BollocksToBolsheviks 4 points ago +4 / -0

(or were)

We have families who's tradition of military service goes back centuries telling their kids not to enlist, a concerted DEI effort in recruiting, and a push to enlist "newcomers." I don't think it would take much to indoctrinate the enlisted ranks into a new ethic. I'm not a veteran, but I've got the impression from some of the guys around here that are that this sort of ideology pushing has become common in the armed services. It starts with the gay shit and moves on to calling the political views of a certain type of American as "dangerous." At the end of the day most people will point a rifle at someone else if they believe that they are doing so for the right reasons. An army unit shooting at Americans will believe they are protecting the country from terrorists or rebels.

BollocksToBolsheviks 33 points ago +34 / -1

My congressmen said "Israel is our alley and always will be no matter what." I thought that was oddly strong for an elected representative to say. He's a "Catholic" to boot; in theory, Catholics don't buy into the 'premillennial dispensationalism' that make Protestants so enamored with Israel. Frankly after the vid, I assume he's a diddler and AIPAC has the receipts.

BollocksToBolsheviks 20 points ago +20 / -0

The importance of nomenclature in the scientific method and the Marxist approach to language are utterly at odds. We aught to be at a point in society that we reject emotivism based philosophies if we want to "listen to the science." The twatwaffles in the Academy have managed to have it both ways, sadly.

BollocksToBolsheviks 8 points ago +8 / -0

This thing feels weird. I suspect Merchan is playing up a shitposter from the Court Facebook page so he (but really other people) can say: 'we looked into it and there was no jury bullshit.' Then, when in a few months, a jury member blabs that they all knew they were going to convict from day one, the courts and the press can all say that the Judge already put this issue to rest.

BollocksToBolsheviks 7 points ago +7 / -0

and there was no treatment

I don't think this will happen before some sort of social collapse, but a right wing psychology movement is the only thing that could provide hope for people like this. And by 'right wing' I mean grounded in realist thinking. I suspect that if the social sciences were not irrevocably left wing, we would have cognitive therapy coupled with modern pharmaceuticals the could fix or mitigate "the gay." I've always suspected that the kvetching about conversion therapy was based on the fear that the wrong sort of people were offering therapy. Troons are, of course, a creation on modern psychology.

BollocksToBolsheviks 16 points ago +16 / -0


Bugging out on this thread for tonight but I'm appending one last comment to the top thread. Thanks Pickle.

I totally missed the following in the Times of Israel article:

Dallek: "But the ADL also had undercover agents with code names, who were able to infiltrate the society’s headquarters in Belmont, Massachusetts, and various chapter officers. They dug up financial and employment information about individual Birchers."


Elia-Shalvev: "That last thought brings to mind another, right-wing Jewish group that existed in this era of taking things into our own hands, that did use violence, explosives even."

Dallek: "You mean the Jewish Defense League, led by Meir Kahane."

Elia-Shalvev: "Yes, exactly."

Dallek: "He was a Bircher. Toward the end of my book, I mention that he was a member for a while, under his alias Michael King."

WHAT THE FUCK? So an ADL agent went on to form an internationally recognized terrorist group and he got his start by spying on American grassroots politics?

BollocksToBolsheviks 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would love to hear about your OpenSCAD experience and what kind of uses cases you think its appropriate for. I've no experience with parametric modeling and the I don't understand the workflow.

BollocksToBolsheviks 10 points ago +10 / -0

Be nice dude. A conversational tone about things we like is what separates us from the redditors savages.

BollocksToBolsheviks 12 points ago +12 / -0

open source as much as humanely possible

I tried this once on a side project with a small engineering team, but FreeCAD was my alternative to AutoDesk. If we had been a naval vessel they would have mutinied and hung me from a yardarm. They were a clever bunch of hardworking sods and they tried, but sometimes open source isn't up to the task.

Still I think you're right. I suspect that creative suites must be much further along than some engineering sorts of software. Not sure why.

BollocksToBolsheviks 6 points ago +6 / -0

I still don't know the answer, but based on what I learned on this comment thread, I'm prepared to speculate that Neocons (commies) like Buckley were also funded by the CIA. Funding "anti-Soviet" Leftists and Trotskyite "conservatives" at the same time is what one might expect from an intelligence agency.

BollocksToBolsheviks 7 points ago +7 / -0

without directly denying it

I don't love that, but I do seem to see that in the interview in this post. Amusingly one of the host was even slimier as I point out here.

Also I think Unz's American Pravda Series is one thing I would recommend to anyone with an open mind. Its changed my worldview. More because of the WW2 entries than anything JQ related.

BollocksToBolsheviks 7 points ago +7 / -0

I couldn't find it on youtube, but I distinctly remember an uncomfortable exchange in the news coverage between Obama and a Journalist on the campaign trail in '08. The question was asked while he was walking to his SUV and he spun around in furry. It was one of those eerie moments when someone's face suddenly changes to that of another person. Then it was gone in an instant. It wasn't like he just got ahold of his temper; it was more like putting a mask right back on. I've seen it before on a personal level, and let's just say its been from Cluster B / sociopathy type people. Never felt quite comfortable with him after watching that exchange on tv.

BollocksToBolsheviks 24 points ago +24 / -0

I'm pretty tired of noticing, but I felt the jewposting lately was pretty low effort. Thus this post. At this point, I'm convinced you could write a book that would make Hitler blush just by using excerpts of things like the OP article. If I were Joe Shlomo, I'd be pretty pissed off at my co-ethnics.

BollocksToBolsheviks 12 points ago +12 / -0

I'm headed down a rabbit hole in regards to Tom Braden, the guy sitting across from Pat Buchanan. I was not familiar with him. It seems he was a CIA man through and through, and even wiki includes the fact he used company money to influence American politics. In line with the congressman's claims in the CNN Crossfire interview, he was funding "anti-Soviet' leftists, ie moving the US more gently to the left. This was probably not public in '83 when this interview was done. Of course, his 'journalistic' career after leaving the agency was obviously not a retirement from his previous work.

BollocksToBolsheviks 16 points ago +16 / -0

That's pretty interesting. There's a whole lot there that seems prophetic 40 years later.

Edit: especially the disingenuous pearl clutching about conspiracies.

BollocksToBolsheviks 26 points ago +26 / -0

Doesn't this very much echo the current response of the DoJ / Silicon Valley / Journos to groups like, say, Moms for Liberty? Here's what the ADL did back then:

But the ADL also had undercover agents with code names, who were able to infiltrate the society’s headquarters in Belmont, Massachusetts, and various chapter officers. They dug up financial and employment information about individual Birchers. And they not only used the material for their own newsletters and press releases, but they also fed information to the media.

BollocksToBolsheviks 5 points ago +5 / -0

I'll have to check it out. Thanks for the recommendation Smith; your posts always remind me there's good stuff out there even if you have to dig.

BollocksToBolsheviks 34 points ago +34 / -0

Some Jews appear to be particularly adept at taking advantage of others' good principles. If Americans believe in the freedom of speech and the right to petition the government, some Jews will use that to restrict the freedom of speech of and ability to petition the government of non-Jewish Americans. Organizations like the ADL, AIPAC, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the ACLU all appear to operate like this. Once the Civil Rights Act of 1964 became law, it became impossible to root out.

BollocksToBolsheviks 20 points ago +20 / -0

Buckley is one of those that I don't know who he was working for, but I know he was working for someone. That goes for all the Neoconservatives that crushed the grassroots conservatives of the 40s and 50s. The Neocons being Trotskyites after all.

BollocksToBolsheviks 20 points ago +20 / -0

I doubt anything regarding the ADL would be surprising but the article is worth a read for the brazenness alone. These guys still openly admit to doing this stuff (updated for the digital age), and have government contracts.

BollocksToBolsheviks 55 points ago +55 / -0

The horses' mouth: "The last thing I’ll say is that one of the admirable things in the 1960s about the ADL and the liberal coalition it belonged to is that it built support for landmark legislation like the Immigration Act of 1965, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and the Voting Rights Act of ’65. '

Forgot to archive because much dumb: https://archive.is/hPtqY

BollocksToBolsheviks 19 points ago +19 / -0

Hart-Cellar was essentially made possible by CRA of 64. I've become partial to the idea some have put forward that CRA64 is essentially a crypto Constitution that Americans are unaware of. If inequalities are against the law and the government believes it has a mandate to stamp it out, then it has authority to control every aspect of public life. Americans would never have voted in favor of requiring schools to hire homosexuals, change the demographics of the country, or any of the other milestones of the past 60 years. But the government seems to move independent of the people using said crypto constitution as justification. It seem that HC is just one of many implementations of this idea.

BollocksToBolsheviks 47 points ago +47 / -0

First, he is wrong about Americans: prior to 1965 Americans were a Nation largely described as comprised of White Christian descendants of various European countries. Note here nation means people not government. Country, Nation, and State are not synonyms. Were there other types of people living in the United States? Yes. Doesn't change anything.

Second, if I were to say in public what this guy is saying, I would be accused of anti-Semitism.

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