BlueHellScapeRefugee 9 points ago +9 / -0

I remember a time when having a divorce under your belt was a negative

It still is in the case of women. It's hard to find a bigger red flag than a willingness to destroy a guy in divorce court. The problem is that the SMP is so distorted that men will overlook a women with more red flags than a CCP parade in hopes of getting their dick wet. With men it's a mixed bag. It's evidence of preselection which is great for a man's SMV, but it also means the previous bitch already looted the coffers so there's less for whore number 2 to steal.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 4 points ago +5 / -1

You'd need a lot more than a decent AI algorithm (which you would never get considering how pozzed the tech industry is) to get women to stop Chad chasing. The rotten culture would somehow need to be fixed. If that ever happened there wouldn't be any need for AI to fix the problem because it wouldn't exist.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 7 points ago +7 / -0

They'd program it to scam danger hairs into sending foot fetish shit to their fellow pajeets. It would be the only part of the app that works correctly.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 12 points ago +12 / -0

I used to be in favor of restoring the old controls without resorting to arranged marriage, but I've also reached the point where I think arranged marriage is necessary. The problem is finding worthy female candidates. Even if we could somehow force modern women to partake it wouldn't be worth it. Marriage is supposed to be a virginity for provisioning arrangement, not a way for Chad's jizz rag to extort money from a beta. Removing the virginity requirement is the biggest and least talked about scam the feminists ever pulled off.

If AI could be trusted to pair me up with someone with whom I could have a good chance to build a successful, happy marriage with...well I'd definitely consider it at this point.

The problem is that any company that's in a position to do something like this is pozzed. You would never get a good wife out of the deal. Their algorithm would pair you up with some 300 pound boss bitch with 4 kids from 3 different baby daddies, at least one of whom isn't white.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 8 points ago +8 / -0

Single mothers and trannies should have to disclose and men should be able to filter them out. That would solve a lot of problems right there without the need for AI. AI would be useful for filtering out Chad chasers and whores looking for a chump to play house after they lose their game of musical dicks.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 6 points ago +6 / -0

The advantage the 5% have is being able to get sex from women at a reasonable price, which is all they're good for. I certainly don't envy the relationshit nonsense that women are trying to subject them to.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 3 points ago +3 / -0

This is actually deranged, authoritarian feminism making “equitable” relationships…

The hilarious part is that the gigachads who make it through these AI filters are never going to put up with this shit. They're gonna be clapping cheeks within 5 minutes of meeting anyway, and if they catch a whiff of this feminist shit they'll move onto one of their 300 other options.

80/20 is going to become 95/5 real soon

It already is, and that's an optimistic estimate. Better Bachelor showed stats that prove we hit that point over a year ago.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 5 points ago +5 / -0

Uh huh. What makes them think the bottom 95% of men this will inevitably filter out will stick around or even try in the first place? Dating apps are teetering on the edge of insolvency because men are realizing that they're a waste of time for anyone who's not Chad.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 41 points ago +41 / -0

The follow up article is "Chad's jizz rag complains that high income men won't 'step up' and marry her."

BlueHellScapeRefugee 20 points ago +20 / -0

There are all kinds of nasty parasites out there, especially in tropical areas. It's not something you want to look up close to meal times.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 7 points ago +7 / -0

Sometimes you gotta do the right thing regardless of the consequences. If I found out my kid was attended one of his "no parents allowed topless pool parties" he wouldn't have lived to tell the tale.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 16 points ago +16 / -0

Didn't he sexually harass fire rescue people with his "trans vagina" at one point as well? I forget exactly how it went, but my memory is that he was in a bathtub and he somehow got emergency services in the bathroom and he was confronting them about something to do with his "trans vagina".

BlueHellScapeRefugee 3 points ago +3 / -0

Aren't they already doing that with most games? Games get easier and easier. I was recently playing Dark Envoy and the hard mode was easier then I would expected normal to be. It also had 3 easier difficulty levels.

Even the easiest level is too hard for game journalists, which is why they keep getting easier. They want a push to win button so they spend an hour writing about how racist and sexist the game is and spend the other 39 hours of their workweek watching tranny porn.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 19 points ago +19 / -0

Just because co-op games aren't for you, that doesn't mean they're intended to ruin the fucking game industry through some absurd casualization nonsense

As someone who games to avoid people I agree with this. If I'm going to play with someone I'd rather it be a friend or a sibling than Chinky Chan's cheat program.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 5 points ago +5 / -0

This isn't really in my wheelhouse, but would running Linux as your main OS and using a Windows VM to game solve your problem? That's one solution I'm looking into. I'm also looking into SteamOS, but I don't know if it would be any good for the machine learning stuff I do.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 30 points ago +30 / -0

All these Trump cases are absolutely absurd, especially when you compare it to what we know other politicians and/or businessmen are doing.

This trial is the worst of the bunch in that respect. Multiple prosecutors declined to charge and they kept trying until they found someone willing to pull the trigger.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 14 points ago +14 / -0

I've seen some old school web forums that are still very active. The AR-15 forums come to mind. They're still probably only one troon complaint to the web host away from getting shut down.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 15 points ago +16 / -1

They’re desperate to shut down anything that makes their gaslighting less effective. AF/BB, gynocentric divorce courts, reversion to precivilization sexual dynamics, and so on. I used to think I was the only one seeing this shit, and then I discovered the Manosphere. The feminists desperately want men who see this to think they’re alone.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 31 points ago +31 / -0

Never underestimate the normies' determination to bury their heads in the sand. It took the sexual mutilation of children to cause even the tiniest pushback against the trannies.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 10 points ago +10 / -0

Crap, what was that meme about what happens when they become X% of the population? It doesn't take many of them to cause problems.

BlueHellScapeRefugee 0 points ago +7 / -7

What do you want me to tell you? That miscegenation isn't a problem? Dating app stats say nothing about the types of women going for white guys or whether they're putting them in the sex or provider category. The number of single mothers looking for a (usually white) cuck to pay for their half breeds tells a different story.

Here we have a handshake account telling you the same things as the media narrative

If only the media said the things I do about women. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings by besmirching the name of your precious white women, but if it makes you feel any better I hate women of all races, and I hate shitskins of all sexes. More than one group can be a problem at once you know.

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