Bardimir 24 points ago +24 / -0

Why am i not surprised the comments are muslims threatening with more violence?

It's almost like Islam was never the religion of peace. hmmmmm

Bardimir 6 points ago +6 / -0

TLDR; Even default foreign country subs are now radical left circlejerks. My country (Portugal)'s default sub being one of them, after being a bastion of free speech.

Even default foreign subs have been taken over by hardcore leftists.

My country's sub (Portugal) used to be completely free speech. You had commies on one side and (actual) fascists on the other. They would fight and fight in the comments but never be banned.

Suddenly, this year, a new mod showed up, he is a communist and started banning anyone that's right wing. Most users believed it was a planted mod to turn the sub into a leftist circlejerk. Obviously, you had the usual commies saying "hurr durr you're just mad you're getting banned for being racist/xenophobic/homophobic/islamophobic/etc.".

This led to a user creating the r/portugueses sub where MANY users from r/portugal migrated to.

At the start, there were a lot of CHEGA posts (a "far"-right political party in Portugal that is getting a lot of attention) and a lot of anti-left memes. Then, all of a sudden, again, the sub magically started getting flooded with communists to the point everything is getting downvoted (brigaded). They purposefully go there because they already have the default r/portugal sub under their complete control. Now they're pissed they can't control the narrative over at r/portugueses and are trying to get it banned.

Bardimir 4 points ago +4 / -0

I missed being able to call people a bunch of faggots without being banned.

Bardimir 3 points ago +3 / -0

I wonder how much soy was spilt from leftists "literally shaking"

Bardimir 1 point ago +1 / -0

And now the lurkers are ready to party!