I'm about an hour into watching a LP and frankly it's looking like pretty standard 21st century AAA slop.
- primary protagonist is a mouthy, pushy, man-faced brown girlboss type who's shown as always right about everything (even though the events of the game are entirely her fault)
- villain is an evil huwite male who runs a corporation, frankly pretty impressive by real world standards but we're supposed to hate him because of reasons
- not so subtly mocking fans of both sci-fi and fantasy genres ("gamers and nerds suck, now buy our shit")
- dialog is a mixture of insufferable le quirk chungus XDDD quips and a whole lot of "I, me, my"
- female narcissism and emotionality is consistently portrayed as a good thing even when, again, it's explicitly shown as putting people in danger
I wouldn't be surprised if the bad guy says "Make Fiction Great Again" or some other hamhanded bullshit at this point. Why are all "creative" ventures so unremittingly terrible now, and how do these people keep getting jobs?
I watched part of a let's play and I think if you generally agree with the sentiments of this board, it won't be for you. The writing/dialogue is quite poor and the characters do not feel compelling.
I'm tempted to buy and refund it and post an ironic "it's not woke enough" negative review to farm massive Steam points and ever-so-slightly offset its undeserved 98% rating.
I wouldn't say it's worth it. In fact, I think I saw someone on twitter suggest that us talking about how woke this game is is exactly what the developers wanted - and said person seems to be the kind of person who would probably agree with a lot of this board.