything derived from an oppressive historical culture or society.... so, nothing. Funny how no one ever talks about Muslims and Islam "stealing from pagans", even though they supplanted paganism the same way Christians did.

thecrankyassman2020 39 points ago +39 / -0

I always found it so weird that Nintendo AMERICA calls the Christian holidays by generic names, "Bunny Day" and "Toy Day", but Nintendo Japan actually just calls them Christmas and Easter.

But now I realized why... Nintendo America doesn't want to set off the jews.

thecrankyassman2020 23 points ago +23 / -0

Don't just read the main post... some of the shit this loon goes on with in the comments is hilarious.

Dozens of my family members were literally murdered because they didn't celebrate Christmas by people who do celebrate Christmas.

Were you brought up as an athiest, or were you brought up t do you practice a religion that Christianity has meant oppression to you & your culture / people? Are you a mfmber of a marginalized community?

So you are saying instill Christian supremacy. Got it. Great take.

Im "mental" (an ableist term) for not wanting Christian supremacy shoved at me and everyone else non-Christian?

How dare you tell a minority...who happens to be a minority within a minoriry...that their pain is not valid. Would you say that to another minority when their cultural items were appropriated & desecrated...and then a supersessionist holiday was shoved down their throat?

You were talking about my personal bias...ie me not being Christian and not celebrating Christmas. You were being antisemetic. You are part of a dominant culture. Why don't you listen instead of attacking people who are different from you & hurting because of this forced holiday in game.

You pinning a CHRISTian holiday...CHRISTmas...on non-CHRISTian people is supersessionism and is racist. If you read my whole statement, which clearly you didn't, I said I was Jewish. Forcing JEWS to participate in CHRISTmas is antisemetic.

My mind is absolutely blown at the lack of awareness and cultural sensitivity amongst players...and the developets of this game. To brush znything off as stupid or silly...to be dismissive is to be willfully ignorant & part of the problem. It is not just a game...as any player knows how important this game is to them. When it hurts you because it is racially or culturally harmful to you & other people, it's time to speak up & stand up for others, not dismiss them.

And last but not least... this person was apparently working with Nintendo of America ITSELF through the ADL, and is pissy that Nintendo refused to listen to her demand to remove Christmas:

I literally worked with the ADL and Nintendo USA for 2 months (July & August) on this issue. I could give names & phone numbers of the programmers & supervisors who were supposed to fix this AND other cultural appropriation issues that occur in game that are flat out racist. They went ahead anyway. We were hoping for a last minute fix. It didn't come.