and does not operate how the rest of the world operates.
I don't agree with this. Who you know, who you fuck, and who you are related to are key success factors in the real world too. I've worked in both government and the private sector, and rarely is the hardest worker or best leader promoted and recognized.
I've seen poor performing women and minorities promoted simply because leadership wanted to look progressive. I've seen management fawn over the pretty chicks, and I've seen friends and relatives of managers get special treatment.
Hollywood is just a magnification of what is going on everywhere.
That's true for the entire entertainment industry. At least when it comes to mainstream success. You can become successful as an independent artist but like you said you need to be incredibly lucky.
Our resident jewish trivia master recently introduced most of us (and himself) to the word "freier." To refresh people's memory, it (copypasta) means “sucker”, but with a particular connotation; you aren't a sucker because you are dumb or unlucky but because you follow the rules when everyone else knows that the rules are only for freiers.
As part of an educational PSA. A DEI hire and back up black actor would like you to know he only became Captain Black America after Disney pushed out better actors out.
As the comic book hero of hope, justice, and the American way. Mr DEI would like you to know you shouldn't work hard to achieve your dreams. Instead you should hope a rich white man will save you.
And as an untalented actor paid to pretend he is someone else. Mr DEI would like you to know how profound it is that he totally just realized he is a DEI hire yesterday. Is it acting or is he retarded?
"Work hard and you'll be successful" is stupid Boomer nonsense.
Being successful is a combination of:
Working hard.
Working smart.
Who you know.
Plain old fuckin' luck.
There is such a thing as "privilege" when it comes to success. Someone who comes from a wealthy family already has "who you know" covered, and having that financial jumping-off point makes things much easier when you don't have to worry about losing your house or skipping meals to make your business work.
Luck is also a huge component to it. I mean... this video you posted is from a middling channel on Youtube. They've been around 5 years and haven't even cracked 100k subscribers.
There's streamers who will grind their dicks off day and night trying to chase success and they never find it.
There's streamers who got just the right content in the right time and the algorithm finds them and they find meteoric success.
Dudes who got rich on Bitcoin did not work hard. They did not work smart. They didn't know anyone. They found success through 100% luck. People were buying pizzas for 20 BTC.
There is no recipe for success... but for most people, #1 and #2, work hard, but work smart, is how you'll find... maybe not fame and fortune, but at least you'll probably live comfortably.
I tried to step away from the internet, but it looks like I only lasted a few days. All I wanted to do is get a quick catch up on politics, but instead I get this retarded nonsense from G&G. Yes, Anthony Mackie has stepped in shit before, but where is he wrong here? We tell are kids working hard will get them somewhere. Instead it is the opposite. Slackers get rewarded. People that bend the knee do it so they don't get called out for their BS.
It use to be working hard will get you noticed, but it's not like that because it is easier to keep the hard workers where they are. You now have to know how to game system. You will lose your dignity, but you'll get everything you want.
Now excuse me while I go back to being oblivious to what's happening on the internet.
What he says is absolutely true in hollywood. hard work is for suckers in that industry, the people who make it are the people who get lucky.
Hollywood is also a degenerate pile of filth, and does not operate how the rest of the world operates.
average jew system
I don't agree with this. Who you know, who you fuck, and who you are related to are key success factors in the real world too. I've worked in both government and the private sector, and rarely is the hardest worker or best leader promoted and recognized.
I've seen poor performing women and minorities promoted simply because leadership wanted to look progressive. I've seen management fawn over the pretty chicks, and I've seen friends and relatives of managers get special treatment.
Hollywood is just a magnification of what is going on everywhere.
That's true for the entire entertainment industry. At least when it comes to mainstream success. You can become successful as an independent artist but like you said you need to be incredibly lucky.
Or have big tits and willing to suck dick at the very least.
Case in point, the new Jennifer Lawrence, Sidney "Big Tits" Sweeny.
He's not wrong if you consider he's referring to an industry controlled by jews, movies.
Our resident jewish trivia master recently introduced most of us (and himself) to the word "freier." To refresh people's memory, it (copypasta) means “sucker”, but with a particular connotation; you aren't a sucker because you are dumb or unlucky but because you follow the rules when everyone else knows that the rules are only for freiers.
Is this what Captain Golem is talking about?
Given by whom?
Sounds like Macky didn't even get invited to the same party Kevin Heart did.
Blacks are really good at saying stupid shit they think sounds profound.
He's not wrong. Success isn't earned anymore. It's all about having the right skin color or set of genitals.
As part of an educational PSA. A DEI hire and back up black actor would like you to know he only became Captain Black America after Disney pushed out better actors out.
As the comic book hero of hope, justice, and the American way. Mr DEI would like you to know you shouldn't work hard to achieve your dreams. Instead you should hope a rich white man will save you.
And as an untalented actor paid to pretend he is someone else. Mr DEI would like you to know how profound it is that he totally just realized he is a DEI hire yesterday. Is it acting or is he retarded?
Why not both?
Okay, so he's not wrong.
"Work hard and you'll be successful" is stupid Boomer nonsense.
Being successful is a combination of:
Working hard.
Working smart.
Who you know.
Plain old fuckin' luck.
There is such a thing as "privilege" when it comes to success. Someone who comes from a wealthy family already has "who you know" covered, and having that financial jumping-off point makes things much easier when you don't have to worry about losing your house or skipping meals to make your business work.
Luck is also a huge component to it. I mean... this video you posted is from a middling channel on Youtube. They've been around 5 years and haven't even cracked 100k subscribers.
There's streamers who will grind their dicks off day and night trying to chase success and they never find it.
There's streamers who got just the right content in the right time and the algorithm finds them and they find meteoric success.
Dudes who got rich on Bitcoin did not work hard. They did not work smart. They didn't know anyone. They found success through 100% luck. People were buying pizzas for 20 BTC.
There is no recipe for success... but for most people, #1 and #2, work hard, but work smart, is how you'll find... maybe not fame and fortune, but at least you'll probably live comfortably.
I tried to step away from the internet, but it looks like I only lasted a few days. All I wanted to do is get a quick catch up on politics, but instead I get this retarded nonsense from G&G. Yes, Anthony Mackie has stepped in shit before, but where is he wrong here? We tell are kids working hard will get them somewhere. Instead it is the opposite. Slackers get rewarded. People that bend the knee do it so they don't get called out for their BS.
It use to be working hard will get you noticed, but it's not like that because it is easier to keep the hard workers where they are. You now have to know how to game system. You will lose your dignity, but you'll get everything you want.
Now excuse me while I go back to being oblivious to what's happening on the internet.