Ironic given that Trump's targeting of the administrative state has probably diminished Israeli influence MORE than what people like Massie are doing.
Massie seems too domestic whereas with Trump he's a businessman that KNOWS how foreign cultures work which is why his tarrifs and strong man approach keeps WORKING.
Of course I'm aware. But cutting down on globohomo doesn't actually diminishes Israeli influence of the US political class. And it's not even clear what Trumps intentions are. Also a majority of globohomo NPCs are actually overtly hostile towards Israel.
What if for example the goal is simply to ready the US for another big war? A globohomo US isn't capable of fighting a big war. White men are not willing to die for a government that actively hates them.
So I'm going to remain skeptical and choose to not blindly trust Trump simply because he does some things I happen to agree with.
The entire globohomo project is a neocon influence game that (among other things) implicitly justifies intervention in the Middle East because sand people are a bunch of troglodytes who do mean things like throw gays off bridges. The strongest Israeli talking point is that they guarantee the rights of women and gays, and the destruction of this narrative takes away the only real moral impetus they had in the West.
You are correct that the comeback of the white straight Christian male means an army that's capable of fighting a big war. But Jewish power/Israel fears that same demographic for a good reason. White Christians have the strongest potential to think for themselves, so they're the only real threat to Israel. And now we're seeing that potential begin to catalyze.
Are they going to try to shove Trump into a war? Of course. But the key question that will decide the conflict is whether the core American demo is allowed to survive and thrive, and that doesn't happen without Trump. This is the best possible outcome. White Americans have to take it from here.
The entire globohomo project is a neocon influence game that (among other things) implicitly justifies intervention in the Middle East because sand people are a bunch of troglodytes who do mean things like throw gays off bridges.
Don't you think it's a influence game to utterly destroy what's left of European culture? After all neither the funding of Israel nor any of the Middle Eastern wars were justified with gay rights but with 'muh holocaust' and 'muh democracy' and outright false flags/lies. Evangelists also don't support Israel because of gay rights but because they think they're the chosen people of God.
But the key question that will decide the conflict is whether the core American demo is allowed to survive and thrive, and that doesn't happen without Trump.
Massie strikes me as the same sort of guy as Rand Paul. Right on a lot of issues, but also prone to making perfect the enemy of good. Nothing would get done if Massie was president.
Libertarian here and yeah, we're kinda notorious for that. We're policy wonks and principle hard-liners and I'm not so naive as to say it doesn't have its problems. Dave Smith criticizes it all the time, talking about libertarians who balk at tax cuts because "anything above 0% taxation is unacceptable." Technically right but not practical and politics is all about give and take. That's one thing I think Trump absolutely gets and is good at - he's all about making deals and negotiating so everyone (in theory) comes out a winner.
Massie has never passed a single bill, says there was no fraud in 2020, loves Mitch McConnell, voted to raise the debt ceiling, and is against term limits.
Wow our greatest ally clearly got triggered by meme suggestion. Funny, too, I can kind of guess who probably downvoted this thread. It's far too predictable.
Ironic given that Trump's targeting of the administrative state has probably diminished Israeli influence MORE than what people like Massie are doing.
Massie seems too domestic whereas with Trump he's a businessman that KNOWS how foreign cultures work which is why his tarrifs and strong man approach keeps WORKING.
In what way?
Because the bureaucracy was four of the five fingers in a death grip on every institution in the country?
And how has that weakened the de facto Israeli death grip on the US government?
You weren't aware that the feds were laundering speech control, Great Replacement, and globohomo through universities and corporations?
I'm being a little facile grouping Israeli interests with elite Jewish interests, but not that much.
Of course I'm aware. But cutting down on globohomo doesn't actually diminishes Israeli influence of the US political class. And it's not even clear what Trumps intentions are. Also a majority of globohomo NPCs are actually overtly hostile towards Israel.
What if for example the goal is simply to ready the US for another big war? A globohomo US isn't capable of fighting a big war. White men are not willing to die for a government that actively hates them.
So I'm going to remain skeptical and choose to not blindly trust Trump simply because he does some things I happen to agree with.
The entire globohomo project is a neocon influence game that (among other things) implicitly justifies intervention in the Middle East because sand people are a bunch of troglodytes who do mean things like throw gays off bridges. The strongest Israeli talking point is that they guarantee the rights of women and gays, and the destruction of this narrative takes away the only real moral impetus they had in the West.
You are correct that the comeback of the white straight Christian male means an army that's capable of fighting a big war. But Jewish power/Israel fears that same demographic for a good reason. White Christians have the strongest potential to think for themselves, so they're the only real threat to Israel. And now we're seeing that potential begin to catalyze.
Are they going to try to shove Trump into a war? Of course. But the key question that will decide the conflict is whether the core American demo is allowed to survive and thrive, and that doesn't happen without Trump. This is the best possible outcome. White Americans have to take it from here.
Don't you think it's a influence game to utterly destroy what's left of European culture? After all neither the funding of Israel nor any of the Middle Eastern wars were justified with gay rights but with 'muh holocaust' and 'muh democracy' and outright false flags/lies. Evangelists also don't support Israel because of gay rights but because they think they're the chosen people of God.
That remains to be seen.
Massie strikes me as the same sort of guy as Rand Paul. Right on a lot of issues, but also prone to making perfect the enemy of good. Nothing would get done if Massie was president.
Libertarian here and yeah, we're kinda notorious for that. We're policy wonks and principle hard-liners and I'm not so naive as to say it doesn't have its problems. Dave Smith criticizes it all the time, talking about libertarians who balk at tax cuts because "anything above 0% taxation is unacceptable." Technically right but not practical and politics is all about give and take. That's one thing I think Trump absolutely gets and is good at - he's all about making deals and negotiating so everyone (in theory) comes out a winner.
Trump was shot in the head.
Massie was not.
Trump is considered the greater threat.
Trump lost part of his ear and gained the presidency. Massie lost his wife. Massie is considered the greater threat.
Massie has never passed a single bill, says there was no fraud in 2020, loves Mitch McConnell, voted to raise the debt ceiling, and is against term limits.
Trump won Kentucky by 30%.
"greater threat"
Massie hasn't run for president. If he ran for president he'd most likely get assassination attempts as well.
Wow our greatest ally clearly got triggered by meme suggestion. Funny, too, I can kind of guess who probably downvoted this thread. It's far too predictable.
So the Republicans can lose?
Thanks for admitting that you can't win in American politics without israeli money
Who said 'Israeli'? Yes, you can't win without money. It's a very bad thing, but it's stupid to ignore inconvenient realities.