The raincoat but bareshins thing isn't uncommon for Japanese girls because they have that whole "can't get my ears wet" physical problem that necessitates the coat, but otherwise don't want to mess up their school skirt by putting on anything further.
So its really just an oddly deep cut piece of Japanese culture for their first mascot design.
That's part of its whole failed "oppression" thing, where its separated into multiple "acts" with time skips in between to simulate the growing not-racial tension and changing city. Which again, good idea that was incredibly poorly done.
Also I don't think any game with the entire Mage Tower section, with the entire Fade section in the middle of it, can call a different game out for being on rails. DAO isn't as open as it seems, its just really smart about how it presents its linear progressions and the combat being good enough to let you not have to play it purely linearly (which DA2 fails it, as you get one shot super quickly and have literally only one healer available for extended combat sections).
Ruffalo is a terrible Hulk in every way beyond being a solid Banner.
He is the picture perfect choice for the litany of writers who keep creating "Hulk but he keeps the smarts of Banner, so he has no downsides" personas every fucking decade.
Topping Steam Charts is like being a "New York Times Best Seller." Its a meaninglessly low bar to clear that basically anything with a little money behind it will accomplish.
A AAA game needs a huge fumble to not make it on the list, of which DA has a decently sized built in fanbase already to dodge that.
Let's assume 100k sales (to account for console and people who bought and didn't play yet) for it. That's only about 6 million dollars before any taxes or cuts are taken out. Steam will take almost 2 million of that off the top themselves (unless EA has a special deal worked out).
So even being generous, they made less than 4 million dollars on this game so far. A game in development for a decade from one of the biggest studios out there under the notorious "it needs to sell 10 million copies or we shut down your company" EA banner.
This is a massively loss no matter how you spin it once you think about numbers.
Funny how they had to shove in one of the sheboons from Black Panther to fill a spot and try to pretend she is totally up there with all these AAA level actors. Are they still trying to make her a thing or is Don not enough diversity for them?
Also 200% this was Ruffalo's idea. He is Mark Hamill level of far, loud Leftie and certainly this is well within his wheelhouse of cringe.
Concord was a new IP in a dead end genre. Its woke nonsense didn't help, but it likely would have failed without it. Just like Battleborn and Lawbreakers and all the others before it, that at least had the sense to come out when the iron was hot.
People seeking another Concord will be disappointed almost everytime because its unique in its cataclysm. Its like the guys on /v/ that need every single game to be another TORtanic.
DA2 had a lot of good ideas, but fumbled the ball on them so hard that it shot its own "oppression" message in the foot. Because anyone who walked out of that game not thinking all mages needed to be controlled and watched was a retarded bleeding heart, because they turn to blood magic if they stub their fucking toe.
I still think the "Rivals" mechanic is one of the better additions to the WRPG genre, if only because it finally allows you to disagree with your companions dogshit opinions and still "progress" their relationship.
Complete opposite. Uzumaki spends about 40% of its run time being literal slice of life one shots in the horror town, before its one big arc to the end. If you only made a movie-like narrative of it, you'd have to cut all the build up scenes because they don't make a lot of sense chronologically.
The most famous scene with the girl above is one of those one shots with basically no further effect on the main plot other than another incident of "spiral bad."
Its tailor made for a 6 episode series, with one ep to set up, 2-3 with 9 minute small stories and then the finale.
Everyone knew it was going to be bad because they haven't made a good Dead Rising game since the very thing they were trying to remake, with every single sequel missing what made it good in some way. Yes that includes 2/OTR.
Lo and behold, nearly every single change shows that they don't understand what made it so special and removed clunky things that were part of the charm/soul of it leaving a boring, easy husk.
That's before you get to any woke nonsense.
You're assuming previous arguments
No assumption, I scrolled up. Its right there.
But you can keep contorting around it, but the amount of times in just this reply that you've said me me me and crafted a victim narrative about yourself only helps the case of your egotistical syndrome.
Nothing. He is a man whose entire career and fame depends on his beliefs, ideas, and words. He has shown those to not only be worthless, but easily manipulated and used as a weapon for his ego before anything else.
To simply say "I was wrong, I'm sorry I let my fear get the best of me" and then do nothing else would show a genuine remorse for his actions and that he recognizes his failing as a prelude to actual growth. Instead he picks up a new war to start to repeat the same actions.
His current controversy shows that has he done no reflection, as his ego and desire to be the smartest guy in the room is still 100% at the control of this crusade.
You're inventing an argument for me
You invented a position for him, from just the label of "founding stock" and then got mad at him for daring to disagree with you. So once again, hypocrisy or projection is at play.
You have no consistency here. You are just yelling wildly to always be in disagreement with people and are happy to contradict yourself if it means being opposition to them. You are better than that, and we both know it.
It's pretty normal for people to tell me shit that's obviously false.
Explains a lot about why you say things like "I feel the need to say something so you don't get away with saying it unopposed" if this is the kind of self centered ego you have.
Get over yourself hombre.
I don't believe in forgiveness or redemption without repentance. Repentance isn't as easy as "I changed my mind" and going for the other team, it needs genuine effort to make things right and suffer yourself as atonement for the suffering you created. Sitting in his rich mansion sipping coffee and screaming about a different topic is nothing of the sort.
Admitting to being wrong is step one of that, and he barely even is willing to do that and adds a dozen caveats to protect his ego. Because his ego is more important than the people who are fucking still dying.
What's funny is that in all the examples you listed, I can think of clear examples of "good guys doing bad things" that get called out for it and even "bad guys doing good things" and showing to be misguided and in need of help.
Shit that's the entire story of Pokemon Black and White (ironic naming), that bad guys use good and worthy ideas ideas to recruit naive people to help their evil plans and then discard them.
Which shows that even the guys who scream "media literacy" don't know shit about their own nonsense.
I'm not generally willing to say "oh let bygones be bygones, live and learn" when you threw your support directly onto the mass poisoning and possible death of tens of millions of people from it.
Its one thing to be naive and fall for it or even "trusted the science" and did it to offset the increasing consequences they pushed, its another to aggressively promote it while screaming at anyone who points out issues that may arise. And then never have the humility to admit being completely wrong afterwards when you try to change sides, especially if your response is "you were right but still you are fucking stupid" when forced to confront it.
Like, the vaxx wasn't some silly political policy that took a lot of steps before it created death and suffering. It was literally demanding people shoot something into their veins and letting the government force you to do it, that's not a "we all fuck up bro, you'll do better" position.
So the political alignment of a group of people historically is destiny, but then just above you say that Trump is gaining ground with minority groups who have for modern history been basically pure Left voting.
You are in such a rush to call people retarded and argue you aren't even holding a consistent stance. You are better than that.
It's always been weird to me that fascism is associated with nazis and not with the italians who invented it.
That's because people who discuss WW2 in such simplistic and accusatory tones don't actually know shit about it, and probably couldn't even name Italy as a major part of the Axis powers, if they even knew that name.
They just know nazi=bad and fascism=bad so nazi=fascist, and that's basically their entire belief system.
It was pre-trans madness, so people were much more offended by the extremely forced gay one and the ugly as sin tumblr elf.
The former is pretty much normalized now and the latter is still far worse than any tranny could hope to be.
"The Kamala Harris Fortnite map is more thoughtfully designed than you'd expect, and its huge."
Doesn't mention that its fun to play or does anything interesting. Just that they made it very big (not always a positive) and spent a long time designing it (without putting anything to do in it).
Its almost a perfect joke about them. All buzzwords and quantity, no thought given to logistics or making something people want.
Talking about Mexico is literally all Lopez has ever done. Its every joke, personality, and word out of his mouth. Nobody who invites him anywhere expects anything else.
What I find amusing about him, is that his "peak" was around the same time as Carlos Mencia. The guy who literally every single talking head spent every second whining about how awful he was (even South Park on the same network) but was legit helping racial harmony by making us all laugh at everyone at once, even if the humor was juvenile.
Which tells you a lot when Lopez, whose entire shtick has always been "we ain't going nowheres pendejo!!" is the one promoted and loved by the mainstream.
I bought Drunken Robot Pornography just to say I did and get people's reactions.
Honestly, I miss when "indie games" were things like that. Wierd ideas that didn't have enough appeal for a huge investment from a big company, but were still fun ideas.