Bandhandshakevet 3 points ago +3 / -0

Be me, bus driver bringing illegals to an island.

-Unbuckle, point bus toward Martha's Vineyard. -Place brick on gas peddle -Jump out the door as the bus goes flying off into the ocean

Best of luck to you faggots!

Bandhandshakevet 6 points ago +6 / -0

Gen Z,

Please kill yourself and any of your friends if they consider themselves LGBT faggots.

Thank you and have a pleasant tomorrow.


Based Handshake Vet

Bandhandshakevet 5 points ago +5 / -0

Supplies run out someday no matter how many you have. Then you have to come out of hiding. And on that day you're gonna wish we had fought that culture war because the gov will be taking all your stuff and leaving you and your family in a pit of niggers outnumbered and unprotected.

Bandhandshakevet 7 points ago +7 / -0

Hope they don't find out all our new secret weapons are in LA, San Francisco, and Portland Oregon.

Bandhandshakevet 3 points ago +3 / -0

I would defect to Russia tomorrow if they gave me citizenship.

Bandhandshakevet 28 points ago +30 / -2

Because it was pepper spray based, much worse.

For those who've never had the pleasure:

Tear gas is like having Jennifer Anniston wrapping her legs around your head and queefing in your face.

Pepper spray is like force feeding bigfoot ghost peppers for a day and then jacking off into your eyes.