what does it matter?
Perhaps Chinese or Japanese people can learn from our mistakes and not genocide themselves out of a fear of being called racist by not allowing invasion of their homes.
And regarding the fear of being called racist:
you either get called racist once - tell them no entry at the border
or you get called racist FOREVER while they genocide you.
The BBC and authoritarian elites are pushing HARD the narrative that black people were always around in Britain for generations.
I expect soon they will deny that Britain was ever a majority White country.
And then they will deny that there were ever White people.
Creating the story that historically white Northern European country having a brown future is some kind of normal thing “because it’s always been the case”.
Lest aforementioned natives decide that’s not the future they want.
But the anti-white hatred during BLM was encouraged and manufactured by big tech!
It’s forbidden to criticize Israel on reddit these days?
That will upset some of the new “europeans”
“there is nothing as permanent as a temporary government program”
Its a “conspiracy” that white people are being genocided?
It’s literally the reason why Israel refuses to allow any of the nearby refugees to have citizenship/vote there.
With this new program- the Fed can raise rates. But banks are largely unaffected?
Banks desperately want to avoid marking their Commercial Real Estate portfolios correctly. They are miss marking them at levels when everyone worked in an office.
Only the little people who must refinance at higher rates
Its time conservatives demanded the same equal application of the law!
In Canada truckers had their assets seized after peacefully asking the government to not forcibly inject them. Why does Soros have any assets after attempting treason against the capitol?
Sometimes the muslim replacement of Canadian society makes sense
Doesn’t the current UK government have a massively majority and the ability to push through any law changes it wants to?
How come they failed to get the rail project approved (by their own government)
demographics > 2nd amendment
The US has the 2nd A but we can’t stop millions coming in and replacing us?
The UK police run away from enforcing laws against muslims -
gang rape? “afraid to be called racist”
bombing suspect with wires hanging out of his backpack? “afraid to be called racist”
Free speech restrictions are ONLY used against whitey in the UK.
Regular reminder that you must fail at ever academic subject to become a journalist.
This is why reading the comments is 100x more useful than reading the article.
I’m grateful I had my 30s to make the mistakes in dating to not have to settle; I kissed enough frogs before I met my love, an equal partner who does his share of the childcare, work and housework.
She sacrificed her life with a kid to entertain her vagina with random chads
“dear fellow whites”
Some have 18 abortions
Great analysis, but just one small point
When you say 'fade away' -
The reality for the native people when muslims become the majority in a region has historically been more violent :
Here the boys were burned alive while the girls were taken away and gang raped :
I like the map that explains how it is NOT saving lives :
After the Lebanon genocide in the 1970s - many christians fled to Germany.
It will be interesting and sad when the muslims rise up and start to genocide the native European Germans.
Because this time - there will be no safe white countries that they are able to flee too.
Going to be watching it all from a very safe distance with some popcorn.
France and the UK have intercontinental hydrogen bombs.
When France falls you’ll have to be very far to be safe.
Community note copied here in case it changes :
Readers added context they thought people might want to know
The Met Police's "What is hate crime?" document states: "The offence of incitement to hatred occurs when someone acts in a way that is threatening and intended to stir up hatred... Hate content may include: messages calling for violence against a specific person or group" met.police.uk/advice/advice-.
I hope its because Elon called Germany out :
Free speech laws - Only if whitey says something.
Free speech laws when a muslim chants death threats - police cowering.
More - as someone who invents the laws he should be held to a much higher standard