AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 34 points ago +34 / -0

What are the odds that 1) he appeals, and 2) the appeal changes some part of the outcome?

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 9 points ago +9 / -0

it's equivalent to birtherism

Well..... technically correct.

Anyone who has ever looked at Obama's birth certificate can see it's an obvious photoshop. The media simply called it an unfounded conspiracy theory, so people believed the media.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 49 points ago +49 / -0

One issue why modern-era games (and anime and other types of media) are so garbage, is because nearly all of it today is derivative of something else. And the reason for that is because the creators today, don't have real life experiences.

Here's what I mean- in the past the creators of media were individuals who had interests and passions beyond media, who drew inspiration from those passions to make better games and shows.

Now, people that make media, don't have any real interests beyond said media. So they get all their inspiration from other media. Game designers draw inspiration mostly from other games, anime creators draw inspirations mostly from other anime, and so on.

The Lord of the Rings was written by a World War veteran who was a scholar of ancient European culture.

Neon Genesis Evangelion was written by an amateur historian who was fascinated with western esoteric philosophy.

The Chronicles of Narnia were written by a devout Christian who was also a Freemason.

Several of the early fighting games and shonen Animes that became classics, were created wholly or partly by people that had actual martial arts experience, some of it professional.

How many pieces of media today can claim the same origins? When you watch the interviews for how some modern series or game or movie was made, the creator rarely mention personal interests- they almost always describe being inspired by some other series or game or movie.

Of course borrowing inspiration from other media is not a new thing, (several of the examples I listed did that to a limited extent) but the modern trend of mostly or wholly borrowed inspiration, and lack of original inspiration, is the main problem.

Of course the overt politicizing of media is part of the issue too but that's already been discussed to death.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 47 points ago +47 / -0

The article summarized:

These people laugh at jokes I don't like

They have the wrong opinions

They were welcoming and friendly until I stopped participating in conversation and started judging them, then they started ignoring and mocking me

I wasn't even banned, I just left of my own accord

"These alt right Nazi gamers are so dangerous, guys"

This dude sounds annoying and most of the people he bothered sound like fun dudes.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 11 points ago +11 / -0

No. As others have mentioned, there is no such thing as hate speech. If a white man is being retarded I have the right to insult him the same way I insult everyone else

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 22 points ago +22 / -0

They really want people to get the mRNA vaccines and that should activate some almonds. Why?

This may come off as schizio, but I believe that the end goal of these vaccines is some form of population control. After all, figures in the vaccine industry like Bill Gates have openly talked about the overpopulation problem for years.

I don't think everyone who gets it will drop dead right away because that would be too obvious. What is most likely imo is that it either renders you sterile or damages your immune system. Possibly all of the unprecedented "booster" shots they keep reccomending are part of that too.

I have found some medical backing (based on educated guesses) of the sterilization theory that I'll format into a proper screencap and post here tonight or tomorrow. The gist of it is that the same proteins that are responsible for forming the placenta during pregnancy are the ones being targeted by the mRNA code, so theoretically it could cause the placenta to not form which would make pregnancy impossible.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 25 points ago +25 / -0

All of the vaccines have had safety issues though- my guess is that they pulled the J&J one because they want everyone to get the mRNA ones.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 7 points ago +7 / -0

I'm not a Tucker Carlson stan, but I fail to see how having money is a bad thing? Seems like in this age you need to have fuck-you money to get away with saying what you want. Especially since the enemy have a lot of generational wealth themselves, and despite their marxist rhetoric, they have no problem utilizing it.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 18 points ago +18 / -0

Youtube algorithms are based on your search and watch history

Edit: unless it was an ad, then that's just typical youtube administration behavior

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 29 points ago +29 / -0

Being a pillow biter doesn't qualify one to run a pillow company. Guess he figured that out himself.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 8 points ago +8 / -0

You have any interesting stories/examples about that?

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 19 points ago +19 / -0

"Do something meaningful to address the thing we are complaining about?... Nah, too much effort"

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 53 points ago +53 / -0

-Not white

-Not an immigrant

-Didn't use a gun

-Nation of Islam member

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 14 points ago +14 / -0

For all the surveys and polls claiming trust in media is at an all time low, how else can you explain what has happened here? Seems the majority are still very much locked in the grip of mainstream media manipulation.

We know the vast majority of people that are polled, say that they don't trust the media. But in reality many of these people, especially those that align more with mainstream ideologies, end up believing most or all of what the media says, even if they claim to distrust it- this goes for both the left and the right.

People on the mainstream right will whine and moan about "fake news" and people on the mainstream left will whine and moan about "misinformation".

But at the end of they day, both of them are lining up for vaccines to get their vaccine passports, both are tolerating the surveillance state, both will claim to support moderate feminism, moderate Lgbt, moderate anti-racism, both will tolerate corporate dominance of the economy, and so on and so forth.

Both will recoil in horror as soon as you start to truly challenge what is socially acceptable. The only people truly challenging the mainstream narratives on anything, seem to mainly be to the extreme right, with a minority of idpol-rejecting extreme leftists. (not speaking of Antifa, if it weren't obvious- they are idpol to the core)

My point is that, a lot of people -say- they distrust the media, and on a theoretical level, they may understand the concept of distrusting the media. But relatively speaking, very few people ACTUALLY reject the media narratives wholly, or even partially.

Just look at how people react when you question vaccines, when you point out the existence of the elite, when you start challenging socially accepted views on gender and race, or challenge socially accepted narratives about history. The same people that claim to distrust media will often regurgitate the media narratives without thinking.

Not saying it's hopeless- there's an old saying that "If the situation is hopeless, their propaganda would not be needed", which I think carries truth. Gamergate, then the 2016 election, then the 4 year antiTrump smear campaign, then Covid and all the related shenanigans, have woken up a lot of people. Many more are not quite awakened, but in my experience, a surprising percentage can sense something is amiss, especially with regard to the Covid vaccine and the passports.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 5 points ago +5 / -0

How bad were the movies? I've only seen the Prince Caspian one, and that was as a middle schooler.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 23 points ago +23 / -0

Please kill me already. Why do they have to ruin everything they touch? I can already imagine the retarded political comparisons, they're going to compare themselves to Frodo and the Elves, when they're literally the Orcs invading the West and replacing the natives.

At least they haven't touched Narnia, probably because it's way more explicitly Christian. But I wouldn't put Narnia on quite the same literary level as LoTR.

On the plus side, at least we can piss them off by posting Daily Gondor screencaps.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 22 points ago +22 / -0

Yup. It can be a fallacy if applied too broadly, (e.g a+b = f) but in and of itself it is correct if everything is explained properly (e.g a+b+c+d+e = f)

Also, if there is a vaccine passport, it will most likely not be a one-and-done thing. You will have to keep it "active" by doing whatever they tell you to do, in order to participate in society. In practice, this will make you a slave to their commands until you die.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 24 points ago +24 / -0

I understand Sowell's theory but it simply doesn't explain the massive crime disparity even after accounting for socio economic class. There's something fundamentally broken about black culture that simply isn't present elsewhere.

If I had to guess it would be the epidemic of fatherlessness and broken families. Even white trash fathers don't walk out anywhere near the same amount as black father's do. And by far the strongest common factor among prisoners, even above race and class, is being raised in a fatherless home.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 17 points ago +18 / -1

Just a strong and independent elderly Asian women demonstrating her driving skills

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 1 point ago +1 / -0

I thought Putin was ok with Muslims? Read something about how he was present at a mosque consecration ceremony or something.

But yes, I agree balkanization is possible. Putin has no heir and is developing Parkinson's disease.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 1 point ago +1 / -0

Really? I was under the impression that there is a growing tradcath movement there. Of course tradcaths have their own issues but they're better than the woke types.

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 20 points ago +20 / -0

Probably more likely that they're both linked to a third factor, like autism, or delayed mental development

AlwysHideUrPowerLevl 7 points ago +7 / -0

That, plus the whole "trust the plan" thing seems like it was a way to defuse pressure and discourage people from taking some kind of constructive action.

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