So in another topic someone said im a newfag to anime, because i talk about the most mainstream anime Frieren a lot and listed off the most mainstream anime as something right wing normies would like, and then said that to know who are the more experianced anime fans you need to ask them what the mid anime are that nobody else really knows about and he listed of Buso Renkin.
Little did he know ,i've read the Buso Renkin manga decades ago.
So how many people here are "elite otakus" that have seen the anime, watched the manga or even heard of Buso Renkin since apparently its now a metric for "elite otaku" status?.
if anyone wants to question my otaku credentials more, I'd also like to list off another obscure manga called "Hoshin Engi" that i read which that most people probably haven't heard of. Hoshin Engi is pretty popular in Japan but not well known in the West,
I've been watching/reading anime and manga since 20 years ago, im not a newfag to it
OK, change of focus. You're a newfag for trying to have this conversation online, even more so for trying it in 2025.
Anyone could just flat out lie and troll you, so you can never trust how sincere an answer is.
Anyone could look up anything and immediately fill in any knowledge gaps, so you can never trust how sincere an answer is and/or know just what someone does and does not know were you to have this talk IRL.
You're almost immediate response to the other thread calling you out highlights a significant lack of understanding and maturity in general to the differences between how this plays out online vs IRL. That's why you're a newfag.
the whole thing started becuase some people were upset that i dared to say i didn't want more political tourists in the anime community whether from the right or the left and then they started calling me a new fag for daring to say this.
Lol, nothing screams newfag more than getting super pissy at someone calling you a newfag and needing a bunch of strangers on the internet to validate you in a penis measuring contest.
Glad I could make you this mad though, newfag. Especially by simply listing off some random mid series I saw a long time ago.
Oh so because i correct you on your bullshit accusations you made because you were upset that i said i didn't want more tourists in the anime community whether from the woke left or the overly conservative Christian right who would both demand censorship, that must mean your accusations are correct? is that how it works?
That's a lot of words to say "I can't handle bants and through a hissy fit if people don't agree with me."
You act like a newfag larping, it doesn't matter if its true or not if the end result is the same sad little individual.
And yet, you spam post this site like a tourist.
Remember when you knew next to nothing about AssCreed and admitted it, then turned around days later to lecture everyone about how it was always woke and are still spamming every random image you can find about it?
Guess its not being a tourist if you do it.
Why care so much about what some rando in the internet said to you?
Yeah, I know right. I don’t care what acoder thinks of me, even if he is super hot. I’m not even mad he didn’t come to my birthday, I didn’t shave down there for him or anything like that.
Maybe im just a bit proud of being an old fag otaku and i dont like someone questioning my otaku credentials.
You fail this.
Worrying about being perceived as some oldfag otaku is pointless, especially once you realize how shit/autistic most any /a/-type community's (or really any anime community's) tastes are.
Once you get past their facade/circlejerk, you realize they're just as shallow as any other anime fan, and often miserable and jaded on top of that.
Just like what you like and fuck whatever some annoying fag on the internet tells you you should like.
I'd heard the name, but never watched/read. When I looked it up just now I went, "oh the thing Papillon was from," because I remember that character design being memed back then.
Looking back at Buso Renkin's comtemporaries, it probably got eclipsed by Geass and Black Lagoon's second season. I vaguely recall actually watching Baldr Force Exe Resolution that season... but "mid" would be generous.
At the time it was seen as the poor man's Bleach, which I think is an accurate descriptor of what I remember of early Bleach for comparison.
Its one of those series that comes out every year that you'll watch and probably enjoy decently at the time, but nobody is going to really go back and watch it in the future without nostalgia driving them.
Is this that show that had the damn moon guy in it? If so I binged it drunk with a friend around a decade ago.
Mooooooooooooooooon was a meme for a bit in my irl circle cause of it if its that one.
It absolutely was.
Haha thought so. Had forgotten about the bufferfly guy. Kinda wish that one had stayed forgotten lol.
Decent little series.
Honestly, I like Papillion. He is a fully developed character with a legitimate arc, and nobody pretends he is anything but an uncomfortable freak regardless of it they ally with him. And he is really funny, instead of being some political statement.
If more flamboyant characters were written on his level, they might not be so fucking awful everytime.
Fair and probably correct. It's been awhile since I saw it and there was drinking involved, my mempry is hazy at best haha.
I was trying to think of shows similar to it... kinda reminds me of Gurren Lagann
I'm not sure that I was watching it as it aired, since I was doing whole series bingeing rather than week to week at that point, but it wasn't too far removed from when it aired that I saw it, in its entirety. I will maintain that it was pretty mid.
I do miss some of the old fansub sites. I think it was I was using at that point. It felt more homey than the sterile torrent sites I have to use now.
The best part of having anime subbing divided across dozens of sites back in the day was you were exposed to a lot of series you'd never watch if you had the full spectrum of options at your disposal.
So you if someone was uploading a bunch of different series to Veoh, you'd probably watch whatever they were posting rather than only sticking in your specific lane like people do now.
You also got a bunch of different fansub groups to choose from, and because someone would drop a series midway through and someone else would pick it up you got to pick up on the translation differences and over time you kinda keyed in on when someone was taking liberties with the translation. That and the boatload of cultural insights from translator's notes.
But yeah, there was a lot of obscure stuff I sampled back then that I probably wouldn't have bothered with today. That reminds me, I still should try to carve out some time to watch Kemono no Souja Erin one day. I'm pretty sure I've still got the whole thing on my harddrive, just never got to the end of it. That's one that falls into that category of "I probably wouldn't have picked this up if I could choose from literally everything."
If I had my old harddrive from my weeb days still I'd be able to pull up nonsense like Hanaukyo Maid Tai or Nagasarete Airantou (which the manga is still fucking going somehow) that I'd almost certainly not watch these days.
Which aren't some hella obscure "elite otaku cred" shows, but literally the only reason any of us watched them was because we just typed something like "anime" in the search bar and it came up back in the day.
And yeah, I miss having multiple options available for some series. But the industry is producing like triple or more the amount of works these days, with a massive number still not even getting touched (shoutout to JUM for trying to pull from those lost series even if they mostly suck), so its certainly not worth having a double up when you could be having multiple series instead.
Sure the industry is producing a ton more shows now, but is it producing proportionally more good shows or is it just an ever expanding mass of rubbish to fill the gaps between those handful of good shows that come out each year?
Proportionally, I think the amount of good has increased simply because its no longer filtered by "will a Japanese industry employee approve you to be published" and sheer number means you will have more chances for sparks of greatness to appear.
And regardless on if its all good or not, its still more to fill whatever particular desire you want from your reading. I enjoy romcom SoL shit, which is being pumped out like crazy now (and isn't a Love Hina harem clone like everything in the 2000s) and my pickings are able to be so specific I feel some are made just for me.
If you are only interested in shounen action shows, on the other hand, I think you will find the proportion of good stuff has dropped considerably and you are just watching trash waiting for the rare good find. Especially if you don't like isekai, then god help you go rewatch all of One Piece for the 7th time because I am sorry for you.
This sounds like my experience. Luckily I enjoy a good chunk of the isekai trash that is getting pumped out and sometimes I even get little gems to tide me over like Grimgar.
>fansub sites
Darn kids. Back in my day we had /msg xdcc list
In b4 I get out old-fagged by some guy who was typesetting LD masters onto VHS for a mailing list.
man, that brings back memories
Shut the fuck up, Jesus Christ you absolute fucking niggerfaggot
I didn’t even say anything !