Benevolentdictator 4 points ago +4 / -0

It really reminds of those COVID polls with a plurality of "The unclean purebloods are a danger to us all & should be hauled off to jail" opinion vibes.

Benevolentdictator 10 points ago +10 / -0

Leafs too.

At least the Bongs had a rich & powerful history to be proud of.

The entire Canadian identity essentially boils down to a smug inferiority complex about "not being Americans".

Yet they are obsessed with their goyslop reality TV culture. And mindlessly import any gay race communism astroturfed protest movement without a hint of irony.

Benevolentdictator 30 points ago +30 / -0

They didn't even bother backing it up with any bullshit statistics.

Only "a woman was murdered once!"


Benevolentdictator 20 points ago +20 / -0

This could mean teachers will be legally required to refer pupils they suspect of extreme misogyny to Prevent, the Government’s counter-terror programme.

Teachers, healthcare professionals and local authority staff are under a legal duty to make a referral to the Prevent scheme if they believe someone is susceptible to becoming radicalised.

Anyone who is referred to Prevent is then assessed by their local authority and the police to see if they need to be deradicalised.

"Feeling frustrated that girls & society have put you in the Not People category?"

"Don't let anything slip to your educators or your doc otherwise they'll call the coppers to haul you off to Simp Camp"

Benevolentdictator 6 points ago +6 / -0

Mexico isn't in South America. Latin America or Central America maybe.

Argentina is remarkably White. It certainly has potential.

It's climate is also fairly temperate for those who struggle with the whole tropical weather thing.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

I do agree that the base game is likely the most "challenging" AI-wise, but even calling it half-decent is being way too charitable.

The problem since launch with Civ 6 is that the AI poses no military threat whatsoever beyond the opening era of the game on higher levels when they start with Turn 1 extra units.

Which is simply unforgivable for a franchise whose entire meta is all out war.

Benevolentdictator 4 points ago +4 / -0

Civ 6 is a microcosm of modern game design.

It's a classic strategy game where the AI poses no threat and can't play by the game's own rules.

Every DLC release added a new layer of half-baked game mechanic complexity , introducing another new system that the AI can't command & forcing the player to adopt their own house rules.

Benevolentdictator 10 points ago +10 / -0

Groyper War II's "official" demands of Trump are as I understand them:

  • commit to zero immigration
  • commit to no war with Iran

A third unofficial plank seems to be to fire his campaign staffers Chris Licivita & Susie Wiles.

Fuentes is already personally claiming victory for Trump hiring that new Cory L guy staffer.

Benevolentdictator 9 points ago +9 / -0

Saw a clip of the Wesley West guy who received 8 million from AIPAC to beat Cori Bush in her primary.

His answer to how he felt about AIPAC pumping millions into his campaign was essentially "every Democrat takes AIPAC money" & "I love Israel".

Benevolentdictator 6 points ago +6 / -0

Heroin chic reminds me of Mugatu's Derelict homeless fashion line from Zoolander

Benevolentdictator 8 points ago +8 / -0

Picture #2 is Tara Reid, the lead female in American Pie, the defining teen sex comedy of the era.

Benevolentdictator 5 points ago +5 / -0

The editorialized headline is confusing because it reads as though Keith Woods is unhappy with Fuentes for criticizing Trump rather than being disappointed with Trump for doubling down on Israel.

AFAICT, Keith Woods is still pro-Fuentes & at least Groyper War adjacent.

The battlelines of pro vs anti Nick critics roughly divides as


  • Candace Owens
  • Keith Woods
  • Lauren Witzke
  • possibly Lauren Chen?


  • Bronze Age Pervert
  • Ramzpaul
  • Milo Y

Fuentes was also trying to bully his way into a Tucker Carlson interview earlier, calling him out as a fed who is scared to mention Nick's name.

Benevolentdictator 4 points ago +4 / -0

The example that Levant gave after talking with a Mennonite elder was of a hypothetical young man getting charged with trespassing or a hunting violation after crossing on to signed private property with a rifle hunting rabbits.

Ezra said the community would never have an individual plead Not Guilty to any such charge and would always just pay out whatever financial penalty immediately by a pooled collection.

I could only stomach the first 1/4 of the video. Levant didn't specifically outline how the liens reached 400k.

He did mention that his sham charity, The Democracy Fund that he is constantly crowdfunding for, was already representing at least 3 cases but hoped to take on more.

It also was not specifically mentioned if the community members were served by letter mail over the last 2 years prior to learning of the liens.

The old border ArriveCAN clips I used to see on Twitter had public health & border agents write out tickets outlining the 5 figure fines right there at the Customs office at the land border before citizens were permitted re-entry.

The first 7 minutes of the video did flash on screen a few offense notices outlining amounts owed dating back to May 2022.

It's not made clear whether these were newly learned about with the recent lien or if the individuals or community leaders were served tickets 2 years ago but didn't immediately concede because the penalty amounts were so ridiculous.

Benevolentdictator 14 points ago +14 / -0

The Twitter clips from these border app confrontation from 2022 were so nutty.

In theory, there was supposed to be a paper declaration form option that could be requested. And many dissenters did.

But instead, either the local health units or the federal Public Health Agency of Canada posted FT inspectors to harang Canadians with right of return and pass out tens of thousands of out of proportion fines on the spot.

The asshole bureaucrats and border guards really reveled in it as well. They absolutely had discretion to actually act like humans instead of despots.

Benevolentdictator 25 points ago +25 / -0

I bit the bullet and watched the first 7 mins of the 26 minute long grifting Ezra Levant video.

  • Chatsworth, Ontario is quite far from any border. It's at the base of the Bruce Peninsula near Owen Sound, ON. Closest border likely Sarnia / Port Huron
  • 74 Mennonite families live in the commune
  • a local farmer tried to take out a bank loan to buy cattle
  • was informed there's a sizeable 2 year old lien on his property
  • they showed some legal notices from May 2022 where two community members were charged 18k for not using the border app for crossing at Welland, ON in Niagara
  • the community has no means of telephone or email at all, so the government didn't update them on outstanding fines or liens (no mention of snail mail)
  • they are a completely pacifist community including not contesting things in court
  • the community usually pools for payment for fines, so that's likely where "community owes 400k" comes from
Benevolentdictator 5 points ago +5 / -0

Is Bannon going to run the campaign from his cell?

Benevolentdictator 2 points ago +2 / -0


I'm assuming Second Wind is Nick & Ben's independent replacement outlet for The Escapist?

Holy shit, their Patreon receives 65k/month! (Granted in Trudeau pesos)

Soyboys still have way too much disposable income.

Benevolentdictator 3 points ago +3 / -0

The problem with Self-Defense trials & pleas is that the case is tried more so on narratives than the actual facts.

So the case isn't argued on the merits (ie. Who dunnit?) but whether or not the accused met the criteria for self-defense as per state law.

There's no doubt that the Assistant DA Binger was a true believer in the leftist ideology that Kyle should pay. He received lots of criticism from lawyers covering the trial that he would do anything to win as opposed to trying the facts & seeking justice.

The narrative at the time as well was that the DA's office itself didn't have full confidence in their case because the DA himself didn't try the case and instead sent his junior minion despite its high profile.

Benevolentdictator 5 points ago +5 / -0

The Rittenhouse judge seemed like a nice guy, but in the end he was all bark & no bite.

The Assistant DA faggot knew exactly how to play him.

The prosecutor would fragrantly flout due process in the smarmiest of ways. The judge would catch him in the act then proceed to publicly scream at him while the DA would wait him out.

After the judge calmed down, he'd essentially rule everytime in the State's favor completely contradicting the constitutional violations he was just screaming about minutes before.

The narrative was that the Assistant DA was well experienced with the hothead judge & knew he could get away with all sorts of malfeasance if he acted first & asked for forgiveness later, taking his licks & waiting the tantrums out.

Benevolentdictator 17 points ago +17 / -0

Even Rittenhouse's judge was a cuck.

He'd scream about prosecutor malfeasance.

Then he'd calm down and let the bastards do exactly what they wanted unpunished anyway.

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