It's virtue signalling to take advantage of the buzz around Adolescence to show they're sticking it to Andrew Tate and men who can't get laid because stripping themselves of all masculine traits is how they believe they'll get rid of "toxic masculinity".
I'd rather they put fires out as the people of Nottinghamshire pay them to do.
Ya. Teen boys aren't the retards the brit government thinks they are. They already have skepticism of the world adults try to push on them by virtue of youth, now add an ideology that is actively oppositional to them. The british government/school system/ is making it "cool" to hate them.
We will start to see them discriminate against non faggoty residents i bet. Like FEMA skipping trump supporter houses. Seems most of western europe are fags and cucks.
How is this helping women or addressing masculinity? This is just faggot shit.
It's virtue signalling to take advantage of the buzz around Adolescence to show they're sticking it to Andrew Tate and men who can't get laid because stripping themselves of all masculine traits is how they believe they'll get rid of "toxic masculinity".
I'd rather they put fires out as the people of Nottinghamshire pay them to do.
How? Only thing it does is create more division.
Ah yes, the non-toxic act of humiliating people with the threat of (state backed) violence if you talk back.
As someone said right here, years ago:
Masculinity is not the poison. It's the cure.
Inadvisable drinking game - drink every time someone comments with the word "faggot".
Are you trying to get people killed
Everyone knows these guys were just looking for an excuse to do this
A totally organic movement.
Ya. Teen boys aren't the retards the brit government thinks they are. They already have skepticism of the world adults try to push on them by virtue of youth, now add an ideology that is actively oppositional to them. The british government/school system/ is making it "cool" to hate them.
We will start to see them discriminate against non faggoty residents i bet. Like FEMA skipping trump supporter houses. Seems most of western europe are fags and cucks.
No wonder your women dream of getting dicked by illiterate Somalis