by folx
BulbasaurusThe7th 17 points ago +17 / -0

Libs were totally traumatised anywhere they go. Isn't that interesting? Or maybe they are just broken people who pretend everything is a trauma to them, meanwhile they were kinda crazy from the get go.

by folx
BulbasaurusThe7th 38 points ago +38 / -0

On Reddit I exchanged DMs with some guy for a time. He grew up being home schooled.

He explained to me the kinds of things he did as a kid, like they travelled, he did sports with local kids, they went to different hobby groups, his parents had friends with kids, so basically he socialised a lot.

Libs like to pretend that home schooling means your kids never meet any other children.

BulbasaurusThe7th 27 points ago +27 / -0

So Japan is not good enough, but faggotry and mutilation will make it ALL it could be. SICK.

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

But dude. You are the one who says humans shouldn't breed. It's not women in general.

You blame women for your crazy "solution".
Besides, be honest, please. Nothing women could do would be enough for you.

Think with me for a second. Imagine the ideal situation, where you would become okay with women.
Even if women suddenly became 1000% subservient to men, you would claim it's just some trick so we can leech off of men. You are against women working and being responsible for ourselves (you claim we have "not real" jobs, you claim a woman employed is always because of preferential hiring, etc.), you are against women being subservient to men (we are leeching), then what are women okay to do in your opinion?
A female doctor is platting to kill men and is definitely a diversity hire, a female prostitute is a succubus raping boys and men, a housewife is a leech.

In your ideal version of the world, are women allowed to even exist? In what role? To do what?

BulbasaurusThe7th 21 points ago +21 / -0

Let leftoid shits still cry about tranny porn not being forced on middle school kids and moan about it being book banning.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +9 / -2

Does that make me a special woman? :D
But yeah, the fact you are talking in the second person made me feel like I was somewhat involved. I mean mate, I keep saying women need to get it together. For a different reason than you, because I know for a fact we are perfectly able (meanwhile you think we are literally demons, all of us).

Like not many things boil my ass as much as financially irresponsible adult people.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Anyone who has ever seen a woman parallel park should know we have no concept of space. You say it is so, I believe it.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +12 / -2

MY student loans are paid off fully. :D I got my job without a bank (how would a bank help a lab tech, I don't know).
What little boy did I cheat out of what?

I have been around in this communitaaaaay for years. But I am sure I'm a troll, sent just because of you.

Do we... have a feminist?

BulbasaurusThe7th 14 points ago +14 / -0

So it's not enough that I have to remember that your pronouns aren't what you would normally get, but I have to count how many times I use each, so it's equal now.
Oh, fuck off. Nobody is worth this.

BulbasaurusThe7th 19 points ago +19 / -0

As a non-Murican, I will never understand this late night show concept. So it's not stand up comedy, not a fully scripted TV comedy show, not actual news.
Why do people watch it? Especially when so many of these hosts are such dickheads ( and not even in the funny, grumpy way, just... whatever Ellen Degenerate is).

BulbasaurusThe7th 18 points ago +18 / -0

They can't let sheep realise they are bad.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

I like it when they still do practical effects as much as possible. Not a FNAF fan, I don't really care about horror in general, but props to them.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

Not really. More like "your enemy is lying, creating these totally bonkers, nonsense delusions and living in manic rage that makes them act irrational and disgusting, so behaving the exact same is most likely not really a good idea".

He has a history of absolutely idiotic things. Like claiming March is the month where women commit ritual murder, Ukrainian refugee women are intentionally sent to other countries to kill men, etc.

BulbasaurusThe7th 12 points ago +13 / -1

You legit excuse actual terrorists and such, but the moment a woman is mentioned, we are supposed to take these accusations at face value, because you said so.

No, "feminists do it as well" is not an excuse. You say feminists are shit people ( sure, they are) yet you think you are a hero... even though you copy their behavior.
It makes so little sense.

BulbasaurusThe7th 7 points ago +7 / -0

Yes. I am in your walls.

When we have slower days at work and I have actual time to eat lunch at peace, I read through the shit I have missed and actually read all the comments.
Today was a slower day.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Yeah, stay convinced that I am your enemy. If it makes you feel better, please. Declare you are such a strong man, but also act like an eye for an eye, vengeful cunt.

I love it when people are unable to take a win. You just have to find a way to alienate even the people who agree with you, because you think constantly being angry and hating someone means you are righteous.

BulbasaurusThe7th 8 points ago +8 / -0

Besides, if we want to solve it, what's more likely? More eye for an eye, damaged kids growing up and magically being okay with each other?
Let's face it. We, our current generation is already what it is. But the kids born now have the chance to start from zero, baggageless. Not all will stay that way, but why cheer on their numbers getting less??

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

I literally said that I have had issues with the same happening to boys, but you just have to assume I am the fucking enemy. Yes, sure, then I am. That is why I am here, talking to you, because I am a feminist enemy. You are talking like a paranoid weirdo, who thinks that just because I don't cheer for fucked shit, I am evil. Which makes no sense, but be my guest. Then I am the enemy. Of what? Good question.

I’m not actively harming girls, that’s more than I can say for any woman in modernity in regards to boys, but please go on!
Yes, ALL women are harming boys. Stop being terminally online. It shows. Move to an island with Imp, please.

WHAT do you want me to do? What is stopping feminists? You aren't. But I am sure I totally could, I just don't, because of reasons. Except you are also not stopping shit, you are just sitting here, pretending to be some big thinker. Fuck off with this.
Are you a politician? Are you out there, campaigning? Are you changing the laws? No, but I bet you have an excuse why LE WOMENZ are totally the only reason why it's not happening, because I don't do it.

Sitting around here, like good old boys at a bar and talking about shit is fun. It's fine. But that's just what we are doing. You are not saying the world because you pretend I am the enemy.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +9 / -0

Right? This is my issue. We have our political issues and arguments, but certain things should be off limits. Besides, a great way to turn a little girl into a mentally unstable genocidal feminazi is having her molested.

BulbasaurusThe7th 10 points ago +10 / -0

You still don't understand what I am saying. Children getting hurt, any children, is never acceptable, for revenge or anything.

They are children, they are blameless. That is my point. That children are never just "oh well, write them to the list of losses". Not male ones, not female ones. None.

Nobody asked you to save anyone, but you are projecting your hate on FUCKING CHILDREN. I am just as angry when feminazis attack male children.
I remember, what, a decade ago, getting fucking pissed at Tumblrinas saying little boys in the third world need to be turned away by charities, because they are privileged.
If you think you should live by the same shit morals as them, be my guest. But you are very fast to chimp when I point out that you act EXACTLY the same as people you claim to hate.

I will be frank. Hyping each other up to be bigger and bigger spiteful assholes is not helping anyone. 99% of the time, this place is okay, but a couple of you tend to get into same kinds of reeeing as we see from feminists, when they congregate and strengthen each other's outrage and hysteria.

BulbasaurusThe7th 9 points ago +10 / -1

My point also stays the same;it makes you an objectively worse human being to punish children, because you want your revenge so much.

Also, just a little idea... what awful societal tendency caused by liberalism is being stopped? What are you stopping? Oh, nothing? Okay, then. In that case, should we say children with some similarity to you deserve to be abused?
You did not stop feminism, or the transgender craze, anti-white racism, etc. So little white boys can be killed by Tyrone, for example? Abdul can rape him in the mall bathroom, because you did nothing? No sympathy for THEM then?

Some of you all really need to touch grass and I am sad to say that. Being into politics is good. Being aware and critical, good.
Becoming spiteful cunts like this?
That's when you need to take a step back, think a little about how this is worth it or not. The abyss stares back hardcore.

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