Fentanyl is an Opioid.
Meth is a Stimulant.
George floyd's autopsy bloodwork at the hospital showed a large amount of fentanyl and a smaller amount of meth.
In a study of cardiac arrest deaths, caused by a drug overdose, guess what the most dangerous combination was? An opioid and a stimulant.
The incidence of overdose-related cardiac arrests more than doubled in King County, Washington, from 2015 to 2021, with the biggest increase among people who had consumed opioids combined with stimulants, according to a new study. That drug profile was also the most lethal among four profiles evaluated.
The opioid+stimulant mix also was associated with worse survival than opioids alone or stimulants alone. Chatterjee hypothesized that this might be due to the dual-organ impact of opioids, which primarily affect the respiratory system, and stimulants, which can increase the risk of cardiac arrhythmias.
Yeah, it's like a druggie od'd and people rioted over it.
Faggots. The left is pro crime and pro criminal.
they're just pro Niggers, if White people rioted like niggers they'd be put down with bullets.
This! I forgot the name of the guy but wasn't there one 100% unjustifiedly shot and NO ONE said anything? Yea, they give 0 fucks about police until a dindu did do.
Daniel Shaver?
Was that the one who got the same restraining treatment as Floyd or the one who got shot for pulling his pants up while playing Simon Says with the twitchy cops?
Justine Damond is the white woman that got shot by that Somali police officer, Mohammed Noor. That’s the first one that comes to mind for me.
The authorities had to actually pretend to care about that one because she was an Australian national. If she had been American, we wouldn't even know her name.
Same thing in UK. Harry Stanley (white man) unjustly shot by cops, no riots. Jean Charles de Menezes, even a Brazilian, unjustly shot by cops (and lied about and evidence destroyed), no riots. Mark Duggan (black man) shot by cops, you get riots. And was he shot unjustly? No reason to give the cops the benefit of the doubt by then, however since he was black the official story of 'they thought he had a gun which they later found tossed from his car' might actually be true.
I cheered on the London anarchy in 2011 since I saw it as late karma for Stanley and de Menezes, as a bloody nose for unaccountable authoritarians. I was naive to the other implications. Since then, and with the recent added example of Muslims allowed to rampage around Birmingham under police supervision, it's just a reminder of how whites are second class citizens in their own countries.
Yeah they are anti-white-male, not pro-black.
A Somali cop pulled up in front of an a woman's house and shot her to death in her own front yard for no reason, in minneapolis a little before floyd. The local court gave him a significant sentence, but, the elites in the Minnesota supreme court took extra steps to step in and reduce his sentence to a few years. Literally the BLM "cops pull up and start shooting for no reason" story but since the cop and the victim black they forgot to care.
Then a White woman officer shot and killed a black guy with a warrant who was fleeing by accident, when she meant to tase them. She got a few years. Not saying she deserved more but again no rioting or big push by the elites.
Somewhere in there a hispanic cop shot a black guy who had a gun in his waistband at a traffic stop. That was uh 'white-adjacent' enough that they made a push to try to prosecute him but the jury wouldn't convict.
When floyd came along they finally had the right races to run the lynching they had obsessed their whole lives about - a white cop, and a black guy. The fact that the black guy killed himself swallowing his stash of drugs didn't matter to them. They went full court press - the elites in the government threatened the people below them, the press pushed out pointedly false propaganda about what happened, they showed the activist-taken video over and over but didn't release the bodycam video until they had a conviction and the trial was over.
I worked in the minneapolis area and after this they held a big meeting at my company about the sins of white people then "layed off" the white male low level employees. Not kidding about that. Layoff happened literally the day after they forced the white managers to give the speech. The white HR lady showed up in the next meeting and you could see she was forcing the white manager to say this stuff.
It's not pro-black, it's just anti-white-male.
Last time white people rioted they dealt with it by shooting unarmed women in the neck and heaping rewards on the guy who pulled the trigger.
If Whites rioted like that, they'd fear us so much that White neighborhoods would be no-go zones for cops.
Nah, they supported the pedos the Kenosha kid shot too.
Being pro criminal outweighs being anti white, as long as the crime hurts someone on the right (or not as far left)
Nah they hate black people that aren't liberal puppets. I wish they just did blanket worship. I wouldn't get death threats lol