If humankind comes from Africa then by rights we are all native to Africa then by rights we should all get to control Africa because Africa is our native land since our anscestors came from there
When you suicide-by-cop, Shaqwana Valkyrie comes pick you up twerking all the way to the afterlife where you can shoot your own kind for eternity in Valhalla.
Have they even thought this through?
Are they saying white people are evolved blacks?
Where da white women at?
Might as well just teach Yakub and shit. Really make the white people grovel for their evil ways
If humankind comes from Africa then by rights we are all native to Africa then by rights we should all get to control Africa because Africa is our native land since our anscestors came from there
That means we all get n-word passes.
Ooga booga gimme Valhalla
When you suicide-by-cop, Shaqwana Valkyrie comes pick you up twerking all the way to the afterlife where you can shoot your own kind for eternity in Valhalla.
So they are on par with or worse than the BBC. Anyone who doesn’t see an agenda is blind
We wuz Vikangz
I got Déjà vu, Was this not spoken about ages ago? Anyhow swedish state tele is all in on the message. That has been known for a long time.
As if I needed more proof that swedes are the most retarded subspecies of humanoids.