I'm about an hour into watching a LP and frankly it's looking like pretty standard 21st century AAA slop.
- primary protagonist is a mouthy, pushy, man-faced brown girlboss type who's shown as always right about everything (even though the events of the game are entirely her fault)
- villain is an evil huwite male who runs a corporation, frankly pretty impressive by real world standards but we're supposed to hate him because of reasons
- not so subtly mocking fans of both sci-fi and fantasy genres ("gamers and nerds suck, now buy our shit")
- dialog is a mixture of insufferable le quirk chungus XDDD quips and a whole lot of "I, me, my"
- female narcissism and emotionality is consistently portrayed as a good thing even when, again, it's explicitly shown as putting people in danger
I wouldn't be surprised if the bad guy says "Make Fiction Great Again" or some other hamhanded bullshit at this point. Why are all "creative" ventures so unremittingly terrible now, and how do these people keep getting jobs?
I watched part of a let's play and I think if you generally agree with the sentiments of this board, it won't be for you. The writing/dialogue is quite poor and the characters do not feel compelling.
I'm tempted to buy and refund it and post an ironic "it's not woke enough" negative review to farm massive Steam points and ever-so-slightly offset its undeserved 98% rating.
I wouldn't say it's worth it. In fact, I think I saw someone on twitter suggest that us talking about how woke this game is is exactly what the developers wanted - and said person seems to be the kind of person who would probably agree with a lot of this board.
I know that the "developer" Josef Fares is a Lebanese immigrant to Sweden. That responded to his choice of two lead female protagonists for the game by using his not even grade school age children as a shield for criticism. Saying that the characters were based on his daughters. Which doesn't even make sense to me. How can 2 adult female characters with backgrounds be based on children under the age of 5?
I briefly played his other games 'Brothers, A Tale of Two Sons' and 'A Way Out' (I think they were free on PSN) and was not impressed. Very simple couch co-op game mechanics & storytelling that were boring over a decade ago. Yet, for some reason Fares is promoted as a huge success? Probably because he's an astroturfed example of the "benefits" of multicultural immigration to Sweden. I wouldn't be surprised if his company Hazelight studios has received ESG funding.
Personally, I think Fares looks like a mudslime chomo, that I wouldn't allow around children.. I also wouldn't play this game even if you gave it to me for free.
Yes, a lot of the positive reviews cite cool mechanics but everything I've seen has been really basic and derivative.
I'm still waiting for a platformer to surpass the original Super Mario Galaxy.
I get the impression with games like this that there's some serious astroturfing going on.
i bought it but my wife’s boyfriend hasn’t returned it for me to play yet 😢
Split Fiction is a great example of people eagerly swallowing retarded feminism if it happens to come attached to a good product.
The game is by all accounts very well made. Solid mechanics and game design, looks good and runs well, affordable with no MTX.
But it’s about two girl boss millennial writers. I can’t imagine two more unlikeable protagonists. So for me, this game is a complete skip regardless of how “good” it is.
This is the point when some consoomer retard tries to mock me for “missing out” on a good game. Except that’s not how this shit works. There are more great games than any one person could ever fully play in a single lifetime. Every game you play comes with an opportunity cost. I don’t need to suffer through obnoxious characters and writing in order to enjoy myself with a video game.
What other medium even has this bizarre pressure? No one seriously tells horror fans that they need to watch Oscar winners. Gaming is mature enough as a medium that you can absolutely reject games purely on the basis of aesthetics, writing, story, characters, etc.
Is it? The clips I saw of it didn't look like anything special. Just some platforming in the vein of Banjo Kazooie or the like. Nothing about it stood out to me as a particularly compelling.
THAT is considered a relatively "good" product these days.
When the competition are games running blurry graphics at sub-60fps at an upscaled 1080p with fake frame generation for static environments and stilted NPCs where the stealth mechanics are thoroughly broken and the facial animations are stiffer than a T-posing NPC from a broken 2005 game, then yes, a lot of normies will consider a product that simply works and has generic and derivative gameplay as "good".
Current_horror is right, though, I see a ton of the "anti-woke" crowd jumping on this like flies on shyte talking about how "good" the game is simply because it works. It's this sort of kowtowing toward feminist indoctrination that lets me know that the Left has mostly won the culture war.
I would put it above AAA slop because it has a friend's pass, no microtransactions, and no performance issues that I've heard about. True AAA slop would force you to buy two copies of a broken game, and then nickle-and-dime you and your buddy through microtransactions. "Woke" isn't the only problem plaguing AAA.
i saw some youtube recommendation that said this game "broke" the "anti-woke grifters"
All the info anyone needs.
As if years of nonstop woke failure are magically undone by one good game.
I wouldn’t play it even if it wasn’t woke dykeslop. It doesn’t interest me in the least, just a series of two player Mario Party minigames.
I've only heard about it, not really interested in playing it. I've noticed it's done well, at least by the standards of other woke slop, but even then, I don't think I'm really interested.
Though I will note that I have heard that it might be trying to ride the "All publicity is good publicity" saying for all it's worth, by making people like us complain about it.
What are the gameplay mechanisms like?
Political lesbianism
Everyone I've spoken to that has actually played it says it's less that 10 hours of play but it's a fun 10 hours.
Looks like trash but at least they built their own IP instead of stealing someone else's.
No one can even say what kind of game it is, co op is not a genre.