Not a good sign they trust their answers.
I used to live in North Shore Oahu. Still miss the mad grinds.
I loved Pickle Rick and ignore the story that went with it.
Good summary.
You from Hawaii brah?
Meanwhile I'm using it to design and skip a lot of artist wait time.
I try to find the best independent voices as I can.
Is she the one writing about how the family dynamic is more important than Rick traveling through time and space?
It is full of ads as well.
Very true... And yet it happens all the time.
It's an opening that should be used.
History is a complete study in absurdity.
The superstition mysticism stuff was made up by bored rich people. They could act like minorities while holding tons of money. It's why so many rich girls want to be 'spiritual'.
The actual study of mysticism and whether someone was a witch has been surprisingly the opposite of what it is purported. The first major use of evidence and procedural investigation was done for witch trials. The Spanish inquisition had very few deaths or tortures and led to a lot of modern thinking on how to deal with situations where a lot of people are using accusation to gain power.
I've met people who were in the actual military study of mental abilities. They did try drugs, and found it didn't help. Then they just tried telling someone to imagine something, and they had a 1 in 3 chance of actually describing the place or thing. It had really low funding and was located in a ghetto. They found that yes, mental powers do exist, but there was no real way to increase or use them correctly. That's way different than Stranger Things or the complete disbelief. It exists but is unknown is how most of the planets in the solar system were described before we could actually find them.
I bring this up because the promoted reality is rarely the truth, and those trying to alter it have no real sense of it either.
Someone is asking the right questions.
It's there, but needs about 2-3 years to figure out. Sort of like AI image creation 4 years ago. Now to get it open sourced and out to the average man.
There was also a group at the University of Utah that got a piece of metal to form to what they wanted. It's been slow going because no one wants to make the mistakes needed to move forward faster
The Navi will taste delicious.
There are rumours the Animal Kingdom may be closed because people aren't going enough.
There are two factors here. The first is most of these games are big budget to fit the power of the console. If it doesn't look amazing -subjectivley- then it's not going to get funded or helped by Sony or MSoft.
The other is the bureaucracy within the endeavor. Kingdome Come Deliverance creators pointed out that a lot of companies spend the money and man power because they're scared of doing it wrong. If there was a team of people who could do the job well, then the team would be much smaller. The type of company built around the idea would also be a different size. KC had a smaller team and made a profit from it.
This is where Nintendo shines. They don't need or want the shiniest graphics, they want the best ones. They have a tone of indie games that make a profit off of the small team and creation time. The bigger companies are trying to prove their worth by making large team games, that need to make 10 million sold or it's in the red.
That's very true, but the ability to make new content make it to black has been higher and higher. I remember all the businesses that went under during the PS3 era because of this.
Very true.
That's usually my plan.
I loved Escaflowne, but man was it weird the further it went.
When the kid is more talented than I ever will, and all I can do is bring him down a peg...
Nice slap. He was ready to fight, and she didn't get the hint.
There was a lot of pressure to stop it. People say it was the church, but it was more the scholarly types didn't want people to have access to something in their own language and easily available. It defeated the scholars being the only ones with access. That rhymes with academia today.
Adding to the history, most Germans after that bought a bible and recorded their major milestones in it. It's a major source for family history.