I remember a guy trying to convince me that that stupid Vikings show was worth watching. I said the black female Viking was enough of a reason not to watch and he said “well they do a good job of explaining it”. Just typical Netflix.
Lol. If that happened to me I’d miss everyone but would take solace in all the books to read. I’d also be very careful not to mess up my glasses or contacts
The history channel Vikings is gay. Lagatha the whore faced whore sentences a guy to raise his wife’s son when it’s made clear she cheated on him. Also the classic Vikings only slaughtered and murdered people but no rape because that effects women also some Vikings were totally chicks. Because women going out and slaughtering and enslaving people is cool and progressive but no rape! That’s only for their romance novels
I remember a guy trying to convince me that that stupid Vikings show was worth watching. I said the black female Viking was enough of a reason not to watch and he said “well they do a good job of explaining it”. Just typical Netflix.
Watch the anime Vinland Saga instead.
I will. Actually got vol. 1 of the manga but haven’t read it yet
Sometimes when you mention your books, movies you've got waiting to read, I picture you as Burgess Merideth in that Twilight Zone episode.
Lol. If that happened to me I’d miss everyone but would take solace in all the books to read. I’d also be very careful not to mess up my glasses or contacts
You'd have time enough at last.
That has to be the most parodied TZ episode.
I would guess so, maybe the god-like kid would be second
Damnit, I wanted to make that joke!
the first one was alright.
yeah vikings valhalla is netflix slop
Yea I’ve been meaning to watch the first series.
The history channel Vikings is gay. Lagatha the whore faced whore sentences a guy to raise his wife’s son when it’s made clear she cheated on him. Also the classic Vikings only slaughtered and murdered people but no rape because that effects women also some Vikings were totally chicks. Because women going out and slaughtering and enslaving people is cool and progressive but no rape! That’s only for their romance novels
Also Christians are so lame lol
Oh wow. Didn’t know all that.
Life was good until Yakub had to come and fuck it all up.
It's the only valid explanation. He should have stayed on his private planet!
"And then they all evolved into whites (and honorary whites), and built massively successful and influence societies."
They backed down when Egypt said cleopatra wasn’t black…