83671R18 9 points ago +10 / -1

The fact that muslims constantly seek to breed and add to their fighting forces, even at the cost of the health and livelihood of women and children is not a 'leftist argument'. You're being dishonest when you try to excuse the behavior of muslims tormenting those they take as slaves as 'women must be housewives'.

A housewife completes the husband and vice versa, rather than having to remain a replaceable breeding animal. But I suppose the MIDF subhumans do not understand that.

83671R18 9 points ago +13 / -4

Muslims have always sought to silence all knowledge and keep their chattel slaves in inhumane conditions whenever they establish their vile enclaves - it creates a demand for a constant intake of foreign slaves to replace the ones who rapidly die out under their hegemony.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

"There is no source provided for the reported finding, and the percentages are rounded evenly to the nearest multiple of 5, which is implausible." "The origin of this image is from an TikToker making a joke post about them being birdwatchers. Other surveys show different results."

Many lulz were had.

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

I'm okay with killing invasive germs, but you're not.

Then again, it's probably because you have HIV. See, it's standard military procedure to use heavy anti-materiel rifles to destroy the telecommunications systems and engines of illegal trawlers and traffickers before boarding them to chop'em up with machetes and dump the corpse bits in international waters.

By the way, this disregard for border security your kind has is what enabled the October 7th 2023 massacre. Your kind hold equal responsibility for that incident.

Turn yourself in.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

It won't count as a rule 2 violation. Because then the redditor janny who doesn't understand how the immune system treats hostile invaders (and is probably stupid enough to ban his own white blood cells for 'promoting violence' against germs) and his fedtard handlers would have to acknowledge the fact that the clot shots are very harmful, and can lead to death.

Me, I prefer saying "Enjoy your Suddenly."

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

They probably ordered him to dose on those pills on penalty of death, the poor devil.

83671R18 4 points ago +4 / -0

During my interrogations of captured leftard shills, one pattern became clear across multiple POWs - that they had no other talents or life skillls. A childhood wasted on infinite scrolling brain-rot social media has left them as complete welfare leeches, unable to retain any life skills whatsoever.

It's these dregs of humanity that organizations like DemCast recruit as 'online influencers'. The money is, for an unemployed cretin, great and that's the only thing they do - astroturf and harass those their handlers sic them on.

They need to, because they know nothing else.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

I hope that boy grows strong in the face of adversity. And when that bitch is old, weak and feeble, I hope he delivers fifty times the torment he was put through.

83671R18 1 point ago +1 / -0

Something I noticed with clotbloods is how easily they suddenly decided to support Cackles the moment the mainstream media instructed them to.

Its as if the drug has completely degraded their ability to think long-term.

83671R18 11 points ago +11 / -0

Well now, they hired you to shill for the slaver, huh? I'm not surprised, subhuman.

You literally cannot see anything without the lens of race, gender, and an overabundance of media consumption.

These are your excuses you make for defending your new owner. And they are all lies. There's plenty of good reasons to hate Kamala Harris.

"Chip in!" is one of her ad campaigns.

Kamala put innocent people in jail through fraudulent prosecutions and gamed the judicial system into keeping them locked up past their release date. The reason why she did so is to exploit prison slave labor system to pump up the value of her financial portfolio. She's pretty much reliant on the concept of the little people all "chipping in", voluntarily or not, to making her extravagant lifestyle continue.

Next, lets take a look at her behavior analysis from witness testimony and office turnover rate:




It's clear that she's just another uppity pajeet with an ego problem. No one likes her, and she's just wasting laundered taxpayer money and BLM donations to create an astroturf campaign that you cretins have the nerve to push.

83671R18 3 points ago +3 / -0

Lol it went from 'waah sexism' to base insults the moment its lies were called out on.

83671R18 57 points ago +57 / -0

Do not circumvent paywalls via archive links or pasting the text - these will be removed.

fuckin' lmao.

83671R18 1 point ago +2 / -1

Sure do!

Misogynist: Came to popular use in the 1970s.

Fun countermeasure: "Misogywhat now? Right, the art of making miso soup."

Serious countermeasure: "Hey, you lot want to kill all men because maggot fuhrer said so. I can clown on you all day everyday."

Note: Valerie Solanas was found dead with maggots eating her corpse.

83671R18 24 points ago +26 / -2

Racism: invented in 1903

Fun countermeasure: "I too, enjoy racing."

Serious countermeasure: "Not racism, pattern recognition. It's a key part of critical thinking. Your kind, of course - think that's harmful."

Racist: invented in 1927

Fun countermeasure: "Life's just a big ol' race."

Serious countermeasure: "At least try acting like human beings. Oh right, you cannot."

Sexism: invented in 1965

Fun countermeasure: "Sex is how babies are made. You knew that, right?"

Serious countermeasure: "Women spend more time pulling down other women for innocuous things. If you want to fight sexism, start by killing the abuse culture of women's gossip rags."

Homophobia: invented in 1960

Fun countermeasure: "Why aa uu gae?"

Serious countermeasure: "Being worried about a pack of diseased sex pests is not an irrational fear."

Transphobia : invented in 1989

Fun countermeasure: "Try not to 41% yourself."

Serious countermeasure: "Your genes mark you for what you are. All that surgery and all you've managed to do is make a cheap mockery of what you're trying to mimic. By the way, it's called trans-odium."

Antisemitism: invented in 1879

Fun countermeasure: "Nice try, but I'm jewish."

Serious countermeasure: "Try being a bit more grateful to the white man. Maybe then you won't be called a pack of parasites."

Islamophobia: invented in 1904

Fun countermeasure: "That's nice and all, but how many bombs did you jam up your ass today? I hear your kind likes butt stuff."

Serious countermeasure: "Cry some more, you invasive parasites. This is retribution for the innumerable peoples and cultures your colonialist forces have genocided over the centuries."

Xenophobia: invented in 1880

Fun countermeasure: "Is that you, United Fruit? Are you mad that we're refusing to bend to your exploitation?"

Serious countermeasure: "Xenodium. Nothing wrong with hating exploitative economic invaders."

Hate Speech: invented in the late 1980's

Fun countermeasure: "Whining about hate speech? That's gotta be a new world record on 'shortest debate loss', loser."

Serious countermeasure: "Yes, it's true - I hate your kind's insidious behavior... but you didn't call me a liar."

We're literally getting silenced and having our speech taken from us because of words invented within the last 150 years or so . They should be all thrown away.

Make fun of it. Mockery is one of the greatest tools against tyrants.


Misogynist: Came to popular use in the 1970s.

Fun countermeasure: "Misogywhat now? Right, the art of making miso soup."

Serious countermeasure: "Hey, you lot want to kill all men because maggot fuhrer said so. I can clown on you all day everyday."

Note: Valerie Solanas was found dead with maggots eating her corpse.

83671R18 2 points ago +2 / -0

I mean they already gloat about 'infiltrating' Discords and subReddits and so one picture of a dead girl here and they've got their mindless sheep readers bleating about how we're all bad people.

It's one of the reasons why I attack pedo pajeet posts whenever I have the chance.

83671R18 3 points ago +3 / -0

If you live in an area where illegals are, I'd recommend concrete barricades, steel spikes and machine gun nests around your home.

83671R18 0 points ago +3 / -3

He's a weird kind of jew if he is jewish. He once aggressively defended the muslims who, according to their own rhetoric, want to exterminate jews because their pedophile warlord said so.

But yeah, if he's covering for the pedo spammers, then I have no issue with him facing the music. His family, on the other hand are most likely not involved and shouldn't face any repercussions.

83671R18 6 points ago +6 / -0

Arm their slaves and watch the massacre instead?

fag by yoisi
83671R18 15 points ago +16 / -1

They call people who want to stop child sex abuse "fascists".

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