4chan is still around, maybe not as popular as it once was but it’s still kickin. VOAT was pretty big for a long time, and my guess is, they would’ve kept their user base to this day had the CEO of VOAT not chosen to shut the site down. I remember the excuse was he didn’t have the funding necessary to keep the site up, but there were tons of users willing to ease that burden and he shut down the site anyway, which made a lot of the users feel like it was a honeypot operation or some shit. The CEO dealt with repeated DDoS attacks on VOAT, PayPal dropped them, the German server dropped VOAT, so it was an uphill battle always, probably a big enough headache to just let the site go. Obviously, VOAT was never even close to as big as the major social media sites, but it was big enough to survive a lot longer than it did if the CEO didn’t let it all go.
Indeed. While some people have talked about 4chan being compromised by glowies, the attitude of the site and much of the culture of it's various boards certainly hasn't changed, which is why I would at least partially disagree.
I do remember voat a fair bit. I think in many ways it was a forerunner to scored, even if I do remember the shutdown fairly well. And I can understand why it had to shut down due to financial issues.
It has changed quite a lot. /b/ was once fun. The news board that turned into /pol/ had leftists genuinely defending their honor in regular debates on every issue and it wasnt full of 1-sentence loaded question fallacy threads ("Why are men giving up?", "why is drumpf trying to destroy the economy?", and so on) and straight up demoralization. There was a negligible number of LARPagans, indians, and trannies (who were generally refered to as crossdressers or transvestites at the time), natsoc had not yet fully taken a foothold- it was still the cutting edge of edgy- and the word "incel" hadn't even been invented yet; the term was "kissless virgin", and somehow, not one legacy MSM news outlet anchor ever once uttered the phrase "kissless virgin", because in terms of 4chan involvement glowies mostly went after actual crazies and sex criminals instead of rotating feverishly perpetual 24/7 wide-umbrella psy-ops of questionable import and dignity i.e. dragging the the most powerful government in the world into petty and needless meme wars that it can (and does occasionally) actually lose against basement dwellers.
Over time people begin to sway default-left without even realizing it through sheer repeated exposure. It was actually a very effective and smart tactic, and the left would have been much better off keeping it instead of taking the mask off and pushing away all those normies they previously had eating out of their hands. But they couldn't help themselves, and now reddit is dying.
Jews fed the golems after midnight. Behold the inevitable result
I will say there are advantages to having a smaller userbase, as unhelpful as that can be. Being unappealing to the wider market does mean that fewer people will want to shit up the site, as well as making sure the site is less likely to get attacked by external parties. I think that a lot of right-wing hotspots like this will crop up, and generally do fairly good for their niche when preferring to keep a lower profile. Scored hasn't made any major headlines, and I think a lot of outsiders just see it as a site made for people who wanted to flee reddit (just like the cringetopia site) and little else.
For more relevant things to your conversation, I should mention 8chan I think had been doing fairly well before hotwheels turned on his users, and 8kun had appealed to far too small a niche (Basically, the 0.5% instead of the 10%), which is no longer considered meaningful in the 2020s. I think the webring that formed in light of both is mostly going at a similar pace to scored of a few small communities and several dead ones.
Almost all of the "right wing alternatives" (which is what all free speech sites are) unfortunately fall to the problem of being only used for right wing topics, meaning its just always on politics all the time. And that just burns people out fast. You can only enjoy dunking on the Libs or someone quoting Marcus Aurelius to seem smart so many times.
Not to mention being always on politics like that inevitable leads to infighting and purity spirals, which will send a chunk of the user base away eventually. The loli and Jewish question are two big ones for any right wing site that will eventually cause a problem and require a hardline stance one way or another.
And that's just the foundational problems of them, each individual one brings its own unique problem at some point because they all seem to be run by goofy guys that eventually fuck something up.
Pretty much all social media is about politics any more though, with varying degrees of humor and censorship between them. Go on social media that’s predominantly leftist, or censors the right heavily and it’s still politics, just with more leftist garbage being promoted. The reason you don’t find leftists on true free-speech social media sites is because their views are all shaped by propaganda that isn’t based on facts or reality, so yeah, by default they run away to protect their programmed minds from conflicting truths.. I agree that infighting is a problem in purely right wing spaces, but that’s because we have a wide variety of views, unlike the cookie cutter leftists who can’t stray at all from the hive mind without being labelled a nazi and ostracized from their friends.
There is a difference between overt politics and political undercurrent.
For example, posting about most video games on Twitter is likely to have pretty neutral responses unless there is a major controversy around it. Posting about it even on a place like here will have people scrambling to find a way to declare it Woke and lambast it, and you, for playing it.
This is completely possible to happen on the mainstream sites too, but they are big enough that its drowned out by the random noise of a busy area while the "free speech alternatives" will self-select to make those types the majority and give you no room to breathe.
I don't say this as hate towards these sites or people, only that its a major factor in why their reach is limited and more likely to slowly fade rather than grow.
The reason you don’t find leftists on true free-speech social media sites is because their views are all shaped by propaganda that isn’t based on facts or reality
Its simpler than that. They literally don't have to be. Their views are rarely in threat, so they can stick with the biggest sites without fear.
That's the reason all "free speech" alternatives just become right wing hangouts, because those are the types of views that need extra protection to be allowed. Especially extreme right wing views, which is why its usually a den of Jew posting on top of it.
Idk how you guys pull excerpts of a comment out and reply to those specific parts, but for what you said about “it being simpler” than what I said, yeah it’s true, they don’t need to run away from mainstream social media sites, but they did once Elon took over Twitter, and for the reasons I stated, their views were under attack with community notes and uncensored right wing viewpoints, so a lot of them chose to leave in order to protect their programmed viewpoints.
And that's just the foundational problems of them, each individual one brings its own unique problem at some point because they all seem to be run by goofy guys that eventually fuck something up.
Positions outside the Overton window are more likely to be held by highly volatile individuals.
A lot of us left Gab after the issue with Torba making it cost money to post images and insulting the user base, plus Colbert, his former CTO saying he was a federal informant (the dude’s a sad little man think on retrospect he was lying) didn’t help
Basically he had a fit over his streaming site failing and had a fit and blamed Nazis, so took Torba’s side in the “free loader” debacle out of spite lol
Gab has been on the receiving end of a tremendous media smear campaign, which means it has been successfully "framed" as a white supremacist site. It has also been cancelled from every big tech site on the planet, which means it has to do everything itself, including running on their own servers.
Gab does more traffic than most of the X alternatives, but is never talked about anywhere in a positive light.
They should go into the server business like Amazon did. They wouldn't corner the market, but at least a few AWS customers must be anxious about what Amazon did to Parler and Gab, even if it's mostly small customers with one or two servers each.
'Oh boy! A single job posting! It's in (squints eyes) Havre, Montana... and here someone in Kansas is selling a goat! Ooo, look at all that turquoise jewelry in New Mexico...'
Yeah, that's true. The market is basically a bunch of hermits selling crafts like knitted pan holders and wooden American flags. Cool stuff but not something enough people will purchase regularly to keep a market alive.
Gab tried to charge for uploading memes just as X went free speech, resulting in an exodus of users and meme lords. The decision was later repealed but the damage was done, leaving Gab to look a lot like your dad's Facebook page of Bible quotes, 70s hot rods, carpentry, and pro-Trump posts.
Gab claims to be free speech, but they banned a nationalist politician, also they ban accounts who talk about Torba's gay brother. People don't trust Gab.
I just never thought it was interesting, at all. It was a Twitter ripoff without any of the big voices, no critical mass of eyeballs/traffic, and none of the leftists to dunk on. One of our greatest strengths and recruitment avenues is dunking on leftists.
Leftists are mostly happy with their useless opinion orgy echo chambers because they can always out-purity spiral each other, but we need leftists to outcompete and feast on as a demonstration of superiority.
I consider Gab, Parler, Truth Social and all these other Twitter/x.com alternatives to be boring because it is just a circlejerk echo chamber where everyone either agrees with me or is more "right-wing" than me. Commie faggots and people who self-identify as "leftist" mostly refuse to go on these sites because they know they will lose all their arguments in an open marketplace of ideas and debate.
after Elon Musk bought it, Twitter became somewhat usable. Most of the Jews/"liberals"/faggots are addicted to the platform and still argue on there even tho their echo chamber was broken by Elon Musk.
It is still too censored against "right-wing" talk. I can't say "faggot" on there without my post being hidden.
My political beliefs are that I voted for Donald Trump all three times, I never voted before then, and Trump is the greatest U.S President of the past 100 years, but he would be better if he stopped giving money to "Israel" and publicly stated that the Israelis deserve Hamas, because the Zionists created that shithole state in their magical 2000 years ago "Holy Land" in 1947 being all entitled to what their "ancient ancestors used to live here!" yadda yadda. I don't give a fuck about if the "Palestinian" people count as a distinct identity from being basically the same generic Arab-ish culture as Egyptian or Jordanian, I just think that anyone who was living in that area when those "Jews" invaded the land have a right to retaliate against them.
4chan is still around, maybe not as popular as it once was but it’s still kickin. VOAT was pretty big for a long time, and my guess is, they would’ve kept their user base to this day had the CEO of VOAT not chosen to shut the site down. I remember the excuse was he didn’t have the funding necessary to keep the site up, but there were tons of users willing to ease that burden and he shut down the site anyway, which made a lot of the users feel like it was a honeypot operation or some shit. The CEO dealt with repeated DDoS attacks on VOAT, PayPal dropped them, the German server dropped VOAT, so it was an uphill battle always, probably a big enough headache to just let the site go. Obviously, VOAT was never even close to as big as the major social media sites, but it was big enough to survive a lot longer than it did if the CEO didn’t let it all go.
Indeed. While some people have talked about 4chan being compromised by glowies, the attitude of the site and much of the culture of it's various boards certainly hasn't changed, which is why I would at least partially disagree.
I do remember voat a fair bit. I think in many ways it was a forerunner to scored, even if I do remember the shutdown fairly well. And I can understand why it had to shut down due to financial issues.
It has changed quite a lot. /b/ was once fun. The news board that turned into /pol/ had leftists genuinely defending their honor in regular debates on every issue and it wasnt full of 1-sentence loaded question fallacy threads ("Why are men giving up?", "why is drumpf trying to destroy the economy?", and so on) and straight up demoralization. There was a negligible number of LARPagans, indians, and trannies (who were generally refered to as crossdressers or transvestites at the time), natsoc had not yet fully taken a foothold- it was still the cutting edge of edgy- and the word "incel" hadn't even been invented yet; the term was "kissless virgin", and somehow, not one legacy MSM news outlet anchor ever once uttered the phrase "kissless virgin", because in terms of 4chan involvement glowies mostly went after actual crazies and sex criminals instead of rotating feverishly perpetual 24/7 wide-umbrella psy-ops of questionable import and dignity i.e. dragging the the most powerful government in the world into petty and needless meme wars that it can (and does occasionally) actually lose against basement dwellers.
Not too long, did read. Thanks. And yes.
Jews fed the golems after midnight. Behold the inevitable result
Yes, you're pretty much right.
I will say there are advantages to having a smaller userbase, as unhelpful as that can be. Being unappealing to the wider market does mean that fewer people will want to shit up the site, as well as making sure the site is less likely to get attacked by external parties. I think that a lot of right-wing hotspots like this will crop up, and generally do fairly good for their niche when preferring to keep a lower profile. Scored hasn't made any major headlines, and I think a lot of outsiders just see it as a site made for people who wanted to flee reddit (just like the cringetopia site) and little else.
For more relevant things to your conversation, I should mention 8chan I think had been doing fairly well before hotwheels turned on his users, and 8kun had appealed to far too small a niche (Basically, the 0.5% instead of the 10%), which is no longer considered meaningful in the 2020s. I think the webring that formed in light of both is mostly going at a similar pace to scored of a few small communities and several dead ones.
Almost all of the "right wing alternatives" (which is what all free speech sites are) unfortunately fall to the problem of being only used for right wing topics, meaning its just always on politics all the time. And that just burns people out fast. You can only enjoy dunking on the Libs or someone quoting Marcus Aurelius to seem smart so many times.
Not to mention being always on politics like that inevitable leads to infighting and purity spirals, which will send a chunk of the user base away eventually. The loli and Jewish question are two big ones for any right wing site that will eventually cause a problem and require a hardline stance one way or another.
And that's just the foundational problems of them, each individual one brings its own unique problem at some point because they all seem to be run by goofy guys that eventually fuck something up.
Pretty much all social media is about politics any more though, with varying degrees of humor and censorship between them. Go on social media that’s predominantly leftist, or censors the right heavily and it’s still politics, just with more leftist garbage being promoted. The reason you don’t find leftists on true free-speech social media sites is because their views are all shaped by propaganda that isn’t based on facts or reality, so yeah, by default they run away to protect their programmed minds from conflicting truths.. I agree that infighting is a problem in purely right wing spaces, but that’s because we have a wide variety of views, unlike the cookie cutter leftists who can’t stray at all from the hive mind without being labelled a nazi and ostracized from their friends.
There is a difference between overt politics and political undercurrent.
For example, posting about most video games on Twitter is likely to have pretty neutral responses unless there is a major controversy around it. Posting about it even on a place like here will have people scrambling to find a way to declare it Woke and lambast it, and you, for playing it.
This is completely possible to happen on the mainstream sites too, but they are big enough that its drowned out by the random noise of a busy area while the "free speech alternatives" will self-select to make those types the majority and give you no room to breathe.
I don't say this as hate towards these sites or people, only that its a major factor in why their reach is limited and more likely to slowly fade rather than grow.
Its simpler than that. They literally don't have to be. Their views are rarely in threat, so they can stick with the biggest sites without fear.
That's the reason all "free speech" alternatives just become right wing hangouts, because those are the types of views that need extra protection to be allowed. Especially extreme right wing views, which is why its usually a den of Jew posting on top of it.
Idk how you guys pull excerpts of a comment out and reply to those specific parts, but for what you said about “it being simpler” than what I said, yeah it’s true, they don’t need to run away from mainstream social media sites, but they did once Elon took over Twitter, and for the reasons I stated, their views were under attack with community notes and uncensored right wing viewpoints, so a lot of them chose to leave in order to protect their programmed viewpoints.
You copy and paste it after a ">" with a space manually.
Positions outside the Overton window are more likely to be held by highly volatile individuals.
Noticing is allowed on X/Twitter now. I don't know how much freer you need the speech to be.
Still not enough for some people, such as those with very tall skills.
A lot of us left Gab after the issue with Torba making it cost money to post images and insulting the user base, plus Colbert, his former CTO saying he was a federal informant (the dude’s a sad little man think on retrospect he was lying) didn’t help
Some of the people Torba shit on were the only posters worth following. Torba made it clear he just wants boomer q anon retard paypigs on his platform
What a shock.
Backstabbing, purity spirals and crabs in a bowl basically define the 'right'.
Basically he had a fit over his streaming site failing and had a fit and blamed Nazis, so took Torba’s side in the “free loader” debacle out of spite lol
Gab has been on the receiving end of a tremendous media smear campaign, which means it has been successfully "framed" as a white supremacist site. It has also been cancelled from every big tech site on the planet, which means it has to do everything itself, including running on their own servers.
Gab does more traffic than most of the X alternatives, but is never talked about anywhere in a positive light.
They should go into the server business like Amazon did. They wouldn't corner the market, but at least a few AWS customers must be anxious about what Amazon did to Parler and Gab, even if it's mostly small customers with one or two servers each.
A lot of gabs action moved to Poast when Torba tried charging for meme uploads. Now it's just a bunch of boomers and tel Aviv fags and their bots.
Their 'parallel economy' is pretty interesting. Could use some improvements, but its a start.
It's a ghost town.
'Oh boy! A single job posting! It's in (squints eyes) Havre, Montana... and here someone in Kansas is selling a goat! Ooo, look at all that turquoise jewelry in New Mexico...'
Yeah, that's true. The market is basically a bunch of hermits selling crafts like knitted pan holders and wooden American flags. Cool stuff but not something enough people will purchase regularly to keep a market alive.
A "market" like that is not a parallel economy. It can only exist as part of the main economy.
Gab tried to charge for uploading memes just as X went free speech, resulting in an exodus of users and meme lords. The decision was later repealed but the damage was done, leaving Gab to look a lot like your dad's Facebook page of Bible quotes, 70s hot rods, carpentry, and pro-Trump posts.
Gab claims to be free speech, but they banned a nationalist politician, also they ban accounts who talk about Torba's gay brother. People don't trust Gab.
I found Gab impossible to navigate and find information on.
I just never thought it was interesting, at all. It was a Twitter ripoff without any of the big voices, no critical mass of eyeballs/traffic, and none of the leftists to dunk on. One of our greatest strengths and recruitment avenues is dunking on leftists.
Leftists are mostly happy with their useless opinion orgy echo chambers because they can always out-purity spiral each other, but we need leftists to outcompete and feast on as a demonstration of superiority.
Gab, poast and unironically... Twitter
I consider Gab, Parler, Truth Social and all these other Twitter/x.com alternatives to be boring because it is just a circlejerk echo chamber where everyone either agrees with me or is more "right-wing" than me. Commie faggots and people who self-identify as "leftist" mostly refuse to go on these sites because they know they will lose all their arguments in an open marketplace of ideas and debate.
after Elon Musk bought it, Twitter became somewhat usable. Most of the Jews/"liberals"/faggots are addicted to the platform and still argue on there even tho their echo chamber was broken by Elon Musk. It is still too censored against "right-wing" talk. I can't say "faggot" on there without my post being hidden.
My political beliefs are that I voted for Donald Trump all three times, I never voted before then, and Trump is the greatest U.S President of the past 100 years, but he would be better if he stopped giving money to "Israel" and publicly stated that the Israelis deserve Hamas, because the Zionists created that shithole state in their magical 2000 years ago "Holy Land" in 1947 being all entitled to what their "ancient ancestors used to live here!" yadda yadda. I don't give a fuck about if the "Palestinian" people count as a distinct identity from being basically the same generic Arab-ish culture as Egyptian or Jordanian, I just think that anyone who was living in that area when those "Jews" invaded the land have a right to retaliate against them.
Yes as I am not a member. All platforms without me are dead.